I tend to agree with a lot of people that Green Lantern would be very doable, and it would give people something to do with all of this otherwise pointless touchscreen technology. Truthfully when you get down to it, Green Lantern mostly does a few basic things, hit people, constrain people, or move things when it comes to his powers, albeit he does it in different ways with different constructs. Doing a game based around him could say allow you to design your own custom energy constructs to tie to his basic abilities so they look a different way (perhaps even rotating through your collection as you use the same ability). You might start with a construct strike that is a big green fist, but if you want it to be a hammer instead, you could draw one and put it into the game. Albiet this would also mean those with sick minds could draw absurd or perverted things of course.
When it comes to Superman, he's not really franchise material as far as churning out a game about him every year. His stuff would take some work, but it's quite doable since his rogues gallery is full of threats on his level, and his stuff tends to not exactly be short on the action when it comes to the high end punch-ups. While Superman gets into a lot of routine "I show up and solve the problem with no difficulty" stuff, he also gets called in frequently when some truly powerful being is on a rampage, and then has entertaining fist fights that result in tons of urban demolition. The trick to doing Superman well might be to do the game on a global scale, and have him respond to "hot spots" where specific things are happening, and otherwise have the ability to visit different cities/environments when the story isn't calling him somewhere, to do something. I admit that something on the scale Superman would require would take a lot of money, and again, the interest in doing it without being able to squeeze one out every year or too easily wouldn't appeal to the current corporate mentality.
As far as Wonder Woman goes, there are a number of different ways that she could be used, but that's kind of the problem to doing the character since she's really hard to satisfy the fans with. Consider that she basically started as a combination bondage pin up and lesbian empowerment fantasy (Bob did a thing at one point about the guy who created her, his wife, etc...) and has been redefined almost constantly. The thing is that you COULD do almost anything with her, but at the end of the day almost nothing you do with her is likely to make the fans happy and totally avoid controversy. For example if you basically just copy pasted Wonder Woman onto what amounts to a "God Of War" game I doubt that would actually wind up making her entire fan base particularly happy.
To be honest I've always thought Wonder Woman might be a decent character if they ever wanted to do a very "M" rated game or risk actually going for an AO title, simply because you could elaborate on all of the sex stuff, and still have a pretty solid character for doing other things with.
That said, I've always thought Yahtzee's old idea about playing as an actual super villain in a sandbox game might be interesting. It would also be a way of using a lot of hard to write heroes, since what doesn't work if used as a protagonist might work as a boss for a villain game. Looking at "Saint's Row" or "Grand Theft Auto" for example it might be interesting to say play a game as "The Joker" in Gotham while Batman is indisposed, embark on your heists and stuff, and the ever popular "sandbox rampages" could also be put into the game as a part of it, as opposed to being something you do while bored between playing the game regularly. After all The Joker running around killing people randomly and making a big mess is kind of what you expect. It's also ideal for an inevitable "you lose" ending without it being a total downer because honestly... who really wants The Joker to win and kill everyone?
I've also felt that some of the super-thief characters like say "Catwoman" or "Black Cat" would be interesting choices for a stealth based game, they can do the action thing, but at the end of the day aren't really supposed to be brawlers. I kind of saw the potential for this in the second "Arkham" game.
On top of all of that I'll also mention flat out that I think the best thing that could be done with the whole idea is to simply not attach specific heroes to the universe franchises. To be honest, having played all of the hero MMOS (Champions, and before it City of Heroes/Villains, DC Universe Online) there is a lot of fun in creating your own character, costume, etc... and being a hero your way. One of the big problems with the MMOs though is that the material becomes unusually generic when you have to work around MMO tropes and mechanics, you just can't do the kind of world building and story telling that you can with a single player game. I saw the potential for this heavily in "Infamous" especially as the powers diversified, and it occurred to me that it could work with say "City Of Heroes" type character generation if they did it right. Granted you wouldn't wind up being able to define the player character the same way, but at the same time being assigned someone like Cole does kind of ruin the personal empowerment fantasy that super hero stuff thrives on.