Suda51's Latest Title Will Love You And Kill You


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Suda51's Latest Title Will Love You And Kill You

The function of this office is execution, and also wild trailers.

Say hello to Suda51 []'s latest title, Killer Is Dead. That charming fellow you see there - him with the great big chopper and artificial arm - is Mondo Zappa, and it's his mission to execute heinous criminals, whether in this world or the next. Mind you, he's going to need something extra if he intends to face off against criminals that don't need bodies to get by.

Lollipop Chainsaw []'s yang.

There is a webpage, [], but not much is on it at the moment beyond the trailer, and its pricetag has yet to be confirmed. However if this one intrigues you, there's not long to wait. PS3 and Xbox 360 gamers will see this in Summer 2013, if all goes according to plan.



Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
I'm surprised they keep letting him make games, don't get me wrong I love his stuff but I don't think any of them have been very successful. In fact I think most of them have been pretty big flops financially.


New member
Oct 25, 2011
I for one am really looking forward to this. I've always loved SUDA51's games (Including Lollipop Chainsaw) and from the looks of this trailer, he doesn't seem to have lost his touch.


New member
Apr 28, 2010
It definitely looks pretty interesting. The colors really "pop" in the artwork. I haven't played much of his other stuff, but it might be about time that I do.

And does anyone know who is responsible for the remix of Movement IV of Dvorak's "New World Symphony" that started playing? Because that was pretty cool to listen to and as it's one of my favorite pieces of music, I would definitely listen to that again.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
This is exactly what I needed after the news/rumor the EA is killing the Dead Space series. Which made me just think of something: Suda51's most successful game to date is Lollipop Chainsaw. Lollipop Chainsaw sold somewhere around 700,000 units (which is NOT a lot in terms of video game sale) And yet Suda51 probably one of the most niche developers currently work still manages to make games. On the other side Dead Space 3 sells 26.6 per cent fewer sales than its predecessor (having an expected sales goal of somewhere around 5 million units) And EA (allegedly) axes one of it's most interesting franchises.

Again this is all rumors. But isn't it enough of a point that regardless of if this rumor turns out to be true or not, it's 100% believable that EA would pull some shit like this. Hell they did the same thing to American McGee when Alice Madness Returns didn't sell as well as predicted. And now chances are that no one will ever get to play McGee's proposed Alice in Underland.
Apr 28, 2008
Worgen said:
I'm surprised they keep letting him make games, don't get me wrong I love his stuff but I don't think any of them have been very successful. In fact I think most of them have been pretty big flops financially.
Lolipop Chainsaw was actually successful. And I think they sell well enough in Japan. His games also most likely don't cost the insane amount of money needed to make most other games, so they'd have to sell less to make a profit or break even.

Personally I'm just glad this crazy bastard can keep making games.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Irridium said:
Worgen said:
I'm surprised they keep letting him make games, don't get me wrong I love his stuff but I don't think any of them have been very successful. In fact I think most of them have been pretty big flops financially.
Lolipop Chainsaw was actually successful. And I think they sell well enough in Japan. His games also most likely don't cost the insane amount of money needed to make most other games, so they'd have to sell less to make a profit or break even.

Personally I'm just glad this crazy bastard can keep making games.
Same here. He's one of my favorite game designers. When I see his name, or Grasshopper Manufacture on the box, I know I'm in for an over-the-top good time.

I didn't like Lollipop Chainsaw as much as No More Heroes, but it was still a great game, and I'm looking forward to this.


Prunus Girl is best girl!
Apr 28, 2011
Like No More Heros but without motion controls?
Hahahell yes!
The Quentin Tarantino of games is back for another round baby!
I'm already in love with it, the sci-fi limbs really have a Cowboy Beebop kinda look to the and I'm digging it.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
There's something weird about Suda51 games these days. I've liked pretty much all of his games(except Shadows of the Damned), but it seems like he's trying to live up to the name of "That quirky guy who makes weird videogames!", instead of just making games he believes to be interesting.


New member
Nov 8, 2007
Looks as cool as fuck, and "cool" is hardly the kind of adjective I'd normally use to describe a game.


New member
Mar 15, 2011
This game is topping my list of upcoming games, i love Sudas games, they are never perfect, they always have annoying parts, but there´s something in them that i just love.

I hope there´s an emphasis on music again, like in Lollipop Chainsaw, that was pretty awesome.


New member
Sep 16, 2010
axlryder said:
Look at those mediocre graphics. This game has barely any emotion.
I don't really understand what you're trying to say. The graphics are stylized, not realistic.
Maybe you just don't care for the style? I personally find it to be pretty striking.
I also don't understand "barely any emotion". The main character is an assassin, so he's
probably on the cold side. I think of it as being similar to a James Bond film, where
the protagonist doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but that is just part of
his persona. Was that what you were talking about?

As for the game itself: I'll definitely play it, but I wonder if Suda51 is returning
to the assassin character one too many times. Hopefully the futuristic angle will
keep it fresh, and hopefully the combat mechanics (the weakest part of Suda51's
games) will take another step forward.


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
This is why I fucking love Japan.

Also god damn I really need to play Killer7 sometime.


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I own every single one of Suda's games.

I have to.

We have fucking Kali with guns and a cyborg zombie executioner killing techno-necromancy-abominations. All set to classical music whilst people meander about some kind of insane plot.

It's like pretentious videogame crack. Bad for you, but fucking irresistible and so good once your grind the disc into a fine dust and snort it.

face_head_mouth said:
axlryder said:
Look at those mediocre graphics. This game has barely any emotion.
I don't really understand what you're trying to say. The graphics are stylized, not realistic.
Maybe you just don't care for the style? I personally find it to be pretty striking.
I also don't understand "barely any emotion". The main character is an assassin, so he's
probably on the cold side. I think of it as being similar to a James Bond film, where
the protagonist doesn't wear his emotions on his sleeve, but that is just part of
his persona. Was that what you were talking about?

As for the game itself: I'll definitely play it, but I wonder if Suda51 is returning
to the assassin character one too many times. Hopefully the futuristic angle will
keep it fresh, and hopefully the combat mechanics (the weakest part of Suda51's
games) will take another step forward.
You don't watch the Jimquisition? Watch this weeks episode. You will get the joke about graphics = emotion instantly :D
Oct 2, 2012
I loved me some Killer 7 so I am looking forward to this game!
Haven't played his other games but I've seen my friends play them and I liked what I saw so yay!


Apr 28, 2008
I'm starting to notice all his games are basically the same game.
Most of them even look alike, visually.