Advice From A Fanboy: Justice League


New member
Dec 31, 2008
Advice From A Fanboy: Justice League

MovieBob lists off a few suggestions on how Warner Bros. can successfully pull of a Justice League film without crashing and burning.

Read Full Article


New member
Dec 6, 2007

I mostly agree with these ideas but:

I think a Wonder Woman movie needs to be made.

Think about it: the one area that superhero movies haven't given much attention to is the superheroine and there she is: one of the most recognized characters in fiction, languishing and, as the article notes, with an audience mostly vague on what she's about.

It's important not just to the culture but it's flat out good marketing, too. You make a kick ass WW movie (and don't tell me it can't be done) and you've done two things a) made a ton of money off of all the young women (and general nerdery) who have been waiting for something like this to come around (this is how you convince the suits to make it) and b) made a statement, one that I think needs to be made: Women can hold their own in the hero biz.

After that, I'm pretty much on board. Not bringing up the most evil dude in the DC universe in the first big movie? Good. Making sure that this film emphasizes the relationships between the characters? Good.

I don't think it'll happen but I think Bob's ideas are solid.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
One other thing I'd add: it ain't a League with J'onn J'onnzz. You've just got to have the Manhunter on board. Major top-tier character? No. Massively important? Not reeeeeally. Intergral part of almost every iteration of the League thus far? Hells to the yes.

It also allows an easy answer to the villain question, becase fuck yeah White Martians. Alien invasion (the best way to kick off these team-ups, as seen in Avengers, is with a credible external threat unless they have time - which, as you mentioned, they don't - to build up to an Injustice League) but not entirely in the same overblown way as Avengers. More subtle, as whiteys can shapeshift, read minds and in terms of raw physical power are individually almost comparable to Superman. It'd be a very different story, still allowing Earth's heroes to team up against the external threat but on a deeper level than the explosion-ridden last hour of Avengers. Don't get me wrong, I love the end of that movie, but if JLA tries to directly copy it the movie will be labelled a rip-off.


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Smokescreen said:
It's important not just to the culture but it's flat out good marketing, too. You make a kick ass WW movie (and don't tell me it can't be done) and you've done two things a) made a ton of money off of all the young women (and general nerdery) who have been waiting for something like this to come around (this is how you convince the suits to make it) and b) made a statement, one that I think needs to be made: Women can hold their own in the hero biz.
We need a Birds Of Prey movie.

A real one (pre New 52, naturally), one that is nothing like the confused and angsty mess that the TV show was.


Non-gamer in a gaming world
Nov 20, 2009
Thanks, Bob, for listing all the ways that WB will screw this up!


Slayer of Bothan Spies
Sep 28, 2008
SonicWaffle said:
One other thing I'd add: it ain't a League with J'onn J'onnzz. You've just got to have the Manhunter on board. Major top-tier character? No. Massively important? Not reeeeeally. Intergral part of almost every iteration of the League thus far? Hells to the yes.

It also allows an easy answer to the villain question, becase fuck yeah White Martians. Alien invasion (the best way to kick off these team-ups, as seen in Avengers, is with a credible external threat unless they have time - which, as you mentioned, they don't - to build up to an Injustice League) but not entirely in the same overblown way as Avengers. More subtle, as whiteys can shapeshift, read minds and in terms of raw physical power are individually almost comparable to Superman. It'd be a very different story, still allowing Earth's heroes to team up against the external threat but on a deeper level than the explosion-ridden last hour of Avengers. Don't get me wrong, I love the end of that movie, but if JLA tries to directly copy it the movie will be labelled a rip-off.
Actually, the white martians would probably be the best gift the the world to a JLA movie in terms of things like team building, quick backstory, and still letting Superman smash face.


New member
Dec 6, 2007
SonicWaffle said:
Smokescreen said:
It's important not just to the culture but it's flat out good marketing, too. You make a kick ass WW movie (and don't tell me it can't be done) and you've done two things a) made a ton of money off of all the young women (and general nerdery) who have been waiting for something like this to come around (this is how you convince the suits to make it) and b) made a statement, one that I think needs to be made: Women can hold their own in the hero biz.
We need a Birds Of Prey movie.

A real one (pre New 52, naturally), one that is nothing like the confused and angsty mess that the TV show was.
Agreed on this and your Martian Manhunter point.

The first arc should even be the Grant Morrison white martian invasion storyline.

But a Birds movie? That would be amazing. Again: don't tell me it can't be done. I would bet the house that there are actresses who would kill to have a chance to play those roles and we already know there's good writing behind it.


Oct 6, 2009
I agree with you bob, I don't really care for the Justice League because they're so damn invincible, while the Avengers are very mortal, it just seems so much more fun to cheer for the underdog.

and no not him


New member
Oct 14, 2009
Smokescreen said:
SonicWaffle said:
Smokescreen said:
It's important not just to the culture but it's flat out good marketing, too. You make a kick ass WW movie (and don't tell me it can't be done) and you've done two things a) made a ton of money off of all the young women (and general nerdery) who have been waiting for something like this to come around (this is how you convince the suits to make it) and b) made a statement, one that I think needs to be made: Women can hold their own in the hero biz.
We need a Birds Of Prey movie.

