Nintendo Yanks 1080p Claim For New Super Mario Bros. U


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Nintendo Yanks 1080p Claim For New Super Mario Bros. U

With the Wii U launch fast approaching, Nintendo deletes an important bullet point for its flagship platformer.

After previously pushing 1080p high-definition support for the upcoming New Super Mario Bros. title on Wii U, Nintendo has quietly removed this claim from the game's official website []. In a section which previously read "Experience Mario like never before... in full 1080p HD," the mention of 1080p has been deleted and replaced with the much less specific "high definition."

With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers. But just because a system is capable of 1080p doesn't mean its hardware can handle running any given title at that high of a resolution.

Being a first party Nintendo title for an all-new Nintendo system, fans would likely hope that the company can start things off on the right foot with a title that really shows what the console can do. Nintendo hasn't publicly addressed the change, but it seems somewhat nonsensical to remove an important bullet point unless it is untrue or misleading.

New Super Mario Bros. U is scheduled to launch alongside the Wii U console on November 18th, meaning we're quickly closing in on crunch time for the title. Is it possible that the game will indeed support 1080p? Sure. Would we bet on it? Given the last-minute wording tweak from Nintendo itself, probably not.

Source: Eurogamer []



Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Crono1973 said:
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.
Yeah, this... this will probably be a big deal. So the WiiU does 720p... so does the 360 and PS3. Hell, the PS3 does 1080p on some games, just not a lot. If they're trying to cater to the hardcore base, this is not the way to do it. They've been waiting for a true 1080p console to come out, and it looks like we'll have to wait for the next XBox or Playstation to get it.

Never was really interested in the WiiU, but this just further cements my choice.


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Crono1973 said:
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.
Because the Wii's install base is quite a bit different than that of the 360 and PS3. You have to remember that a lot of Wii owners have HDTVs, no other competing consoles, but have been playing their Wii games at 480p for the past half decade. The Wii U will likely be the first HD gaming experience that many of them have, so it's important to set the tone.

Coming out half-baked with a 1080p console that can only play 720p AAA titles from the company that makes the console is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot, IMO.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
MikeWehner said:
Crono1973 said:
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.
Because the Wii's install base is quite a bit different than that of the 360 and PS3. You have to remember that a lot of Wii owners have HDTVs, no other competing consoles, but have been playing their Wii games at 480p for the past half decade. The Wii U will likely be the first HD gaming experience than many of them have, so it's important to set the tone.

Coming out half-baked with a 1080p console that can only play 720p AAA titles from the company that makes the console is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot, IMO.
Then I guess that statement (the one I quoted) wasn't meant for a gaming forum where most of us won't be impressed by Nintendo finally catching up.


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
Crono1973 said:
MikeWehner said:
Crono1973 said:
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.
Because the Wii's install base is quite a bit different than that of the 360 and PS3. You have to remember that a lot of Wii owners have HDTVs, no other competing consoles, but have been playing their Wii games at 480p for the past half decade. The Wii U will likely be the first HD gaming experience than many of them have, so it's important to set the tone.

Coming out half-baked with a 1080p console that can only play 720p AAA titles from the company that makes the console is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot, IMO.
Then I guess that statement (the one I quoted) wasn't meant for a gaming forum where most of us won't be impressed by Nintendo finally catching up.
The nice thing about an online community like this is that while something may not apply to you, it probably does apply to someone else.

If we started taking polls to make sure every single story is relevant to every single person that will eventually read it, you probably wouldn't see much news at all ;)

Regardless, the Wii U "catching up" to the other consoles is important for countless reasons. The number of native 1080p games available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 isn't exactly what I'd call robust. If the Wii U could swoop in and change that trend, that would be a pretty big deal both for casual gamers and the hardcore crowd. Unfortunately, as this story shows, that doesn't appear to be the case quite yet.


The Dude
Aug 21, 2011
TizzytheTormentor said:
Why not just have it in 1080p? What are the drawbacks? Let people see how awesome the Wii-U looks, not have it set down for...some reason.
Could be an issue of how powerful the console is (or isn't). My hunch is that if they could publish it in 1080p, they would.


