Denamic said:
Sonic Doctor said:
What I said had nothing to do with what you responded with, but I'll play along with a response anyway.
Graphic novels are considered artbooks because they're full of art. Therefore, non-fiction. Again, libraries do not censor and do not restrict access. It isn't their responsibility, nor should it be.
Also, do not care about how some libraries sort their books, so I'll ignore future arguments about that.
I'll say what I want, you can ignore it or not. It is an argument and I will used whatever relevant ammunition I want to get my point across, even if people stick their fingers in their ears and over their eyes.
What I said had everything to do with what you said.
I'm not saying that you have to restrict what's in the library. I'm only saying that it should properly be cataloged and put in proper sections. Plus, rules are only to be followed to a point; common sense is involved when knowing how rules are to be followed. Every library I've been to wouldn't have let a ten year-old check that book out, adult material should not be in the hands of children, it is common sense prevention and a library knows that the "no restriction of access" does not mean that children are allowed to check out adult material, especially porn.
I knew people when I was in college that their major was in Library Science. They were actually studying to be librarians. I had actually asked one of them one time about how graphic novels are dealt with when cataloging and placing.
I was told that since graphic novels are not just art, they have stories, they are placed in whatever the section the story fits. So the graphic novel in question in the article, should have been in the fiction section since the story is fiction.
Also, I learned from the library science students, that their are sections of classes that teach the ethics of book loaning. Giving a kid adult material was on the lists of do not do it.
Of course the parent has responsibility on what the kid checks out, but also it is up to the library to watch what kids are exposed to.
If I see a kid that is getting into something questionable, I'm not going to just say, "oh well, the parent should be watching the kid, if something happens it isn't my fault."
If a kid is harmed physically or mentally and I was right there to stop it and I did nothing, I would be at fault.