Grand Theft Auto Online Unveiled!

Andy Chalk

One Flag, One Fleet, One Cat
Nov 12, 2002
Grand Theft Auto Online Unveiled!

Grand Theft Auto Online is a persistent, open-world experience that looks a lot like Grand Theft Auto V - online!

The big day is finally here - behold Grand Theft Auto Online! "A dynamic and persistent online world" for up to 16 players, GTA Online will let gamers roll solo or team up to pull off multiplayer heists and complete other mission-based content. Earn money, build your rep, buy an apartment, collect cars or just hang out and reperesentate.

It all looks very GTA, but the narrator lady says the online edition will serve up a "wide array of redesigned mechanics" and both "structured and unstructured activities" that will include "classic online modes," presumably like deathmatch or CTF. And in fact you'll be able to design your own races and deathmatches with a built-in content creator, although you won't be alone in building the world - Rockstar says GTA Online "will constantly grow and change" as it develops new content for the game.

It sounds fantastic and the trailer looks pretty great too, and in the continuing good news department you won't have to fork over extra money to give it a go: Grand Theft Auto Online goes live on October 1 and will be free with every retail copy of Grand Theft Auto V.

Source: Rockstar []


Able Seacat

New member
Jun 18, 2012
The amount of content just looks astronomical! Really looking forward to GTAV and it's online counterpart :)



New member
Oct 29, 2010
Why did I watch that? I shouldn't have watched that...It was a very bad idea for me to have watched that....

V8 Ninja

New member
May 15, 2010
My First Thought: ...And it will only be released in China!

My Last Thought: ...And it will only be released for the PS3/Xbox 360...

Seriously, I'm suspecting that Rockstar is just screwing with its PC fanbase. Otherwise though, the online mode could be a real blast to play. Of course, I generally don't care about GTA, but I'm always up for guns, explosions, and jet ski races.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
Haakmed said:
Why did I watch that? I shouldn't have watched that...It was a very bad idea for me to have watched that....
Yea, I wasn't really jonsin for this game until just now.
That is a really robust online array there. I wasn't really expecting much out of the online portion but now I feel like I want to jump right into it when I get the game. It seems much more seamless and there are a ton more features. A big step up from 4's play these missions, play these modes, or wander aimlessly; which actually wasn't bad for a few laughs but got old quick. I have a feeling I'll be playing GTA V online more than I'll be playing the sp game, and that's saying something.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Surely they'll be coming out with a PC version of this. I don't think I could stand to play it on a console, really.


New member
Oct 16, 2011
I'm very cautious about this one. It looks like the kind of game that demands unrestricted, open word pvp. Which means so much for all that "content".

Get a crew together to pull a heist, but never get there because you get caught in never ending firefight with every single player on the way.

Try a street race, but never finish because of the dozens of gankers firing rockets into every car they see.

Go skydiving, and get gunned down in mid-air by every player who can see you up there.


New member
Mar 6, 2008
cthulhuspawn82 said:
I'm very cautious about this one. It looks like the kind of game that demands unrestricted, open word pvp. Which means so much for all that "content".

Get a crew together to pull a heist, but never get there because you get caught in never ending firefight with every single player on the way.

Try a street race, but never finish because of the dozens of gankers firing rockets into every car they see.

Go skydiving, and get gunned down in mid-air by every player who can see you up there.
That's probably why they have limited it to 16 Players per world.

"A dynamic and persistent online world" for up to 16 players,

Aramis Night

New member
Mar 31, 2013
I remember this game when it was called APB:Reloaded. Except in that you could choose to be on the law enforcement side too.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Aramis Night said:
I remember this game when it was called APB:Reloaded. Except in that you could choose to be on the law enforcement side too.
Except APB: Reloaded wasn't particularly good. It's a safe bet this'll be a lot more fun.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Dec 22, 2009
It's not really much of an MMO if it only supports 16 players is it?


New member
Sep 3, 2010
16 players? sounds like GTA:IV multiplayer to me, heck it sounds like GTA: Red Dead Redemption with the heist mechanics.

I'm not slating it, i'm excited for this with friends, but i think they plastered it up as something it's not. an MMO / massive open server.

Its just the games multiplayer.


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Covarr said:
Aramis Night said:
I remember this game when it was called APB:Reloaded. Except in that you could choose to be on the law enforcement side too.
Except APB: Reloaded wasn't particularly good. It's a safe bet this'll be a lot more fun.
Present tense. Game is still alive and kicking, thanks.

In fact, the APB:R community response has been a solid and impressive "meh".

Much of what is going on here is already prominent in APB. Not all of it mind, as APB is decidedly more limited in terms of mission/combat variance than this.

We're clocking 4v4 (at start of mission. Ive seen 16v16 before) in 45v45 maps with customisation which (as far as I know) is yet to be matched in the industry.

So yeah, this is a GTA flavour of what is already around. It's just that APB's louysy rep means folk either don't hear about it or agree with the knee-jerk reaction that the game is utter shite. Which is isn't.


New member
Aug 13, 2008
Holy crap, they had one whole playable female character. The detail of the back of her head was amazing. Rockstar is really moving up in the world.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Me55enger said:
It's just that APB's louysy rep means folk either don't hear about it or agree with the knee-jerk reaction that the game is utter shite. Which is isn't.
I wasn't aware it was still around. Admittedly, I only played the game when it first launched; I wouldn't be surprised if it's improved considerably since then, as MMOs often do. what I played wasn't utter shite, but it wasn't enough to keep me playing either. I might have to give it a chance now that they've had a fair while to improve on it from a few years ago.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Dec 16, 2008
Covarr said:
Me55enger said:
It's just that APB's louysy rep means folk either don't hear about it or agree with the knee-jerk reaction that the game is utter shite. Which is isn't.
I wasn't aware it was still around. Admittedly, I only played the game when it first launched; I wouldn't be surprised if it's improved considerably since then, as MMOs often do. what I played wasn't utter shite, but it wasn't enough to keep me playing either. I might have to give it a chance now that they've had a fair while to improve on it from a few years ago.

P.S. Thanks
AH, now y'see I feel guilty because I bigged the game up.

Yeah, it has improved dramatically since relaunch, with a boatload of new content and significant optimisation, which it sorely needed. But it is far from perfect. Be warned.

The small team have been chasing thier own tails until about 8 months ago regarding the mess RTW left it in. Only now are they pulling away from the line.

I suspect it will outstrip GTA: Online in a fair few ways by the time this actually launches.


New member
Aug 6, 2011
"Free" You mean only for PS3 players right? I bet it requires a gold account for the xbox 360 version, doesn't it?