New member
Oct 7, 2011
I'm betting it'll still be running in 1080p, they just changed it to "in high definition" to make it clear to those that don't understand resolution figures that it will, indeed, look extra pretty.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
This makes me remember why I keep coming here. Because only gamers would care that this was changed from 1080p to HD. The Wii/WiiU audience mostly wouldn't know 1080p from 480p or the difference between an LCD TV and a CRT TV(other than apparent size). The Nintendo crowd (to me) seem impartial to the type of visuals being presented and care more about the gameplay experience as a whole.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
This is quite the interesting turn of events. This certainly does not bode well for the foreseeable of the WiiU. The fact that it would be running games in 1080p was considered one of the ways it was "superior" to the consoles currently in the market.

Now it turns out that Nintendo can no longer strongly proclaim that a game that Nintendo made specifically for the WiiU, a console Nintendo made, will run in 1080p. This is either a sign that there may be more games in the future that the WiiU simply will not be able to support 1080p or that Nintendo is being lazy with the new Mario game and not even bothering to design it to run in 1080p.

I'm probably never going to own a WiiU, but I sincerely hope that this is just a case of Nintendo being lazy with a Mario game. That seems like the better option in this case. I would dread a future where games such as Bayonetta 2, a game that certainly draws in the hardcore gaming crowd, only runs at 720p when the WiiU has been claiming that it will run games at 1080p.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
jollybarracuda said:
I'm betting it'll still be running in 1080p, they just changed it to "in high definition" to make it clear to those that don't understand resolution figures that it will, indeed, look extra pretty.
Perhaps, but people know the phrase "1080p", even if they don't understand it. It's somewhat like brand recognition. Vast majority of people don't know what the "p" stands for, but they know it means it's better


New member
Oct 31, 2008
If this game really can't do 1080p then just wow...I think I would prefer to believe that the marketing from Nintendo that this is going to be the one to attract core audiences again was just a low to sucker the Nintendo fans to early invest again like with the Wii because at least that would mean Nintendo aren't as incompetent as to expect a console that can only just surpass 6 year old hardware can keep up with the kind of games this generation will be pumping out and that audiences will soon expect.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
SoulChaserJ said:
This makes me remember why I keep coming here. Because only gamers would care that this was changed from 1080p to HD. The Wii/WiiU audience mostly wouldn't know 1080p from 480p or the difference between an LCD TV and a CRT TV(other than apparent size). The Nintendo crowd (to me) seem impartial to the type of visuals being presented and care more about the gameplay experience as a whole.
This quote is kinda funny because you insult gamers and the "wii/wiiU audience" like they two separate entities. Yes this is supposed to be the next gen of gaming and technology has long be able to perfect 1080p so its not really unreasonable to expect it. Also saying that the wii audience wouldn't know 1080p from 480p is kinda ignorant and basically stating that the audience is so stupid they wont know a difference between standard and high quality. Even my grandparents in their old age can tell between standard definition and blue ray 1080p.

Nintendo is supposed to be trying to appeal to the hardcore gamers and this isn't really the way to do it.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
MikeWehner said:
Crono1973 said:
MikeWehner said:
Crono1973 said:
With the original Wii only capable of 480p resolution, the Wii U's ability to fully take advantage of today's most popular high definition standards should be a pretty big deal for consumers.
Why should consumers be impressed by 720p? The 360 and PS3 have been doing that for 6 years now. PC for even longer.
Because the Wii's install base is quite a bit different than that of the 360 and PS3. You have to remember that a lot of Wii owners have HDTVs, no other competing consoles, but have been playing their Wii games at 480p for the past half decade. The Wii U will likely be the first HD gaming experience than many of them have, so it's important to set the tone.

Coming out half-baked with a 1080p console that can only play 720p AAA titles from the company that makes the console is kind of like shooting yourself in the foot, IMO.
Then I guess that statement (the one I quoted) wasn't meant for a gaming forum where most of us won't be impressed by Nintendo finally catching up.
The nice thing about an online community like this is that while something may not apply to you, it probably does apply to someone else.

