11-Yr-Old Girl Saves Baby Bird From Cat, Mom Gets $535 Fine


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Someone must Really hate birds

where is the Common Sense these days?


New member
Sep 20, 2008
Some neighbour probably bitched to the officials and completely bullshitted the story to sound like something else. Then they challenged it and the officials were like ><


New member
Jul 29, 2011
Now they need to go back and fine the woman for calling her daughter Skylar.

Is it just me or are more and more daft people having kids and coming up with the most rediculous names they can think of.

Should have called her Bob.

ShindoL Shill

Truely we are the Our Avatars XI
Jul 11, 2011
hooray for the edit!
still, fucking retarded fining her in the first place...


New member
Apr 18, 2011
You know I used to get mad about things like this and all the anti America comments that go with it but I'm finding it hard to care anymore seeing as people will bad mouth America at every opportunity I mean I can think of about a dozen problems with other countries right of the top of my head lets start shall we, in England if somebody is holding you at gun point the law states that if you fight back you go to jail, in Australia gun laws are getting so tight its becoming hard to own a bb gun, in north Korea athletes are put to death if they dont do well enough in a sporting event.....in a GAME, in Canada taxes are super high and again gun laws are pretty tight Hmmmmm need I go on??!!


New member
Jan 17, 2009
The_root_of_all_evil said:
CJ1145 said:
Stop it, America. No other country on the planet has enforced laws to violently stupid that it has actually made me want to become a criminal.
C'mon CJ, England, Canada and Australia have all got equally stupid laws. America's just got more of them because it's bigger.
I was thinking the same thing. Here in England its currently illegal to stab a guy who is attacking you in your home. Its apparently using unnecessary force.

Every time I go to buy knives, I have to show my ID to prove i'm 18 and they're thinking of moving it up to 21. If I, however, go to purchase an air rifle with metal pellets or a baseball bat, I do not.

Laws are retarded sometimes.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Mackheath said:
Frost27 said:
Wow, I can't wait until you get elected president. Life will truly be wonderful when you repeal the speed limit laws because child abuse is a more serious problem and legalize drugs nationwide because there may be a high crime rate somewhere. Clearly you have noticed what the rest of the world could not, the shocking truth that we are only able to effectively enforce one set of laws at a time. In fact, I'll bet that while that state trooper was writing that ticket, 10 babies died that he should have been out saving. Because that's how reality works.
Nice to know you can put words in my mouth.

You are comparing speed limits (which save lives of humans) to rescuing woodpeckers (which don't.)

You don't know anything of my stance on crime, only that I think saving animals is useless next to saving humans. Despite my contempt for them, I like to think and feel safe, knowing that the law can be enforced properly, instead of being distracted by petty things, like this case.

As a matter of fact, I would legalise drugs, and give people the choice to use it. And this is coming from a person those father was a heavy heroin addict, who almost persuaded the mother of his kid to try crack when I was in the womb, and OD'ed several times. So don't patronise me because I think saving wildlife is a waste of time.
speed limits are actually useless because the people who would break them are breaking them and the people who arent wouldnt, therefor all they do is give drivers something else to pay attention to

and i agree partially about legalisation, soft drugs(LSD,marijuana, Ecstasy, shrooms) should be legal but the hard stuff that messes you up(heroin,meth,crack,PCP,crocodile) shouldnt

OT: that law is retarded but there are laws that make that seem intelligent like...

mandatory sentencing(the reason that if this got to the courts she had a chance of going to jail)

sex offender registry(you can get on for public urination, groping someone, flashing, sex in public, mooning, streaking, skinny dippin, public masterbation, being naked in public, yet some of the lists will show you the same as they'd show a child rapist IE without mentioning the crime)

a certain part of child porn laws(if you take a picture OF YOURSELF underage your distributing child porn AND IF YOUR LIKE 14 WITH A 14 YEAR OLD GF and you look at her pic your viewing child porn(never mind being the same age))

a certain part of some rape laws(if she's drunk technically its rape, even though she probably consented and is only pressing charges because she regrets it, because apparantly in some places you dont own up to your drunken misdeeds you blame "rape")

age of consent laws(depending on the age, the law is saying that if your below the age your not smart enough to know what you want, which might be true if the AOC was like 11 not now that in some places its like 21 and in america its between 16 and 18 and what if your both underage did you rape each other simultaineosly? will you need 2 lawyers and 2 prosecutors?)

zero tolerance policies(this is how you get people in trouble for swallowing mouthwash, or for taking birth control pills or for bringing toy soldiers with guns to school to support the troops, or strip searching a 12 year old girl because another girl who is in trouble said she had drugs meanwhile teens are finding increasingly creative and dangerous ways to break rules, ike vodka tampons or the choking game or huffing paint, while we get smarter you guys get dumber apparantly)

that thing that says pedos cant live in certain places(greeaaat now they can go under the radar, great job geniuses, remember the colony of pedos in florida under the bridge?)

how about marijuana, LSD and Ecstasy being illegal? i doubt you'd be able to find your car or another person or a weapon or anything required to do something illegal on LSD weed makes you lazy paranoid happy and hungry and Ecstasy just makes you really happy, none of those are ideal for committing crimes, none of them are addictive, none of them have any bad side effects(that matter, before you say that weed has a 0.008% chance of giving you lung cancer i'd like to point out that going outside has a chance of giving you skin cancer and that breathing air can give you lung cancer and that... actually just watch 1000 ways to die, it shows that literally anything can kill you but at a really low rate(like less than 0.001%)

that law is just the tip of the iceberg in stupid laws and dont get me started about why stupid laws and tools who follow it blindly(like the person who reported this bird case to the authorities) are a bad combo

if your curious about anything i mentioned in this rant, download google chrome, view this post select the text you want to know about right click and either copy paste into address bar and press enter or click "search google for"

TL;DR there are a million worse laws out there count your blessings


New member
Mar 1, 2010
Detective Prince said:

Seriously that is the stupidest law I've ever read. I'd wanna see the mother in prison just for this conversation...

Prisoner: What you in for?
Mother: My daughter saved a bird from a cat.
Prisoner: .......
Made me "XD". What an awesome conversation that would have been.

OT: Good to see it worked out, sadly I wouldnt be suprised if it hadnt.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
its amazing how human beings can be jailed because of an ANIMAL.
since when did animal lives become more protected than human lives?

either way, the people that issued the fines don't count as humans and should be shot like animals. thats how i see it.