Phoenixmgs said:
1337mokro said:
This looks absolutely horrible. For one simple reason. ASSAULT MODE!? They have been pushing Splinter Cell into this ridiculous TPS direction ever since Double Agent flopped hard. Now they just dropped the pretension and said "Hey college guys with your call of duties and your halos! This game has guns too and you can shoot with them and red stuff flies out of people when you do so! So buy this game!"
What's wrong with a game getting fluid controls? Splinter Cell has always been a TPS, why not have solid TPS controls? When a game like Splinter Cell does get fluid TPS controls, you'll naturally be able to gun your way through areas. But there's nothing wrong with that as long and the stealth elements are still there in spades. It's like the same logic Demon's/Dark Souls fans have about an easy mode being added to the game. Adding an easy mode to Dark Souls or a run and gun option to Splinter Cell doesn't change YOUR gameplay experience whatsoever. The Metal Gear Solid community didn't care that MGS4 became a smooth as shit TPS because the core MGS gameplay was still there. I'm pretty sure the Hitman community didn't care that Absolution got fluid controls either as long as the game was still Hitman; I haven't played Absolution myself but I have Hitman friends that loved it and I think the main complaint I've heard is the linearity of the levels compare to the previous games, not that you can run and gun (because that is an OPTION).
I only ever played the 1st Splinter Cell game and it just didn't grab me at all as the stealth felt very basic, just basically hiding in shadows, and the controls were kinda clunky. I just watched the gameplay in that SDCC Splinter Cell video and the game looks fucking awesome. You have so many options at your disposal. I love the fact that there's a trophy for a "no-kill" run, it gives me that MGS feel.
A game getting better and more fluid controls is only a good thing. The era of shooters where you get stiff and clunky controls is pretty much over and I'm very glad about that.
When did I ever mention controls?
I was talking about the gameplay. You see there is a huge difference between a TPS and a stealth game that is not just tied into controls. You should really not project your own excuses for why you like this game onto other people. I call it an excuse because really all you are going on about is controls and nothing else. So you didn't like the controls in other splinter cell games? So what? Why does this now mean that it has to become a TPShooter rather than a TPStealth game? Why don't they just tighten the controls, which to be quite honest were perfectly functional in my opinion. You bring up a wonderful example yourself. Namely Hitman Absolution and MSG4 the movie the game. I'll leave MSG4 to the sides because I never actually bothered to play it and instead will focus on the game that I completed on the hardest difficulty whilst fighting it's counter-stealth mechanics every step of the way, Hitman.
You do know the nickname Hitman Absolution got from fans right? Shitman Abomination, how mature, but wholly accurate, is what it's usually called. Not because people inherently hate fluid controls or because having to dig through 6 menu screens is the true epitome of fun. But because it stopped being a Hitman game. Literally. There are no HITS in that game besides the very first level, which is scripted to shit. Other than that we have the absolutely broken disguise system and a horrible story where a weapons manufacturer is trying to make a deal for a few million dollars. The average revenue of your run of the mill arms manufacturer these days is in the billions and here we have an idiot running across half the country trying to exchange an assassin clone for pocket change. Why all the changes though? Because it had to be more action oriented. Hitman was old and clunky and who the hell ever wanted to explore levels and carefully plan out hits?! No it was all about shooting and running and jumping and so on being hip with the young people! All the same signs were all over the Shitman Abomination production like they are with Splinter Cell: Black Ops.
The same mentality went into Splinter Cell Conviction. Where you can literally instakill people even when they are shooting you in the guts. You can only jump and climb in specific places, no I don't mean specific ledges or pipes, no I mean you have to stand in exactly the right spot in front of a specific ledge or pipe to activate the bend knee sub routine in robot Fisher's brain. It has forgotten what kind of TPS it is in favour of bland mass appeal. I wholly invite you to play this because hey to you it looks awesome, congratulations Ubisoft gutted the game I liked so it could appeal to you! At least one of us will be happy with this game right? After all you get your highly improved controls in a game that you haven't played at all which means you couldn't possibly know what the game even feels like!
Your last paragraph betrays it all really. You never liked Splinter Cell. You just didn't get what was so fun about pressing up against a wall or hanging from girders waiting for your moment to shine. You didn't get the fun of hanging around corners listening in on guards or bypassing security. You just flat out don't get nor like stealth, getting spotted is death simply because you are NOT an action hero. You are outgunned, outclassed and fighting your way out should be near impossible in any good stealth game. Hiding, picking off targets, then silencing the alarms. That is how stealth action is done. However you want to be able to shoot your way through the level! Which is all fine! You want shooters. No problem here, why would there be? Go buy your shooters. There are only a few million of them released every day. However I humbly request that you leave my niche to me. I only get like 2 or 3 of these games if I am lucky.
Because I can't leave on an amiable note though I will just end by saying that it's people like you that look at games like Silent Hill and say: "Man these controls suck and why is there mist everywhere! We should really get rid of this fog so I can see better."
PS: No there shouldn't be an easy mode in Dark Souls. There isn't a fucking hard mode in Assassin's Creed either now is there? Catering to everyone is not a solution, it will never be because guess what, the people that don't play Dark Souls already will be bored to shit on easy mode because it's all about the repeated challenges. The game IS the struggle to overcome the odds against you, not to go sightseeing through the world squashing enemies with your 78+ electric damage blade. This again betrays that you simply don't get what makes these games have their appeal in the first place.
I wouldn't buy Assassin's Creed any more or less if there was a hard mode because really the AC games are not about the combat.