New Zealand Prime Minister Orders Megaupload Inquiry

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
New Zealand Prime Minister Orders Megaupload Inquiry

The Prime Minster of New Zealand says the Government Communications Security Bureau acted "unlawfully" by aiding in the arrest of Megaupload founder Kim Dotcom.

There's still a long way to go before it's over, but the case against Megaupload founder and alleged copyright infringement mastermind Kim Dotcom is looking more and more like an utterly bungled mess. The latest blow against it came from no less a figure than New Zealand Prime Minister John Key himself, who has ordered an inquiry into the "unlawful interception of certain individuals by the Government Communications Security Bureau []." Those "certain individuals" are presumed to be Dotcom and other Megaupload executives and their families who were arrested at the request of the U.S. government.

The role of the GCSB in the Megaupload affair is problematic because it is legally forbidden from spying on citizens or permanent residents of New Zealand. Key said he was made aware of the situation after speaking to the head of the agency last Monday, after which he took the matter to Inspector General Paul Neazor for investigation.

"I expect our intelligence agencies to operate always within the law. Their operations depend on public trust," Key said. "I look forward to the Inspector-General's inquiry getting to the heart of what took place and what can be done about it." He said he was unable to comment further because of the relation of the matter to the Megaupload litigation currently before New Zealand's High Court.

Dotcom wrote on Twitter that he "welcomed" the inquiry and suggested that it be extended "to cover the entire Crown Law Mega case." Not everyone was as generous in their assessment of the situation, however, including New Zealand Labour Party Leader David Shearer, who said the Prime Minister is responsible for "signing off all intercept warrants by GSCB."

"John Key must also come clean about his claim that he hadn't heard of Kim Dotcom until the solicitor-general briefed him the day before the raid on the German businessman's mansion," Shearer said. "This is simply not credible given the range of people close to John Key who were involved in the Dotcom case."

The U.S. government's case against Dotcom has grown increasingly shaky since his arrest in January. In May, the U.S. was ordered to illegal []. His lead attorney in the U.S., Ira Rothken, said he's looking forward to "learning [about] any U.S. involvement in alleged domestic spying in N.Z."

Dotcom's extradition hearing is currently scheduled to begin in March 2013.

Sources: Newsroom America []


Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Ok this is just a PR exercise. The standard practice when dealing with intelligence agencies in this situation is say they are acting on information received from a foreign government. They may be banned from spying on NZ citizens and residents but the NSA and GCHQ isn't. Seeing that NZ, US, UK and AUS are all involved in the echelon network you simply take the data out of the server in Fort Meade and email it to NZ. Its a well know dodge that has been used on trans-caribbean drug traffickers for years. In that case its the NSA is banned from operating in the US but the intercepts come from a foreign power over the echelon system.


Senior Member
Jul 16, 2008
Cue MU apologists saying this is some sort of triumph, and acting like an inquiry necessarily means proof of wrongdoing. Ironically, that "guilty until proven innocent" thinking is not applied to Dotcom himself. But please, continue castigating the US instead of discussing whether Kim actually dood it.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
JonnWood said:
Cue MU apologists saying this is some sort of triumph, and acting like an inquiry necessarily means proof of wrongdoing. Ironically, that "guilty until proven innocent" thinking is not applied to Dotcom himself. But please, continue castigating the US instead of discussing whether Kim actually dood it.

Quick cast him out into outer darkness for not expressing a popular opinion. Stone the heretic in the name of free speech.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
albino boo said:
JonnWood said:
Cue MU apologists saying this is some sort of triumph, and acting like an inquiry necessarily means proof of wrongdoing. Ironically, that "guilty until proven innocent" thinking is not applied to Dotcom himself. But please, continue castigating the US instead of discussing whether Kim actually dood it.

Quick cast him out into outer darkness for not expressing a popular opinion. Stone the heretic in the name of free speech.
Works for me. When I lived in the US I had friends that got stoned all the time, and they loved it.


