State of Decay Catches Xbox Live SuperFlu, Asks For Patience


New member
Oct 19, 2009
State of Decay Catches Xbox Live SuperFlu, Asks For Patience

Undead Labs' Jeff Strain apologizes, but there's little he - or the studio - can do.

Undead Labs' zombie apocalypse title State of Decay has been doing astonishingly well on Xbox Live [] for a title with zero marketing budget, but even developers have to take the rough with the smooth once in a while, and it'd seem a recent Xbox Live update has caused more problems than it solved. The update had been intended to fix several known issues, including a bug where infestations were constantly reported no matter where on the map they happened to be, but - in the words of Undead Labs' Jeff Strain - "bugs we had verified internally as fixed were apparently not fixed on the live version of the game."

Strain apologizes to all players affected by this issue. "There's nothing we can do at Undead Labs to fix this problem," he adds. "Once the update has been handed off, the process of getting it to you is something only the Xbox people can handle. So, we're calling in the troops to get going on solving this problem immediately." He acknowledges that this won't please everyone, and asks for patience. "You are OUR players," he says, "and we'd like you to know we're exploring ways to express our appreciation for your patience."

Unfortunately there's no hard date for a fix. It's up to the Xbox Live people now, and Undead Labs has limited input on that end. Patience - and possibly a loaded shotgun - are your best defences against this new zombie-related incident.

Source: Undead Labs []


Gunner 51

New member
Jun 21, 2009
I'm very suprised, I've not noticed a thing.
But I have to hand it to Undead Labs that they seem to be handling things rather expediently. And as a SOD player, I hope everyone else who has the game gets their game fixed soon. :)


Questionably Opinionated
Jul 13, 2009
You know I hadnt heard of this game before right now and after looking into it I really want to play it... BUT I'm kinda really pissed at Microsoft right now... Shame there's no foreseeable pc release...


New member
Sep 20, 2008
You are OUR players, and we'd like you to know we're exploring ways to express our appreciation for your patience.
That one's simple.

1) Make it for PC, so I can put my 360 back on the bench.
2) Co-Op patch. Hear me? COOP!

Seriously though, awesome game, please make it for PC, I'd be happy to re-buy it on that platform.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
GamerLuck said:
You know I hadnt heard of this game before right now and after looking into it I really want to play it... BUT I'm kinda really pissed at Microsoft right now... Shame there's no foreseeable pc release...
CCountZero said:
You are OUR players, and we'd like you to know we're exploring ways to express our appreciation for your patience.
That one's simple.

1) Make it for PC, so I can put my 360 back on the bench.
2) Co-Op patch. Hear me? COOP!

Seriously though, awesome game, please make it for PC, I'd be happy to re-buy it on that platform.
A PC release is confirmed as in the works but a date hasn't been announced yet.

I'm glad it was released on 360 first, that means the PC version should have most of the bugs ironed out.


New member
Jun 17, 2011
Hold up! They're saying the game is doing well though it's budget was limited? Is that even possible? I thought that for a game to be successful, it had to be a Triple A title with the financial backing of a Hollywood blockbuster. That's what my good friend Cliffy B would have me believe; That games are only going to grow more and more expensive to develop and, as a result, used game sales will be the death of the industry.

So how is it that this SOD game is actually doing well? I know! If it were a Triple-A title, it wouldn't suffer these bugs. Nowadays, games with Triple-A budgets are flawless at launch. Why would they not be? All that money went into research, development, and playtesting, not marketing & executives wallets, right?


New member
Jun 9, 2008
CCountZero said:
You are OUR players, and we'd like you to know we're exploring ways to express our appreciation for your patience.
That one's simple.

1) Make it for PC, so I can put my 360 back on the bench.
2) Co-Op patch. Hear me? COOP!

Seriously though, awesome game, please make it for PC, I'd be happy to re-buy it on that platform.
I think they already confirmed both so now we just have to play the waiting game

cricket chirps

New member
Apr 15, 2009
Dragoon said:
GamerLuck said:
You know I hadnt heard of this game before right now and after looking into it I really want to play it... BUT I'm kinda really pissed at Microsoft right now... Shame there's no foreseeable pc release...
CCountZero said:
You are OUR players, and we'd like you to know we're exploring ways to express our appreciation for your patience.
That one's simple.

1) Make it for PC, so I can put my 360 back on the bench.
2) Co-Op patch. Hear me? COOP!