A real one (pre New 52, naturally), one that is nothing like the confused and angsty mess that the TV show was.
Agreed on this and your Martian Manhunter point.
Everyone should agree with me. I'm wonderful.

Smokescreen said:
The first arc should even be the Grant Morrison white martian invasion storyline.
Terror Incognita? I'm not so sure. It requires some backstory (the mind-wiping, the whiteys taking the time to kidnap J'onn, build the towers that eliminate fire etc) so it won't be an amazing first movie, but I can see it making a great part 3. First movie intoduces white martians, second movie - since by then there will have been several solo movies with their own established villains - an Injustice League movie, and third movie can be the shocking return of the white martians to wreck some shit.

Smokescreen said:
But a Birds movie? That would be amazing. Again: don't tell me it can't be done. I would bet the house that there are actresses who would kill to have a chance to play those roles and we already know there's good writing behind it.
Hell, I'm neither a professional actress or even female, and I'd kill for a chance to be Black Canary, running around high-kicking and screaming people into submission :p


New member
Oct 14, 2009
vxicepickxv said:
SonicWaffle said:
One other thing I'd add: it ain't a League with J'onn J'onnzz. You've just got to have the Manhunter on board. Major top-tier character? No. Massively important? Not reeeeeally. Intergral part of almost every iteration of the League thus far? Hells to the yes.

It also allows an easy answer to the villain question, becase fuck yeah White Martians. Alien invasion (the best way to kick off these team-ups, as seen in Avengers, is with a credible external threat unless they have time - which, as you mentioned, they don't - to build up to an Injustice League) but not entirely in the same overblown way as Avengers. More subtle, as whiteys can shapeshift, read minds and in terms of raw physical power are individually almost comparable to Superman. It'd be a very different story, still allowing Earth's heroes to team up against the external threat but on a deeper level than the explosion-ridden last hour of Avengers. Don't get me wrong, I love the end of that movie, but if JLA tries to directly copy it the movie will be labelled a rip-off.
Actually, the white martians would probably be the best gift the the world to a JLA movie in terms of things like team building, quick backstory, and still letting Superman smash face.
Well, yes. That was kinda my point ;-)


New member
Nov 14, 2012
I have always been a huge fan of The Batman, The Flash and The Green Arrow. This done properly (again- loving the white martians idea!) would on a 'scale of 1-10, where 1 is Battle Los Angeles, and 10 was Independence day' (RCDCS) be easily the best film of 2015. (assuming the world hasn't ended in 3 weeks time.)


New member
Dec 6, 2007
SonicWaffle said:
Everyone should agree with me. I'm wonderful.
We'll see about...

Oh. Lookie here. Note from grandma and everything. Looks like that checks out.
Smokescreen said:
The first arc should even be the Grant Morrison white martian invasion storyline.
Terror Incognita? I'm not so sure. It requires some backstory (the mind-wiping, the whiteys taking the time to kidnap J'onn, build the towers that eliminate fire etc) so it won't be an amazing first movie, but I can see it making a great part 3. First movie intoduces white martians, second movie - since by then there will have been several solo movies with their own established villains - an Injustice League movie, and third movie can be the shocking return of the white martians to wreck some shit.
I think that might be too long to sustain. I dig where you're going and I see your point but I think you may have gone too 'big picture' for that one. My gut says that the Terror Incognita story could be streamlined down and made to work.

Injustice League has to be one of the big hitters, for certain: the thing that can keep coming back though, which means establishing villains. 2nd movie is a good place for them.

What's troubling is: I can't think of another JLA storyline that's been compelling which wouldn't require a ton of backstory or setup. Granted, my history with the comics is limited; there must be some really compelling, epic level things to do there that were done pre-Morrison.

I have no reason to care about the New 52 one has suggested that I'm really missing out so I've been ignoring it.
Smokescreen said:
But a Birds movie? That would be amazing. Again: don't tell me it can't be done. I would bet the house that there are actresses who would kill to have a chance to play those roles and we already know there's good writing behind it.
Hell, I'm neither a professional actress or even female, and I'd kill for a chance to be Black Canary, running around high-kicking and screaming people into submission :p
Looking at a very different movie then. Might be a little less family friendly, what with you wearing those stockings and all.



New member
Mar 1, 2010
This film is just doomed. There's basically no way Warner Bros can pull this off. We're looking at another Green Lantern here, only on a much grander scale.


Robot in Disguise
Mar 22, 2010
Some good points here. What I'm wondering (like most) is who will they choose for the villain(s). Unlike the DC heroes, their villains haven't reached the same level of recognition outside of comic book readers. So do they have the time to establish the villain/threat of the film and introduce the League all in one movie? Unless the villain is set up somehow in Man of Steel, but since it was converted to a lead in movie during production, I don't think that'll happen.

