Recent content by ZeroFarks

  1. Z

    AAA Games Have Stopped Innovating

    Ultimately it really isn't about the AAA games industry in itself, rather they are just another facet of a large global economic problem. Namely, a sinking US economy. Now I know Yahtzee lives Australia, but the people who make these games are almost entirely US based, with even their European...
  2. Z

    The Perfect Generic Game is Mad Max

    inigo montoya.jpg Alright... I think it's time we had a short but serious discussion about what a "Sandbox" game is. A sandbox game is one where player is given a more or less blank world and are then set free to do whatever they want in it. A key element of this is building things. The...
  3. Z

    How to Make A Slasher Video Game

    Well if the new Hitman game works the way they're claiming it will, you could very easily turn it into a improv slasher game, because apparently it's all about mission customization. So just make a mission where all the targets are teenagers, you need to kill them in a certain order and you...
  4. Z

    What do you want to see in Pokemon go

    I want them to design a character that is completely immune to Rule 34, because I'm tired of drinking myself to sleep so that I don't wake up screaming.
  5. Z

    Bad games with great ideas or settings

    You win the thread. Yes, I think Spore will forever hold the record for "Biggest Chasm Between what was Promised and what was Delivered."
  6. Z

    What can be done with visual novels / dateing sims?

    Have a protagonist who isn't a wimpy, scrawny, mousy "totally average" schoolkid who's uncle owns a random business that only employs hormonally mutated girls with the collective average IQs of garden vegetables who, somehow, have apparently never seen a male human being before and, despite...
  7. Z

    Dead guilds in MMOs

    That's because the modern MMO format is "You're the chosen one! And you're the chosen one! And you're the chosen one! Everybody gets to be the chosen one!" This subtly turns their players into self-righteous twits who all think that they deserve their own guild. Which they make...
  8. Z

    I Am Confused Edition: Sexist for calling someone "stunning"?

    It's actually very simple. It does not matter what you say, what you mean to say, or what your intentions are. Nor does it matter the context, the implications, or the message that you wish to convey. What comes down is this simple equation when saying anything to a woman: Are you a Hot...
  9. Z

    I might be asking a lot but...please explain Metal Gear Solid to me

    MGS is an ongoing fan tribute to Kurt Russell. Which is fine, because he is awesome.
  10. Z

    Go to hell, 2K. Sincerely, every Australian on Steam

    Aren't Chryssalids from Australia?
  11. Z

    What are our concerns about X-COM2?

    And Dr.Shen was Japanese, therefore XCOM is really just the Axis Powers all over again. I especially liked that South America (y'know, the place where all the Nazis fled to after the war) gave the bonus of "We have ways (of making you talk)" that gave instant interrogation results on...
  12. Z

    What are our concerns about X-COM2?

    Kind of like "The Race" in Harry Turtledove's "Invasion" series? I actually like this idea. In XCOM we certainly did see that the aliens liked messing with DNA a lot, and barely bothered with technology upgrades at all (they added more armor to two units - big whoop). We got the entire line...
  13. Z

    What are our concerns about X-COM2?

    I know that I'm setting myself up for a "white knight" pile-on, but I don't care. I'm worried. I love X-COM, all the way from the old 4.5" floppy original to the last Firaxis reboot. Because I love the series I sincerely get scared when I imagine the possibility that they might screw up on...