Sony Confident Of PS3 PAL Victory

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Sony Confident Of PS3 PAL Victory

SCEE President, David Reeves, has claimed that the PlayStation 3 is beating the Xbox 360 in the PAL regions.

Backed by internal Sony sales figures, Reeves said that he was "confident that in PAL territories our installed base is 300,000 units ahead of Xbox 360."

Reeves was also quick to quash rumors of a PS3 price cut. Addressing 'leaks' from a recent Sony meeting, he said, "No we are not going to go down in price; neither are we going to go down in price on PS3 in spring time either. Absolutely not, whatever you might have heard to the contrary,"

He went on to say, "We're relying on the fact that the industry will keep growing and while we might have a comparatively smaller share of the market we will have higher sales. PS3 is tracking where PS2 was at the same point in its life. The value added strategy will continue for some years to come."

Some [] might argue that this is a risky strategy in the current economic climate, especially as the PS3 is more than twice the price of an entry level Xbox 360, but only time will tell if this gamble will pay off.

Source: MCV [] via CVG []



New member
Feb 6, 2008
Still dont see the point in buying one yet...Good looking as MGS, Chrono Trigger, LBP & Fat Princess are, im not paying £300 so I can pay anohter £150+ to play 4 exclusive games.


New member
Sep 9, 2008
For the most part, mine sits there, gathering dust. A glorified, overpriced DVD player. The media functionality is a damn sight easier to use than the xbox and I like the visualisations better, so it is my console of preference when streaming videos/music, but for gaming, I rarely touch it.


is Only Bob
Nov 29, 2007

Why does my country have be so fond of their overpriced, demonstrably worse console.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Cut it out guys, your going to summon Indigo Dingo talking like that.

Technically this is true, PS3 is outselling the Xbox360 in Europe by at least double, IIRC. It's only in the US and I THINK Britain the Xbox is spanking the PS3.


New member
Mar 10, 2008
BobisOnlyBob said:

Why does my country have be so fond of their overpriced, demonstrably worse console.
Leave the fanboyism out the door please.

Indigo_Dingo said:
Speaking from a marketting standpoint, it somewhat makes sense to deny a price cut even if they are going to have it. If they said they were going to cut the price in three months, no-one would buy the thing now.
While that does make sense, it would be stupid to completely deny a price cut and then have the price cut at the time it was rumoursed, wouldn't it? I'd just use the ole' Sony excuse, "We do not comment on rumored material".


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Yeah, it would be best to just give a "No Comment", so people aren't sure. Because if there's one thing i've learned, it's whenever a game company tells me something definativly, 80% of the time they are LYING. So, I always assume they're lying. So they should tell me the OPPOSITE of what they want me to believe.


New member
Apr 28, 2008
Knowing Sony they will add something inconsequential to the console raise the price $50 and call it a price cut on the new model.

Lt. Sera

New member
Apr 22, 2008
isn't it just a case of the 'most people that wanted an xbox already have one by now?'. The ps3 was late to the party, perhaps it's now simply finally peaking, while the xbox has reached it's saturation point.
Not much to be proud of, but they all seem to take whatever win they can.


New member
Aug 21, 2008
That's funny, because microsoft are saying the EXACT same thing, so who's lying?

It's all crap anyway, who the hell cares who is beating who? this announcement will help no one.

Anyway it doesn't even matter, I own neither console, I may get a ps3 later next year, but sony is beating no one. They will beat microsoft when they start making a damned profit (probably by about the end of next year or whenever the tech becomes cheap enough to manufacture) although the same could be said for microsoft, who are just about breaking even.

I think the only reason they haven't pulled a sega is because they are huge companies who gain their monies though other products.


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Of course, Microsoft claim otherwise [], and without hard evidence (the people who collect the numbers keep them secret)it's hard to tell who the liar is here...

Singing Gremlin

New member
Jan 16, 2008
Well it says they're "confident", not "certain" I reckon their basis for outselling the Xbox is that Microsoft claims otherwise, and Microsoft ALWAYS LIES!

I jest, I jest.

Well, maybe not about the lying bit...


New member
Nov 6, 2007
This is something that annoys me about Sony (and the games market in particular but I'm going to spew venom at them today, its MS's turn tomorrow) the PAL territories here in Europe (not sure if this is the same with Australia) have traditionallybeen far more favourale to the Playstation brand than its rivals in previous generations yet we got shanked by them badly with the PS3, release date pushed back months, highest prices of all on release, backwards compatibility cut out and replased with one that barely worked (before it was all cut out), customer loyalty clearly doesn't pay.

I'm not going to claim that either of the other two are much better, Nintendo used to be even worse in their treatment of Europe in the 90's, but Sony particularly annoyed me over this.