Gilhelmi said:
No, I missed SG: Universe. What happened?
They basicly recruit one of the civil team-members (big nerd-steretype) after he solved a stargate-related mathematical problem, coded into a online-videogame.
On a sidenote, you didn't miss much at all in my opinion, it doesn't meassure up to the old stargateshows :/
I'm no stranger to entertaining myself by reading/watching stuff about weaponssystems. However I'm scared of losing the view of what those things do: Killing people, for not necassarily "just reasons" (if there is such a thing).
On the topic of civil technology:
Well I kind of view those as recruitement projects. I mean: Who would answer "Yes, of course" to the question "Hey, would you like to develope precision-bombs [for use in urban enviroments] for us?"? One would need to have an essential education plus being blindly patriotic or simple sociopathic to a degree. I would doubt you could recruit big well motivated researchteams that way.
Aren't their organizations with a purely civilpurpose, which make these kinds of projects?
Robots and their Stormbound project display two aspect of which I'm scared in particular:
Stormbound -> Deception
They get people to work for them without really telling them what exactly they do. If I understand correctly what the linked developer says, people work on recognizing patterns in the memeory of pc's. This can apparently be used to treat bugs. However it appears to me, that it isn't a far leap from treating those bugs to exploiting those bugs. And the people who "work" on that, don't know what exactly they do (neither do they seem to get payed).
Autonomous robots:
Well I guess these induce a multitude of unpleasant scenarios. One example is mounting weapons on them. It appears that it's actually even frowned uppon in the army to do this:
Another strategical aspect would be, that you don't need manpower (which to a certain degree is bound by emotional/moral aspects) anymore, but industrial power, only. You wouldn't need people to [kind of] agree with you [pan-asian-alliance/ devious US-administration/ megacorporation... take your pick] if you wanted to use force to aid your goals.
Encaen said:
But fear and respect aren't mutually exclusive!
Nope. Not at all. As I said, it will most certainly be well played by them if this works. However my fear outweights this, since I'm not sure on whether I and DARPA stand on the same side of the barricade.