So, the AAA games I noticed get released in 2013 are a Devil May Cry game, Dead Space 3, Crysis 3, Aliens: Craptacular Marines, the Tomb Raider remake, BioShock Infinite, Dead Island: Riptide, Metro:LL, RE:Rev, Last of Us, Disney Infinity, Arkham Origins, ACIV:Another One, BF4, Injustice: what did they do to the justice league?, CoD:Ghost of it's former self, Forza 5-thousand, FIFA this year, Madden this year, NBA 2K-this year and Ryse. I'm pretty sure there was a GTA game released in the last two years but I'm not entirely sure when and I had no interest in it to begin with.
Of these titles, only Ryse and Last of Us were new IPs and they were both meh, at best. Disney Infinity is a blatant money grab. I presume the sports games and Forza are basically the same with different cars and tracks/team rosters and slightly updated graphics. Most of these games are mediocre at best and almost none of them showed us anything even the slightest bit novel.
I don't deny that indie games have come up really big compared to where they were five or six years ago, however, I would suggest that perhaps the biggest problem facing AAA titles is that they keep producing REALLY CRAPPY AAA titles. Of the above list, the only game I could bear to play all the way through was BioShock Infinite, which I really enjoyed. I either had absolutely no interest in playing the other games to begin with or I played for an hour or two before I decided I would rather boot up some other game instead.
However, let me put this another way. When I was in graduate school and had basically no money, I would likely buy seven or eight AAA games a year. Today, I have more money than ever before and I buy fewer AAA games. The impact of indie games on my spending is effectively negligible. I just buy whatever I want. Indies are not taking away sales or segmenting the AAA market. The AAA market just happens to suck right now.