Also I agree with the above posters that the White Martians would be a good idea for the movie. Hell, that's basically what they used in the Justice League animated series. I think they were called something different, but the aliens were basically White Martians.

Antonio Torrente

New member
Feb 19, 2010
Unless of course CW go ahead with their WW tv show titled Amazon, here's the synopsis that somehow caused a bit of uproar from fans:

According to the breakdown I've obtained, her name is Iris."She comes from a remote, secluded country and until now has spent most of her life as a soldier and a leader on the battlefield. Because of relentless brutality of her life at home, Iris looks at our world with absolute awe and astonishment. She's delighted ­and just as often horrified ­ by the aspects of everyday life that we take for granted: skyscrapers, traffic, ice cream. It's all new and fascinating and sometimes slightly troubling ­ to her. Iris is completely unschooled in our world, our culture, our customs. And she's completely inexperienced at interpersonal relationships. She has no social filter, does not suffer fools, and tends to do and say exactly what's on her mind at all times. She's bluntly, refreshingly honest. She can tell when you're lying to her. And she doesn't have time or patience for politics or tact because she's too busy trying to experience everything our world has to offer. There are too many sights to see ­ and things to learn ­ and people to care for. Hers is a true, noble, and generous heart. And she will fight and die for the people she loves. Iris is a fierce warrior with the innocent heart of a romantic ­ and she will fight to the death to make the world safe for innocents and true romantics everywhere."
Sour []ces []

The last part kinda baffled me. "to make the world safe for innocents and true romantics everywhere." Really?
What the hell is that supposed to mean?

Anyway, apparently the caused of the uproar was her name was Iris not Diana which Geoff Johns tweeted this and I quote
"If a WW show happens her name is of course DIANA. Codenames (like IRIS) are used in casting a lot to try and avoid speculation. #TV101 :)" unquote.
Source []

Either way if this tv show happens, we can pretty much say goodbye to any WW in the future. If she is part of that JLA movie..... Ok I am confused now.


Let slip the Guinea Pigs of war!
Sep 11, 2008
SonicWaffle said:
Terror Incognita? I'm not so sure. It requires some backstory (the mind-wiping, the whiteys taking the time to kidnap J'onn, build the towers that eliminate fire etc) so it won't be an amazing first movie, but I can see it making a great part 3. First movie intoduces white martians, second movie - since by then there will have been several solo movies with their own established villains - an Injustice League movie, and third movie can be the shocking return of the white martians to wreck some shit.
I was thinking "New World Order" actually, pre credits establish JLA, act 1 suspicious new supergroup even more awesome, act 2 investigating JLA-ers get taken out captured, act 3 they escape and kick the crap out of them.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
What if, instead of fighting Darkseid first, they end up battling one of his minions? That way at the end of the movie they can introduce Darkseid for JLA 2--assuming they make another one. Problem is though, that's exactly what happens in Avengers, so maybe not a good idea.
Still, if they make a Justice League movie I'll go see it. DC is my preferred universe. The movie I'd really like to see is a Teen Titans one though.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I'd go on New 52 take, super heroes are a brand new thing, not trusted by everyone, and well, that can be done as long as the Nolan`s Batman is (hopefully - I agree with Bob) ditched, Superman could be the very first caped hero in the world, a character that Bruce Wayne, already a ninja planning to ruin criminality with gadgets (thus far acting more like a soft-core Punisher), finds out that maybe dressing up like a BAT to rise to the status of super hero is not such a bad idea, or do something different, as long as it works right?
NOW: I`d ditch the characteristic of "making it look real", it worked with Nolan (made the third movie strange), but won`t work with a GROUP of heroes, you gotta keep it cool, like The Avengers and Star Wars (original), by that I mean, it might be absurd and absolutely unreal, but people will say "what the heck, this is as fun as hell", just make the ridiculousness of the comics work on the movies, do not lose the innocence of a comic book by bringing too much reality into play, make it accessible to ALL ages.
Villain: if I can't choose Darkseid, then I must pick someone equally powerful (or almost), after all, I can't have a villain that, say, Batmn alone would take care of, no, the threat must require the alliance to be formed... Thus I call a relatively known villain that only came into the DC Universe with the New 52 era: HELSPONT!!! He could arrive with a whole daemonite fleet, out to dominate Earth, and then there`s the whole tie with Krypton that would maybe make things personal to Superman and so on, plus Helspont is a Palpatine sort of villain, that is, very powerful, very intelligent, insidious, he can kick serious ass when he wants to
(so far he didn't kill Superman because he didn't WANT TO...)
and can use is the very embodiment of all evil in the galaxy, plus his own background story is great as a motivation.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Do a shot for shot live action remake of the justice league tv show'a first 3 episodes. That's my only real suggestion.