Castlevania Rises on 3DS

Marshall Honorof

New member
Feb 16, 2011
Castlevania Rises on 3DS

A Lords of Shadow continuation will come to Nintendo's handheld.

What is a new Castlevania announcement? A miserable little pile of tidbits! Those hankering for a new vampire-killing melodrama to take on the go will likely be pleased to hear that Castlevania: Lords of Shadow - Mirror of Fate will make its way to the 3DS in the near-future. However, those hoping for a return-to-Metroidvania-form after the well-received Lords of Shadow [] will have to continue waiting. Mirror of Fate will be a 3D action/adventure title starring series mainstay Trevor Belmont.

Very little information exists about Mirror of Fate beyond the fact that it will dominate Nintendo Power's cover next month and reveal more information within. The information available suggests that the game will star Trevor Belmont, probably an alternate-continuity version of the one who appeared in Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse, Curse of Darkness, and Judgment. Trevor will wield a modified Combat Cross, perform light and heavy attacks, wield sub-weapons, earn experience, and hunt down hidden items in his quest against the game's various monsters and undead.

These features will sound like old hat to any series veteran; otherwise, welcome to Castlevania. We hope that you will enjoy your stay. Mirror of Fate will probably not radically change the Lords of Shadow paradigm - or indeed, that of Castlevania overall - but could provide a fun way to continue the adventures of the Belmont family while traveling. As long as it's better than Order of Shadows [], it should be fine; mankind ill needed a savior such as that.

Source: Go Nintendo []



New member
Nov 19, 2009
blech, it's related to LoS, pass. Probably the worst decision Konami ever did for a key franchise aside from farming out Silent Hill to mediocre Western developers. Wake me up when Iga's back on the series again and properly guiding it.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Metoridvania > God of War Clone

Why deviate from the classic formula? The DS games were excellent and full of innovation while staying within the formula.

Lovely Mixture

New member
Jul 12, 2011
Aiddon said:
blech, it's related to LoS, pass. Probably the worst decision Konami ever did for a key franchise aside from farming out Silent Hill to mediocre Western developers. Wake me up when Iga's back on the series again and properly guiding it.
jackpackage200 said:
Metoridvania > God of War Clone

Why deviate from the classic formula? The DS games were excellent and full of innovation while staying within the formula.
I share these sentiments. Having recently gotten back into all the 2D Castlevania titles, it really saddens me that Konami doesn't have the same level of care for their franchises that they used to.

They didn't even give original continuity a proper conclusion.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Dammit, I wanted more metroidvania. Why the hell do they keep doing these stupid 3d things?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Worgen said:
Dammit, I wanted more metroidvania. Why the hell do they keep doing these stupid 3d things?
Because Konami is run by morons who hate every single one of their Japanese members except for Kojima (whose influence has become a bit poisonous in recent years)

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Ehhh...ignoring the fact that LoS doesn't really feel like a Castlevania game (But it's fun nonetheless), why announce this game for the 3DS? It seems to me it would be more fitting for a home console, what with the dynamic gameplay and cool graphics. Yeah, the 3DS has cool graphics. But like with 3D movies, they will surely have to find a way to take advantage of the 3D feature, maybe even going out of their way regarding the plot or cutscenes to make that happen (The original LoS was very dark and grim; 3D graphics like that wouldn't work).

And don't even get me started on trying to implement that stupid use-your-stylus-somehow gameplay.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Aiddon said:
blech, it's related to LoS, pass.
jackpackage200 said:
Metoridvania > God of War Clone
Worgen said:
Dammit, I wanted more metroidvania.
What these people said. Why the guys behind Castlevania keep trying for a 3D title is beyond me. I can't think of a single time it's worked while their 2D titles (Symphony of the Night and Dawn of Sorrow especially for me) stand out as not just good but Great.

You know what'd be an awesome idea? Ditch the alternate universe crap no one cares about and set a game during the Demon Castle War.


