Xbox One Out November 22nd


New member
Oct 19, 2009
Xbox One Out November 22nd

And there was much rejoicing.

Microsoft has finally come clean and told the world that its next generation console [] will hit shelves November 22nd. This is a limited release in its 13 initial launch markets; more will follow in 2014. "We are humbled and gratified by the tremendous interest in Xbox One from game fans everywhere," says Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi. "We sold out of our pre-order supply faster than at any other time in our history and we are on path to have the biggest launch of an Xbox ever."

The PS4, Xbox's most significant rival, launches in the US on November 15th, a full week ahead of Microsoft's console. So only 13 countries, out of the original 21 [], will get to see the Xbox One in all its glory. The rest of us will have to be satisfied with some other gaming device. "We understand this will be disappointing news for our fans in the impacted countries," said Microsoft at the time the 13 countries announcement was made, "and we are doing everything we can to bring Xbox One to you as soon as possible next year." An unknown date in 2014 is still the projected release for Xbox One in countries outside the golden 13.

"We built Xbox One to bring you the best games, unrivalled multiplayer and more entertainment than ever before," says Mehdi. "It's nearly time to say 'Xbox On' and open a new world of games and entertainment." Pre order numbers have not been confirmed, but Mehdi did say that additional Day One limited edition consoles - no word on an exact number - would be made available today.

Source: Games Industry International []



Is this memes?
Dec 11, 2012
Any other last-minute changes or policy reversals they can make between now and then?

Microsoft will be hoping like hell that the release goes smoothly.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
OT: Honestly, I was hoping it would come out earlier, so it's terribleness could really sink into the collective consciousness and it wouldn't get any Christmas sales.


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
This shouldn't surprise anyone. November 22 is the same date the Xbox 360 came out. This release date makes sense.

Surely people will try to put a negative spin on this, but they're grasping for straws at this point - anything to fling more poo at Xbox One. A week difference from the PS4 won't change anything in the big picture.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
Gearhead mk2 said:
OT: Honestly, I was hoping it would come out earlier, so it's terribleness could really sink into the collective consciousness and it wouldn't get any Christmas sales.
Christmas sales are a given. But it's already pretty clear that Sony has significantly more pre-orders than Microsoft does. The big question for both of them is how well their launch turns out, and if there's any serious issues with the consoles in the first few months. Talking about a slight boost in CPU power or an eight controller setup isn't what'll tip people into buying your console.

Microsoft's still trying very hard to win back hearts and minds... they're the only company really making announcements anymore. We might get a few more from Sony at TGS, but all they really have to do now is sit and wait... the pre-orders have been made, so Sony doesn't really have much else they need to do other than keep showing more footage of more games.

serious biscuit

New member
Jul 3, 2012
IceForce said:
Any other last-minute changes or policy reversals they can make between now a and then?

Microsoft will be hoping like hell that the release goes smoothly.
If they keep quiet between now and then, everything should be forgotten. The internet and its people have a very short attention span


New member
Feb 22, 2010
If they keep quiet between now and then, everything should be forgotten. The internet and its people have a very short attention span[/quote]

That is very true, if the internet had such a good memory they would be less inclined to trust Sony as well for their past actions such as in 2005-2007.

Andy Shandy

Fucked if I know
Jun 7, 2010
A week after the US PS4 launch, but a week before the EU one. Interesting, considering MS seem to be making a bigger push for Europe this time round.

Also, it's neat to see a simultaneous release for once (at least in the "Tier 1" countries). As a Brit, I get unreasonably irritated at the amount of things that America gets first for no adequate reason.


Poof, poof, sparkles!
Jun 1, 2010
Karloff said:
"It's nearly time to say 'Xbox On' and open a new world of games and entertainment."
Except we've already established just how few people will actually get the pants-wetting pleasure of actually doing that. Hi-larious.

Hey this is why it's only releasing in 13 countries, isn't it. Next up is the remaining 8 countries from the original 21, then a few more, then a few more.. all so Microsoft can pretend each time they're lighting up the planet. Separate song & dance routines incoming for getting Kinect voice functionality rolled out in already-released territories.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Midniqht said:
This shouldn't surprise anyone. November 22 is the same date the Xbox 360 came out. This release date makes sense.

Surely people will try to put a negative spin on this, but they're grasping for straws at this point - anything to fling more poo at Xbox One. A week difference from the PS4 won't change anything in the big picture.
I just have to ask, did you have that one memorized or did you check before you posted? Nevertheless I must admit I am impressed.

OT: It will be interesting to see if this release date will have an effect on sales. It's coming out a week after PS3 in USA and 1 week earlier in the few European countries that are getting it. Not that it's coming out here any time soon though. Also it doesn't matter. I'll hold off getting any new consoles. Maybe next year depending on how things go, but right now my PC is sufficient. Still I've been curious about the release date so good to know.


Beer Quaffer
Jul 10, 2009
Yopaz said:
Midniqht said:
This shouldn't surprise anyone. November 22 is the same date the Xbox 360 came out. This release date makes sense.

Surely people will try to put a negative spin on this, but they're grasping for straws at this point - anything to fling more poo at Xbox One. A week difference from the PS4 won't change anything in the big picture.
I just have to ask, did you have that one memorized or did you check before you posted? Nevertheless I must admit I am impressed.

OT: It will be interesting to see if this release date will have an effect on sales. It's coming out a week after PS3 in USA and 1 week earlier in the few European countries that are getting it. Not that it's coming out here any time soon though. Also it doesn't matter. I'll hold off getting any new consoles. Maybe next year depending on how things go, but right now my PC is sufficient. Still I've been curious about the release date so good to know.
I checked my facts before posting. Certainly didn't memorize it. It was on another news post not on the Escapist, and I looked it up before making any sort of statement. Still, 1 week difference doesn't change much in the short term, and it ultimately means nothing in the long term. In my opinion, it would have been better if they launched it when CoD: Ghosts released. That would make sense as well, but I suppose them releasing it on the same date as the 360 makes a decent amount of sense as well. Most people won't see the connection or even bother to look it up and will just "LOL 1 WEEK".

