Firefly Reunion Special Airing in November

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Firefly Reunion Special Airing in November

Footage for a one-hour documentary will come from San Diego Comic-Con.

Joss Whedon's short-lived sci-fi Western Firefly turns ten years old this year. Ten years later, fans of the series, who call themselves "Browncoats," are still passionate about it. They've supported efforts to make a revive it entirely [], just to name a few. While none of these fan efforts have succeeded, Firefly will at last be returning to television this fall.

Just not how most fans were hoping it would.

This week, several members of the cast of Firefly and creator Joss Whedon are reuniting at San Diego Comic-Con for a 10th-anniversary reunion panel celebrating the series. The Science Channel will be on hand filming the panel - and its fans - for an hour-long documentary called Browncoats Unite.

The documentary will also feature interviews with the cast and crew of Firefly, as well as footage from a roundtable discussion where they say they will "dive deeper into burning fan questions about the beloved series." Presumably, one such question will be, why the hell didn't Mal and Inara just hook up at the end? Seriously, they teased that from the beginning, but we never got a payoff.

"Firefly is a landmark work of science fiction and a favorite with our viewers," said Science Channel executive VP Debbie Meyers. "Ever since it premiered on Science, fans have asked us to do something special to mark its 10-year anniversary. With this signature celebration, punctuated by Browncoats Unite, we will connect the minds behind this classic franchise with its legions of passionate fans."

Browncoats Unite will premiere on the Science Channel on November 11th in concert with an all-day Firefly marathon.


Source: Entertainment Weekly []



The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
They're still banging on about that, huh?

I mean, I enjoyed the show too, but bloody hell people. I'm surprised the actors haven't all died of old age by now.


Ep. VI: Return of the turret
May 7, 2009
You know what?

I actually don't want Firefly to continue any more. It's become defined by its unexpected end, so undoing that would just mean it wasn't Firefly any more.

Not to mention the fact that it could never meet my absurdly high expectations.


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Is the thumbnail for the article someone's avatar around here? Looks familiar.


New member
Nov 25, 2010
I've been a big fan of the series since day one but I've long since gotten to the point where I feel this rabid fandom has been going on for too long.

The cast members have been participating in numerous panels annually since the show ended... what the hell do they have left to talk about?

A 10 year reunion special? Sure, sounds good. I just hope it doesn't get the Browncoats riled up again with false hopes.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Mcoffey said:
As much as I love Firefly, I feel that the Brown Coats almost cult-like passion should be remembered more. God damn guys. It's incredible what they've accomplished. Shows that have run ten times as long have already faded from the public memory.

I guess you really can't stop the signal.
That's probably the major take away.

Folks just want actual good television. Now I don't get around to all of the 4-5 hundred stations my service provides, but anytime I skim I see nothing but shit.

Again, totally small pool and small time frames, but I don't even use our provided TV service anymore after a month or two of just being disappointed :p.

Shows on demand and usually shows that aren't running anymore. Makes me feel like an old fart.


New member
Feb 2, 2008
Zhukov said:
They're still banging on about that, huh?

I mean, I enjoyed the show too, but bloody hell people. I'm surprised the actors haven't all died of old age by now.
Or in Fillions case he's just got chunky. Castle was an interesting watch after watching a few episodes of Firefly the other day...

The Lugz

New member
Apr 23, 2011
Hua o_O firefly fans call themselves brown coats?

do they not realize what that means..

sa storm troopers are brown coats, they should really rename themselves.


New member
May 13, 2011

The classic terms for fascists were "Brown Shirts" or "Black Shirts" (depending on the country), not "Brown COATS".

Still, 3/10.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I just watched the episode commentaries that came with the DVD boxset and enjoyed them all, so much fun, so this should be right up my street. I would still love to see another series, and yes I think it could be done, or even just a final movie. We had closure, sure. It was ten years ago, sure. But ultimately it was without a shadow of a doubt in my mind the single most pure and perfect piece of fiction made, and a contender for greatest tv show made for sure. And just to put it out there, that fight scene from the Adam Baldwin episode of Castle's latest season, totally proves Nathan Fillion can cut an action scene like a badass.


New member
Sep 14, 2011
People are still banging on about this? I agree with Zhukov. Its been ten years, time to get over it. Its not coming back, no-one really wants it to come back, if by some miracle it did come back, the fans would hate it.

Remember Indiana Jones?

Yeah, there you go.


New member
May 2, 2011
Mcoffey said:
As much as I love Firefly, I feel that the Brown Coats almost cult-like passion should be remembered more. God damn guys. It's incredible what they've accomplished. Shows that have run ten times as long have already faded from the public memory.

I guess you really can't stop the signal.
I see what you did there.

It really is amazing what they acomplished, gave Mr. Fillion a career for one thing. The show wouldn't have even had more than just a couple of episodes if it wasn't for the massive effort they made to keep it going for a whole season.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Fine, I'll watch Firefly. It's on Netflix, it's pretty short and I'm out of things to watch anyway. Even though all those fanboys make it look like Geezus' second coming, it probably won't live to my expectations exactly because of that.

But at least I'll know what the big deal is about and I'll be able to judge it by myself.