Zelda Producer Looking to Move Past Tradition


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Zelda Producer Looking to Move Past Tradition

Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma says too much tradition "takes away" from a franchise's uniqueness.

There are a lot of descriptors you could attach to The Legend of Zelda games and standing tall among them would be "traditional." While the franchise has obviously grown and expanded since its origins on the NES, it's still markedly tied to tropes and standards that have been present since day one. As the series grows older there's no shortage of people who see this predictable nature as a liability.

Surprisingly, their ranks would seem to include Zelda producer Eiji Aonuma. Elaborating on earlier statements that he's "tired" of the Zelda formula, Aonuma expressed his desire to bring change to the franchise and start bucking tradition. "Something that is 'traditional' is in a sense often something that copies previous works," he said. "If you continue doing that, it gradually takes away from its uniqueness. So we're currently working on making those parts more and more unique."

The coming changes, some of which will be exhibited in the upcoming 3DS game <a href=http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/128339-Zelda-A-Link-Between-Worlds-Will-Depart-From-Conventions>A Link Between Worlds, are reigniting Aonuma's passion for the franchise. "By no means, am I tired of it," he affirmed. "Rather, the more we change it, the more I get fired up. Having someone think 'Huh? Is this Zelda?!' at first, then 'Oh, it is Zelda,' is what we're going for. Something that wouldn't make it matter whether Link or Princess Zelda appear in it or not. Something where it wouldn't even matter if Zelda is actually a princess, or not." It's a sentiment that's likely to be music to the ears of many Zelda fans.

Source: Siliconera



New member
Aug 12, 2009
It'd be great if we got a new Zelda game where we actually play as Zelda. I understand two exist, but c'mon... give Zelda an adventure that's every bit as epic as recent Zelda games. If Nintendo wants to move past the tradition without a huge culture shock to their fans, this would be a good way to start the transition.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
This is very good to hear, and it's really something that all of Nintendo should take to heart. Now let's see if they actually come through on it or just end up treading water.

Sheo_Dagana said:
It'd be great if we got a new Zelda game where we actually play as Zelda. I understand two exist, but c'mon... give Zelda an adventure that's every bit as epic as recent Zelda games. If Nintendo wants to move past the tradition without a huge culture shock to their fans, this would be a good way to start the transition.
I agree with this completely. In fact, it would be one of the easiest ways for Nintendo to shake up the series without actually having to make many changes to the core content (though actual core changes wouldn't be uninvited).


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I think Aonuma's been wanting to shake things up for awhile now. Skyward Sword seems like the type of game were one higher up wanted to do something new were as another higher-higher up wanted to keep things traditional and safe. Thus we got some kind of weird hybrid that didn't quite jell.

But lets not forget about Zelda 2, Majora's Mask, Four Swords, and the DS games, as I've always felt these games were good examples of the Zelda formula getting a bit of a shake up. Hell with it's cell shaded graphics and approach to exploring you could say the Wind Waker was a good example of doing something unique with the series. In fact I remember reading an interview with Aonuma were he expressed his sadness at the negative feedback Wind Waker received simply for being different.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
I find it odd how you three above could not see that this is utter PR bullshit. I would take his word if their solution wasn't a rental store for items in the form of microtransactions.

I am all for changing up the zelda formula but they are only changing it to get more $$$ out of you not to further enrich the story/gameplay. It is pretty obvious its a sham.


New member
Sep 3, 2013
Wasn't this guy the main force behind majoras mask?

If i where to see another zelda that gave this particular vibe of a vibrantly happy yet at the same time crushingly depressive world, I would be head over heels on that game.

Zelda also while not being playable had her own story and mission in skyward sword, would be awesome to see her get a bigger part.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Perhaps the IP could use the kind of treatment that The Other M gave Metroid. Minus the crappyness, I mean.


New member
Nov 4, 2009
GAunderrated said:
I find it odd how you three above could not see that this is utter PR bullshit. I would take his word if their solution wasn't a rental store for items in the form of microtransactions.

I am all for changing up the zelda formula but they are only changing it to get more $$$ out of you not to further enrich the story/gameplay. It is pretty obvious its a sham.
Yes, because a rental fee for items OBVIOIUSLY means microtransactions, instead of, you know, grinding for rupees in-game and buying them that way. Because there have been NO other example of key items being sold for money in stores *coughLinksAwakeningcough* or renting items for in-game use from stores *coughOcarinaofTimecough*.

Seriously, Nintendo has just barely started doing online transactions, there's no way they're going to microtransactions yet. Have a little faith in the games industry. You have no precedent to suggest Nintendo would run that kind of scam, so don't accuse them.

On topic: I'm going to be the first to say I'm not sure how much I want the formula to be mixed up. I know it's been done well in the past, with Majora's Mask and Four Swords, but I'm still a little wary about them messing it up too much. I know what I like, and if it's not there, then I'm not going to be too happy. Like what happened with Skyward Sword.


New member
Jun 13, 2013
I'll believe it when I see it. They said the exact same garbage about Skyward Sword, and yet it was still the same bullshit as before, only with fucking terrible motion controls.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
That's all very well and good, but I think some things need to remain consistent otherwise you might as well be creating a new IP.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
I hope they make another RPG.

For those of you who haven't played 2, it was hard. Like, fucking hard. And in the Japanese version, your level was reset to 1 if you died. Yep.

Except not so horribly this time. It would be interesting to see how it would translate into the franchise's evolvement since 2.

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
This is something I feel like they should have been doing decades ago. One of my favorite Zelda games was the second one, which broke away from the trend of the original game. I guess most developers are worried fans will scream and cry that it isn't a Zelda game if it doesn't have every single trope from one.


New member
Jan 31, 2012
GAunderrated said:
I find it odd how you three above could not see that this is utter PR bullshit. I would take his word if their solution wasn't a rental store for items in the form of microtransactions.

I am all for changing up the zelda formula but they are only changing it to get more $$$ out of you not to further enrich the story/gameplay. It is pretty obvious its a sham.
Yeah I for one am sick of using my hard-earned (fictional) currency to purchase (fictional) items. Maybe you should read some articles or something before spouting off, huh?

OT: I am one of those guys who would play ALBW regardless, and probably love it. But I am quite excited to see how the changes shake out.