Users Say Ounah to the Ouya's Controller

The Wooster

King Snap
Jul 15, 2008
Users Say Ounah to the Ouya's Controller

The Ouya's controller is being redesigned based on user feedback.

So contrary to some cynics' dire predictions, the Ouya is actually happening. Dev kits are out in the wild and gamers have finally managed to get their hands on an early version of the console. Unfortunately, those hands weren't very pleased with the Ouya's controller, so it's undergoing a few revisions based on user feedback.

First and foremost, the controller's nasty "disc" d-pad (like the 360's terrible d-pad) is being replaced with a cross-shape, indented variant similar to that of the NES controller. Considering 2D games will likely make up a large part of the Ouya's library, a quality d-pad will be essential.

So what else is changing? The concave thumb sticks now come with a rubberized grip to prevent sweaty thumb slippage (oh er). The touch pad is getting a sensitivity upgrade. The triggers are being moved closer to the body of the controller and the battery bay is being secured for a more snug fit.

As a bit of a controller aficionado, I'm glad to see the Ouya team is taking the time to iterate the console's controllers, but I'm hoping the console's "open" nature extends to its peripherals. What's the point in inviting friends over if you can't stick them with some atrocious 3rd party controller seemingly designed for lobster-people?

Source: Ouya []



New member
Apr 19, 2010
I am actually a little excited about this project. I am glad to see the controller being given serious thought and early reviews being taken seriously. Some console developers don't seem to care nearly enough about the ergonomics and quality of their controllers, despite it being an important aspect of the gaming experience.


New member
Dec 24, 2012
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
Play any fighting game and you'll see. It's one of the worst I've ever used.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
How many other D-pads have you used?

Because... dude. The 360's is literally one of, if not the worst.

OT: Good. Honestly, I think the current design is really, really ugly and uncomfortable-looking. Every time I look at it, I think "I don't want my hands on that." (The asymmetrical sticks is something I'll never enjoy.) Not that I was planning on getting an Ouya anyway, but the controller alone put me off the idea a great deal.


Elite Member
Mar 27, 2012
FFP2 said:
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
Play any fighting game and you'll see. It's one of the worst I've ever used.
So true. The original Xbox's was even worse. Hopefully this means that they'll finally make an acceptable one with their next console.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Grey Carter said:
What's the point in inviting friends over if you can't stick them with some atrocious 3rd party controller seemingly designed for lobster-people?
So you want the Ouya to support the Dreamcast controller then?


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
Here's what the Ouya needs...<.<

[img height= 200][/img]

every system needs the Xwing...<.<

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
As a bit of a controller geek it had better be damn good for me to want to use it, I've just been using the Wii U pro controller, it is now my favourite of all time besides maybe the Saturn.

The tune ups do all sound like good ideas though, I'm fairly hyper critical of control, if the tactile feedback is wrong or too soft or too hard I want nothing to do with it. I'm also not a huge fan of the asymmetrical analog sticks being used here, I don't like them much for the 360 controller either.

And batteries? Please tell me it has a built in battery that recharges and doesn't have some kind of retarded pact with Duracell like Microsoft do?

The White Hunter

Basment Abomination
Oct 19, 2011
ScrabbitRabbit said:
FFP2 said:
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
Play any fighting game and you'll see. It's one of the worst I've ever used.
So true. The original Xbox's was even worse. Hopefully this means that they'll finally make an acceptable one with their next console.
The 360 d-pad is spongey and soft, later models like the wired one I use for my PC is'nt as bad, but it's still pretty soft and unpleasant for 2D sidescrollers or a fighting game. NIntendo actually seem to have the market cornered in good d-pads, even though the Wii D-pad was a touch tiny, the Wii U's is wonderfuk.


Lurker Extrordinaire
May 10, 2009
ScrabbitRabbit said:
FFP2 said:
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
Play any fighting game and you'll see. It's one of the worst I've ever used.
So true. The original Xbox's was even worse. Hopefully this means that they'll finally make an acceptable one with their next console.
I find it sad that you're not even looking for good anymore, just acceptable. It's like you're resigned to companies giving nothing but shitty equipment (and then calling you entitled if you dare to complain), and now you're just saying "I don't care anymore! Just let it be better than having to actually be in fist fight where every bone in my face will be crushed on the first punch!"


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Nintendo's patent on a sensible cross-shaped d-pad has expired, right? I don't see any reason for anyone to release a new controller with a disc d-pad ever again.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
I never realised that controller "aficionados" were an actual thing. That aside, the Ouya is a nice idea that I hope turns out well. If there are a few decent titles on the platform, I might even pick one up. I like that they went for a controller similar to the 360's. Even though I love the dual shock, it was clearly designed with tiny Japanese hands in mind and not large, hairy hands like mine.

But being open platform, I agree that they should allow 3rd party peripherals to be a thing. Wasn't the whole point of the Ouya to be super cheap? Lets hope they don't do a lockdown like MicroSoft did. Doing that without warning was kind of a dick move. One of my friends had all his saves on a 3rd party memory stick.


New member
Jun 17, 2009
as a member if the proud PC gaming master race a good controller is important to me because i am used to being able to change bad controls.
and the further d-pads remove themselves from the 360 one the better, that thing is horrible. even playing dark souls with my 360 pad on pc makes me rage whenever i try to select a different spell in combat


New member
Mar 28, 2009
AndrewC said:
I don't understand the whole "360's d-pad sucks" - seems fine to me.
As someone who grew up using full digital controllers, I can safely say that yes, the 360's D-Pad really isn't great. The main problem is that it's not really individual buttons. Most other D-pad's buttons are all connected (think the nintendo plus-shape), but the difference is each one presses an individual button underneath the direction. The 360s sits on a central stalk, and the whole thing moves when you're trying to press in a direction, basically, it's a joystick with a strange head and step-locks.

That makes it REALLY annoying, because the snap-back to the centre makes things just that more annoying and adds that few extra nano-seconds to controls.


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Sacman said:
Here's what the Ouya needs...<.<

[img height= 200][/img]

every system needs the Xwing...<.<
B-But I like that controller. My dearest gaming related memories are with that controller (and the(S)NES).

Anyways, OT:
I doubt the Ouya will have any noticable impact on the gaming market. Sure, people might get it, but they will still get some of the big 3, which was Ouya supposed to change.
And the D-Pad sucks. Nintendo's D-Pad is the best, than Sony's. Then every other controller and at last the Xbox d-pad. Seriously, why did MS do such a bad job there? The controller is great, but the D-Pad is just bad.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
"Users Say Ounah to the Ouya's Controller"


Damn it TheEscapist, I'm increasingly struggling to convince myself you guys are better than IGN and general Newspapers for non-sensationalist gaming news. You sure you didn't hire some guys from The Daily Mail, The Sun or Fox News recently?

However, related to the subject, I'm glad that the Ouya (...Because thinking of a games console name that doesn't make you cringe in public is too hard) is adjusting based on feedback from users. Although I'm somewhat surprised that the thumb-sticks are concave and not convex. However, maybe it's just personal preference of how I like thumb-sticks?