Recent content by Zenkem

  1. Zenkem

    Poll: It's time Escapists. For the most important vote. (Probably NSFW)

    In my opinion, bigger is always better. I cannot fathom how someone would prefer smaller breasts; its like saying you like beautiful women as long as they're not too beautiful.
  2. Zenkem

    if it weren't illegal

    Public nudity and public sex. Drive cars those wouldn't pass vehicle inspection. It shouldn't be anyone elses problem if my car has a hole in the floor. Drugs, the kind that are illegal only because of politics. Build a house and light it with light bulbs. Finland has notoriously strict...
  3. Zenkem

    Poll: Skyrim - Echanted Item Names

    I mostly name them just so I can remember what they do, but there's one item I especially like: Smartypants.
  4. Zenkem

    The Five games that define you as a gamer

    1. Dwarf Fortress - Literally the game I've always dreamed of making. Insanely complex, painstakingly realistic and extremely gory down to medical levels, I think Tarn Adams is fulfilling my life goal. 2. Spring RTS - The online game I've invested most time on. Free, open source, and...
  5. Zenkem

    Things people keep saying you do that you don't.

    In Finland, assburger is the new gay of general-purpose insults. Everyone hears it literally daily. "You just choose to be depressed." "You are selfish because you were the only child." One of the saddest is being called gay for saying I'm not. What, would it convince you otherwise if I...
  6. Zenkem

    Poll: Survival game, without enemies?

    I see that I should clarify this a little... What I mean is a game where staying alive outside combat is the hardest part, and fighting in general is a rare and unrecommendable last resort. For example, two people eat twice as much food, but if you'd get bedridden for whatever reason, having...
  7. Zenkem

    Poll: Survival game, without enemies?

    In pretty much all survival games, whether zombie, post-nuclear or just deserted islands, the gameplay is less survival and more warfare. Throughout the Fallout-series I have killed more bandits than mutants and animals put together, and videogame houses in general tend to have more guns and...
  8. Zenkem

    Poll: That old question Fantasy or Sci fi

    As someone who loves reading all the technical information of all the equipment, I frown upon the "It's magic, I don't have to explain" cop-out. Games like Planescape Torment have interesting magic items too, but I still prefer technical descriptions that sounds plausible in this universe...
  9. Zenkem

    Poll: Discussion -- Would you sacrifice HD graphics for bigger and longer games?

    Absolutely! My favorite game is Dwarf Fortress, although enough graphics to see the detailed combat and such would be nice. I'd say mostly anyone would prefer content over graphics, but the only reason graphics are given all the focus in development is because its easier to market. A typical...
  10. Zenkem

    Am I the obly one who thinks Skyrim should have V.A.T.S.?

    This is an old topic, but I just got Skyrim and repeatedly found myself looking for VATS. I used to think this topic was silly, but Elder Scrolls and Fallout series have come so close that it definately wouldn't take a long leap to apply the aiming system too. What I find strangest is that...
  11. Zenkem

    Your Most-Hated Enemy Power!

    Plot immortality. "This guy is obviously the main villain, but he just wont die! Can someone give me a quest to kill him? *sigh* Allright Lord Evilbetrayal, what is my next assignment?" As a less meta example, Final Fantasy - Endless Nova has an enemy that attacks via judgements, like...
  12. Zenkem

    Poll: Does DRM ever actually affect your purchase?

    Absolutely. DRM:s have been catastrophic from the start, and now they have gone so far that we MUST stop buying them. I don't want to be a strikebreakear. With EA games its easy, Origin is horrible and their games suck. Saints Row would be interesting, but you must resist or they'll keep...
  13. Zenkem

    "I dont care, stop caring everyone!"

    I'm familiar with the post-count grinding, and some sites even show the post number as 999999 after it reaches one hundred to discourage it. The anonymous sites though, are even more of a mystery. Someone with no online identity at all, tells someone else with no identity that he doesn't care...
  14. Zenkem

    So Apperently The Muppets Are Communists... Yeah.

    Coming up next on Fox Kids: Lex Luthor vs. The Carpool Of Catastrophy! I have often heard not to worry about fox news because everyone knows its lies, but not everyone does. It is a faucet of false information that spews on the population, and there are ALWAYS those who believe anything from...
  15. Zenkem

    Mysterious planet-sized object spotted near mercury

    Looks like an obvious shadow image to me, as explained by NASA, who took the picture and know the technology behind it. Funny how someone takes "cloaked ship" as an obvious answer, considering we don't know anything about aliens nor cloaking.