Ooooh...I has custom title.
Jul 18, 2009
albino boo said:
JonnWood said:
Cue MU apologists saying this is some sort of triumph, and acting like an inquiry necessarily means proof of wrongdoing. Ironically, that "guilty until proven innocent" thinking is not applied to Dotcom himself. But please, continue castigating the US instead of discussing whether Kim actually dood it.

Quick cast him out into outer darkness for not expressing a popular opinion. Stone the heretic in the name of free speech.
The thing is, regardless of what he has done, if the spying and the arrest are all proven to be illegal it can seriously harm the case against him and potentially have it thrown out.

Ive been listening to this on the radio and basically it sounds like its already known that it is illegal, and they are simply doing an investigation into who's responsible. The vibe has been basically these kinds of investigations are unheard of, so for the PM to come out and say "Hey...what the hell are you guys doing?" is pretty crazy since these things are normally kept under wraps and settled internally.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
Jesus Christ....this is what happens when governments get all up and anty over wanting to shut someone down, and then forget the rules they set and don't abide by them. And when they don't, they lose all the traction they had gained.

doggie015 said:
Is it just me or does the guy remind you of Jim Sterling?
I remember thinking that when he was first arrested. I was all "WTF? Jimquisition was also Megaupload?" Then I got a closer look and realised I was wrong.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
So it turns out the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Bill English, knew about it before John Key did. What especially cracks me up about it is that he signed the ministerial certificate (essentially a suppression order to keep the public from finding out) while he was acting as Prime Minister as Key was overseas on holiday at the time. Also, Key only found out yesterday about English's role in this situation. Great communication there!


Assumed Lurker
Mar 27, 2009
DVS BSTrD said:
About fucking time, this whole affair has been one sorry mistake after another.
Man, you gotta post normally more. I was searching your post for a pun for a few minutes. I'm still kinda paranoid that I missed one anyway.

I agree completely, by the way.


New member
Sep 24, 2009
I really don't like Kim Dotcom, the guy's an arse and a douchebag. But I hate illegal search and seizure more, because quite frankly, the search and seizure is far more likely to have a negative effect on my life than some dude running his company with shady practices.

That said, I hope he gets off scott-free as a big middle finger to the Copyright Inquisition.

Albino Boo

New member
Jun 14, 2010
Doom-Slayer said:
albino boo said:
JonnWood said:
Cue MU apologists saying this is some sort of triumph, and acting like an inquiry necessarily means proof of wrongdoing. Ironically, that "guilty until proven innocent" thinking is not applied to Dotcom himself. But please, continue castigating the US instead of discussing whether Kim actually dood it.

Quick cast him out into outer darkness for not expressing a popular opinion. Stone the heretic in the name of free speech.
The thing is, regardless of what he has done, if the spying and the arrest are all proven to be illegal it can seriously harm the case against him and potentially have it thrown out.

Ive been listening to this on the radio and basically it sounds like its already known that it is illegal, and they are simply doing an investigation into who's responsible. The vibe has been basically these kinds of investigations are unheard of, so for the PM to come out and say "Hey...what the hell are you guys doing?" is pretty crazy since these things are normally kept under wraps and settled internally.

The precise wording of the enquiry is that GCSB was in the possession of intercepts, they don't know how they got them. As I said in this post
albino boo said:
Ok this is just a PR exercise. The standard practice when dealing with intelligence agencies in this situation is say they are acting on information received from a foreign government. They may be banned from spying on NZ citizens and residents but the NSA and GCHQ isn't. Seeing that NZ, US, UK and AUS are all involved in the echelon network you simply take the data out of the server in Fort Meade and email it to NZ. Its a well know dodge that has been used on trans-caribbean drug traffickers for years. In that case its the NSA is banned from operating in the US but the intercepts come from a foreign power over the echelon system.
There plenty of all ready established ways around this issue. This is the PM covering himself and that's it.

As to the media reports , I doubt many NZ political journalists know about the 1948 agreement that setup the echelon system or drug smuggling trails in Florida.