Seriously though, awesome game, please make it for PC, I'd be happy to re-buy it on that platform.
A PC release is confirmed as in the works but a date hasn't been announced yet.

I'm glad it was released on 360 first, that means the PC version should have most of the bugs ironed out.
This is true and i must agree. This whole game is just the base for what they want to be a multiplayer-MMO esque game, with these core mechanics.

I also havnt noticed any problems in my game since the update <.< strange. Closest thing to "bug" is that my radio person claims to find areas with ammo after i have them ask around for some but they never show up on my map as quests like they did the first few times. But that was happening before the patch.


New member
Apr 16, 2009
It fixed the infection issue for me, finally finished it today and I only lost one character outside of the story deaths. RIP Marcus (I know he was my best goddamn survivor


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.


Elite Member
Feb 20, 2008
tdylan said:
Hold up! They're saying the game is doing well though it's budget was limited? Is that even possible? I thought that for a game to be successful, it had to be a Triple A title with the financial backing of a Hollywood blockbuster. That's what my good friend Cliffy B would have me believe; That games are only going to grow more and more expensive to develop and, as a result, used game sales will be the death of the industry.

So how is it that this SOD game is actually doing well? I know! If it were a Triple-A title, it wouldn't suffer these bugs. Nowadays, games with Triple-A budgets are flawless at launch. Why would they not be? All that money went into research, development, and playtesting, not marketing & executives wallets, right?
Oh and get this the game is UGLY too!! I love it but it is UUUUGGGGLLLLYYYYYYY!!!! How can a game with crappy graphics sell so well (and better be on everyone's GOTY list)


New member
Nov 9, 2010
DarkhoIlow said:
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.
They partnered with microsoft pretty early on if i remember correctly. So i doubt it will be coming to steam.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
Can anyone tell me what actually went wrong with it? I haven't played it for a few days, so I haven't noticed anything yet.

However, I did notice some of the bugs they were trying to fix. The constant alert that there's "too many infestations" when said infestations were in fact, on the other end of the map, was pretty damn annoying, especially as it could actually affect morale.


New member
Dec 31, 2009
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.
They partnered with microsoft pretty early on if i remember correctly. So i doubt it will be coming to steam.
It's not the first game from M$ to be released on PC. Bastion came on XBLA first as well and then was ported to PC and placed on steam. This is one of the examples that I'm thinking of right now.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
DarkhoIlow said:
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.
They partnered with microsoft pretty early on if i remember correctly. So i doubt it will be coming to steam.
It's not the first game from M$ to be released on PC. Bastion came on XBLA first as well and then was ported to PC and placed on steam. This is one of the examples that I'm thinking of right now.
I never said it wouldnt make it to pc. It most defintely will given that they have already announced that they would do it.(somewhere in july if i remembered correctly but dont quote me on this) Just dont think it will be coming to steam. GFWL is a bigger probability


New member
Dec 31, 2009
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.
They partnered with microsoft pretty early on if i remember correctly. So i doubt it will be coming to steam.
It's not the first game from M$ to be released on PC. Bastion came on XBLA first as well and then was ported to PC and placed on steam. This is one of the examples that I'm thinking of right now.
I never said it wouldnt make it to pc. It most defintely will given that they have already announced that they would do it.(somewhere in july if i remembered correctly but dont quote me on this) Just dont think it will be coming to steam. GFWL is a bigger probability
GFWL no longer exists thank God, so I really doubt it will be released normally without using a platform like steam,gamers gate or what not.


New member
Nov 9, 2010
DarkhoIlow said:
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
jayzz911 said:
DarkhoIlow said:
Really wanna play this game when it comes to PC, so release it soon please?

On Steam you don't pay for patching just saying Undead Labs.
They partnered with microsoft pretty early on if i remember correctly. So i doubt it will be coming to steam.
It's not the first game from M$ to be released on PC. Bastion came on XBLA first as well and then was ported to PC and placed on steam. This is one of the examples that I'm thinking of right now.
I never said it wouldnt make it to pc. It most defintely will given that they have already announced that they would do it.(somewhere in july if i remembered correctly but dont quote me on this) Just dont think it will be coming to steam. GFWL is a bigger probability
GFWL no longer exists thank God, so I really doubt it will be released normally without using a platform like steam,gamers gate or what not.
? It doesn't? what makes you say that? I can still buy games from it? (not saying your wrong just don't know whats going on lol) and yup its gonna use steam it says so in their FAQ that they edited today :O