If we started taking polls to make sure every single story is relevant to every single person that will eventually read it, you probably wouldn't see much news at all ;)

Regardless, the Wii U "catching up" to the other consoles is important for countless reasons. The number of native 1080p games available for the PS3 and Xbox 360 isn't exactly what I'd call robust. If the Wii U could swoop in and change that trend, that would be a pretty big deal both for casual gamers and the hardcore crowd. Unfortunately, as this story shows, that doesn't appear to be the case quite yet.
That's what this article is about, NSMBU not being in 1080p.

Really though, even people who only own a Wii, they have been exposed to games running at 720p if they even watch commercials on TV.


Elite Member
Jun 24, 2011
United States
jollybarracuda said:
I'm betting it'll still be running in 1080p, they just changed it to "in high definition" to make it clear to those that don't understand resolution figures that it will, indeed, look extra pretty.
That makes no sense at all.

They changed it because they realized it would be false advertising to say 1080p when it's really only running at 720p.


Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Zombie_Moogle said:
jollybarracuda said:
I'm betting it'll still be running in 1080p, they just changed it to "in high definition" to make it clear to those that don't understand resolution figures that it will, indeed, look extra pretty.
Perhaps, but people know the phrase "1080p", even if they don't understand it. It's somewhat like brand recognition. Vast majority of people don't know what the "p" stands for, but they know it means it's better
Oh I dunno, someone with a 720p "HD ready" device or even an old CRT plugs their WiiU in, only to be disappointed by the low resolution on their screen and sues Nintendo for not providing what they promised. It's bound to happen sooner or later. Or they end up doing it like with the PS3, render it at a sub-HD resolution, and then just upscale it to 720/1080, then someone finds out and starts throwing pitch forks around.

OT: I highly doubt this isn't going to be 1080p. We're about a month from release, and they're not doing such a game-changer NOW. They probably just changed it for various unknown reasons. When people are actively looking for flaws in a product, they'll see it, even though it may not be there for everyone else.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Great way to make a big deal out of nothing.
As soon as the WiiU and NSMBU were announced, Nintendo said it would be 720p. The "1080p" on the site was obviously a typo of someone who made the site, not who made the game.

Other game, announced games, will be 1080p. If the PS3 can support 1080p, the WiiU will do that without any problems.

?Basically that does require? well, not huge amounts more graphics processing power, but still considerable. If we would publish that on the other consoles, then I believe that there would be some small downscaling of what it is right now.?

?I think we didn?t start really until sometime early in the year still, but the fact was that we had a lot of things going on. Then when we got over the old things, we started with the Wii U and then in two days we had it running,? he explained. ?We had it running really fast. So it was more about knowing your own tech and then having that ?eureka!? moment of making it work on this new hardware."

-Mikael Haveri, sales and marketing manager,


New member
Oct 10, 2012
SoulChaserJ said:
This makes me remember why I keep coming here. Because only gamers would care that this was changed from 1080p to HD. The Wii/WiiU audience mostly wouldn't know 1080p from 480p or the difference between an LCD TV and a CRT TV(other than apparent size). The Nintendo crowd (to me) seem impartial to the type of visuals being presented and care more about the gameplay experience as a whole.
GJ trolling a lot of people in one shot on that one.

1) No, "the Nintendo crowd" aren't all idiots on everything media. Many just don't play THAT many games and got sucked into the worst, yet best-selling system of this gen.

2) No, "only gamers" aren't the ones who care about the change between 1080p (a term that actually has a definition) and HD (a term which can mean ANYTHING above SD, which is only loosely defined). Anyone with a TV over 40" or so cares about the difference with good reason, and many with smaller TVs, even, care.

Honestly, I don't really see how the Wii U can possibly succeed like the Wii did. Is the crowd who don't really play games but bought the Wii really going to shell out money for this? Maybe a few, but I don't see it personally. Are the "hardcore" gamers going to? They haven't really given a good reason to. The only ones who are going to jump on it immediately are the Nintendo fanboys.