New member
Jul 31, 2009
I heard this was the place to QQ about no 2D Castlevania or Metroid games so...

(>;_;)> We wants them <(Q_Q<)

Or at least for one new IP to come along and replace them. I would love a decent Alundra reboot or similarly good action rpg.

*goes back to Dragon's Dogma*


New member
Apr 14, 2009
To be fair, the very first Castlevanias were linear games, not sure about this, though. I'll wait for it to release before I do any judging, though.

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
chstens said:
To be fair, the very first Castlevanias were linear games, not sure about this, though. I'll wait for it to release before I do any judging, though.
This, I'm gonna wait and see how this turns out before I send it to the gallows. Kinda hoping they make another 2-D one like the ones they did for the DS, I frickin loved those and even got a few of the GBA ones as well.


New member
Aug 20, 2008
Well, IGN said it will be 2d and like the other handheld Castlevanias. I've also been seeing a lot of confusion because there is a 3ds game and a console one coming out. Both sequels to lords of shadow. Apparently the 3ds one will have some AR camera related puzzles using the cameras. Not saying this is all true, but I freaking love castlevania and I've been looking in to this.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I don't object to Castlevania deviating from the Metroidvania model. It sounds like a great idea to ape God of War and Shadow of the Colossus on paper but it just didn't pan out for the console release a year or however long ago. I honestly hated Lord of Shadows...I'm likely going to pass up the 3DS one but I don't object to Castlevania going back to a more linear style, like the NES ones ya know? There's more wrong with a failed mimic than a tried-and-true Metroidvania or something linear like Super Castlevania 4.

I'll likely wait until Nintendo Power before I make a more concrete buying decision.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
You've misread your source; nowhere does it mention that Mirror of Fate will be a 3D action/adventure game. In fact, according to these scans [] from Nintendo Power, the game will still be a 2D (well 2.5D; a little disappointed it's not sprite based this time) with a non-linear, aka metroidvania, level progression.

from the scans said:
Unlike the original Lords of shadow, which was a three-dimensional action game that took place across numerous discrete levels, Mirror of fate is much more adventure-orientated, featuring a massive, nonlinear castle and plentiful exploration elements. The game is presented almost entirely in 2.5D - 2D gameplay set within gorgeous polygonal environments that look absolutely amazing thanks to stereoscopic visual effects with occasional shifts into full 3D gameplay. All told the structure is more comparable to Nintendo DS titles such as Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow than it is to the first Lords of Shadoew.


New member
Sep 14, 2008
Aiddon said:
blech, it's related to LoS, pass. Probably the worst decision Konami ever did for a key franchise aside from farming out Silent Hill to mediocre Western developers. Wake me up when Iga's back on the series again and properly guiding it.
jackpackage200 said:
Metoridvania > God of War Clone

Why deviate from the classic formula? The DS games were excellent and full of innovation while staying within the formula.
Lovely Mixture said:
Aiddon said:
blech, it's related to LoS, pass. Probably the worst decision Konami ever did for a key franchise aside from farming out Silent Hill to mediocre Western developers. Wake me up when Iga's back on the series again and properly guiding it.
jackpackage200 said:
Metoridvania > God of War Clone

Why deviate from the classic formula? The DS games were excellent and full of innovation while staying within the formula.
I share these sentiments. Having recently gotten back into all the 2D Castlevania titles, it really saddens me that Konami doesn't have the same level of care for their franchises that they used to.

They didn't even give original continuity a proper conclusion.
Worgen said:
Dammit, I wanted more metroidvania. Why the hell do they keep doing these stupid 3d things?
UncleUlty said:
Read the article title: All Right!