Kalezian said:
Midniqht said:
This shouldn't surprise anyone. November 22 is the same date the Xbox 360 came out. This release date makes sense.

Surely people will try to put a negative spin on this, but they're grasping for straws at this point - anything to fling more poo at Xbox One. A week difference from the PS4 won't change anything in the big picture.
Considering out of the original 21 countries, that only 13 will get the satisfaction of a console being release that in three years they might buy [yes, Microsoft has said that the 360 has about 3 years left in it]. that would mean eight countries wont have a choice between the One and Ps4.

Between the choice of either buying a console next year, and even then the 'voice features' they are touting more than likely wont recognize your accent unless you speak your native language at a accent-neutral fluent level, or buying the competitor that doesn't require any other peripherals other than a controller.

If people are not buying your items, then they will be buying someone else. It's just like I dont wait for Monday to come around to buy a chicken sandwich from Chik-fil-a [since they are closed on sundays], I'll just go to another place to get one. Sure it might be soggy and with too much mayo, but damnit, I want something to eat.

While in the unfortunate 13, a weeks difference might not be much, but in the rest of the world a few months or longer will severely hurt sales.

OT, In additon to their last minute performance changes, that gives them a whole 79 days as of writing to test not only their kinects voice recognition software, optimizing it for various accents and such, putting it through QA, revising any issues, re-optimizing, re-QA, and then finishing along with testing if their paltry 'improvement' wont cause the console to spontaneously combust if a player decides to hit both Start and the Guide button at the same time.

Seeing how horrible Microsoft is at keeping their word on things, promising features that they either completely lied about or have plans on changing in the future, I dont think 79 days is going to be long enough for let along the paperwork to get pushed through.
You make some good points, but there's a little too much assumption there. You're forgetting that sales won't really matter much until AFTER the holiday season is over. As long as it's by Black Friday, I don't think the release date mattered too much.
I view the country availability as a separate issue (I recall the PS3 having similar country availability woes when it first released). Some people just aren't that impulsive. The amount of people who are on the fence about one console or the other aren't going to use a 1 week difference as the reason to buy one over the other. It's not that black and white. "Oh man, I was really on the fence, and I just HAVE to have it as soon as possible, but a whole WEEK?! Screw that, buying a PS4." - Said no one ever.


Sarcastic overlord
Jun 3, 2009
Midniqht said:
Yopaz said:
Midniqht said:
This shouldn't surprise anyone. November 22 is the same date the Xbox 360 came out. This release date makes sense.

Surely people will try to put a negative spin on this, but they're grasping for straws at this point - anything to fling more poo at Xbox One. A week difference from the PS4 won't change anything in the big picture.
I just have to ask, did you have that one memorized or did you check before you posted? Nevertheless I must admit I am impressed.

OT: It will be interesting to see if this release date will have an effect on sales. It's coming out a week after PS3 in USA and 1 week earlier in the few European countries that are getting it. Not that it's coming out here any time soon though. Also it doesn't matter. I'll hold off getting any new consoles. Maybe next year depending on how things go, but right now my PC is sufficient. Still I've been curious about the release date so good to know.
I checked my facts before posting. Certainly didn't memorize it. It was on another news post not on the Escapist, and I looked it up before making any sort of statement. Still, 1 week difference doesn't change much in the short term, and it ultimately means nothing in the long term. In my opinion, it would have been better if they launched it when CoD: Ghosts released. That would make sense as well, but I suppose them releasing it on the same date as the 360 makes a decent amount of sense as well. Most people won't see the connection or even bother to look it up and will just "LOL 1 WEEK".
Nah, it won't have any long term thing, but I just find it interesting that we will actually see 1 week prior and 1 week after at the same launch. It will be interesting to see the short term effects of the launch dates, but as you say, it won't matter in the long run. I do kinda like that they managed to get it on the same date as the 360 either way, but I'm a sucker for those kind of things. Also it has been confirmed that it won't get here until 2014 anyway.


New member
Jan 18, 2013
So the Xbone won't even have a time advantage over the PS4? Poor Microsoft behind once again :( At least they will be able to distract themselves from the stressful launch with a quick session on Knack.


Crazy person! Avoid!
Oct 19, 2010
Oh good, my country isn't amongst those 13. So guess I'll have to wait for the national fallout to happen here.
However I can watch and gloat over the US release of this piece of malware.

"We sold out of our pre-order supply faster than at any other time in our history and we are on path to have the biggest launch of an Xbox ever."
Interesting, however this could be interpreted differently. What we are lacking here is numbers.
How many Xbones were there available for pre-order, how many 360s were available for pre-order at that launch?
Is the number of Xbones smaller than the number of 360s? If yes, is it any wonder then that is sold out sooner? If no, congratulations.


New member
Jan 6, 2009
"We are humbled and gratified by the tremendous interest in Xbox One from game fans everywhere," - says Microsoft's Yusuf Mehdi - "We sold out of our pre-order supply faster than at any other time in our history and we are on path to have the biggest launch of an Xbox ever."

You are full of shit Yusuf, I had a Xbox One: Day One Edition Pre-Order and I just cancelled it and change to PS4 so at the very least for that console... NO, you are NOT sold out


New member
Oct 17, 2012
I wonder how much used 360s and PS3s will go for at Game Stop once people start trading them in for Xbox One and PS4. Damn, gonna be a huge selection of used titles. Poor bastards.