£60-70 for Games just do not make sense in 2020...


Elite Member
Nov 15, 2012
Depends on the game: I could have justified £70 for RDR2 -- I've got loads of hours of enjoyment from it; I couldn't justify it for, say, Crusader Kings 3 because I've barely got past the tutorial for CK2 without giving up.

This is one of the oft ovelrooked factors in the gaming price.

Per hour, yeah, its cheaper generally then most of your other go arounds. But the movie/rock concert/etc you generally are gonna get the whole thing.

If you shell out your 60/70 on the game, you're going to run anywhere between 10 minutes and 60 (or more hours), but unless its a pretty known commodity, you may have no idea which end it lands on.

Most of the AAA's are, for better or worse, known commodities. Their audience knows what they're getting. The folks who enjoy an Assassins Creed are getting 60-100 hours of Assassins Creed for their money. the COD/Fifa/Madden etc dudes are getting literal hundreds of hours and oft times also socialize through those games as well (akin to going out with your buddies for drinks, except your buddies don't have to be physically available). You get the odd hiccup (Fallout 76 for instance).
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The Muse of Fate
Apr 3, 2020
w/ M'Kraan Crystal
Actually money is finite; there’s only so much of it a person can afford to spend on luxuries.
Spending money now is basically like loaning out your future time because the more money you waste now, the longer you'll have to end up working. I look at wasted money today as wasting my future time basically. Video games are some of the cheapest luxuries out there so buying a game a full price (that I'll sell when I'm done anyway) that I think I'll really enjoy is peanuts compared to most other things (even necessities). The amount people waste on cell phones alone (the phone and the service) is beyond ridiculous. I just recently "splurged" and bought a $180 phone since I switched to a $15/month plan.