Read the article: Dammit!
Beautiful End said:
Ehhh...ignoring the fact that LoS doesn't really feel like a Castlevania game (But it's fun nonetheless), why announce this game for the 3DS? It seems to me it would be more fitting for a home console, what with the dynamic gameplay and cool graphics. Yeah, the 3DS has cool graphics. But like with 3D movies, they will surely have to find a way to take advantage of the 3D feature, maybe even going out of their way regarding the plot or cutscenes to make that happen (The original LoS was very dark and grim; 3D graphics like that wouldn't work).

And don't even get me started on trying to implement that stupid use-your-stylus-somehow gameplay.
Amnestic said:
Aiddon said:
blech, it's related to LoS, pass.
jackpackage200 said:
Metoridvania > God of War Clone
Worgen said:
Dammit, I wanted more metroidvania.
What these people said. Why the guys behind Castlevania keep trying for a 3D title is beyond me. I can't think of a single time it's worked while their 2D titles (Symphony of the Night and Dawn of Sorrow especially for me) stand out as not just good but Great.

You know what'd be an awesome idea? Ditch the alternate universe crap no one cares about and set a game during the Demon Castle War.
KoudelkaMorgan said:
I heard this was the place to QQ about no 2D Castlevania or Metroid games so...

(>;_;)> We wants them <(Q_Q<)

Or at least for one new IP to come along and replace them. I would love a decent Alundra reboot or similarly good action rpg.

*goes back to Dragon's Dogma*
chstens said:
To be fair, the very first Castlevanias were linear games, not sure about this, though. I'll wait for it to release before I do any judging, though.
dalek sec said:
chstens said:
To be fair, the very first Castlevanias were linear games, not sure about this, though. I'll wait for it to release before I do any judging, though.
This, I'm gonna wait and see how this turns out before I send it to the gallows. Kinda hoping they make another 2-D one like the ones they did for the DS, I frickin loved those and even got a few of the GBA ones as well.
Zer0Saber said:
Well, IGN said it will be 2d and like the other handheld Castlevanias. I've also been seeing a lot of confusion because there is a 3ds game and a console one coming out. Both sequels to lords of shadow. Apparently the 3ds one will have some AR camera related puzzles using the cameras. Not saying this is all true, but I freaking love castlevania and I've been looking in to this.
Shoggoth2588 said:
I don't object to Castlevania deviating from the Metroidvania model. It sounds like a great idea to ape God of War and Shadow of the Colossus on paper but it just didn't pan out for the console release a year or however long ago. I honestly hated Lord of Shadows...I'm likely going to pass up the 3DS one but I don't object to Castlevania going back to a more linear style, like the NES ones ya know? There's more wrong with a failed mimic than a tried-and-true Metroidvania or something linear like Super Castlevania 4.

I'll likely wait until Nintendo Power before I make a more concrete buying decision.
Don't worry guys, he's just making stuff up; nowhere in the source does it claim that Mirror of Fate is a 3D action game à la LoS.

The NP scans [] have been leaked and it's confirmed (exact page) [] that MoF will be a metroidvania game, just with the combat, aesthetics and lore of LoS.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
10BIT said:
The NP scans [] have been leaked and it's confirmed (exact page) [] that MoF will be a metroidvania game, just with the combat, aesthetics and lore of LoS.
That's...better, I suppose. I'll grant LoS that it did combat generally competently enough. Having 2.5D Metroidvania is a damn sight better than full 3D.

Still not sure why we're sticking to the alternate LoS universe though. We've not exactly run out of actual Castlevania stories to tell, you know?


New member
Nov 19, 2009
10BIT said:
Don't worry guys, he's just making stuff up; nowhere in the source does it claim that Mirror of Fate is a 3D action game à la LoS.

The NP scans [] have been leaked and it's confirmed (exact page) [] that MoF will be a metroidvania game, just with the combat, aesthetics and lore of LoS.
I was aware of that, but it's still being made by a hack studio who people only paid attention to because Kojima's name was slapped on as the spell-checker. Their attempt at 3D action was mediocre and I very much doubt their attempt at Metroidvania will be anything but mediocre as well.