Fable Anniversary Review - Slack of Blades

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
I will admit that some of the mechanics of the game are a bit sloppy, but I'll still take it over the 1,001 God of War clones that make up a lot of today's action games.


New member
Aug 22, 2009
I dunno about the love affair with HD re-releases being over. I could probably list ten games off the top of my head that I'm dying to see again.

But, I'm a nostalgic fool.

I might pick up fable anniversary at some point, but not at full price, it seems. I was actually looking forward to it. I was a huge fable 2 fan, and even fable 3 didn't seem that bad to me. Everyone I've ever talked about the series with has always said that the first game was the best. I might learn how much of that was blind nostalgia in time.

Scars Unseen

^ ^ v v < > < > B A
May 7, 2009
Doclector said:
I might pick up fable anniversary at some point, but not at full price, it seems.
This seems to be my default stance on HD remakes. I'm just now looking at picking up the Zone of Enders HD Collection.

That Eeyore

New member
Aug 18, 2009
One thing I didn't like about the Fable series is that it seemed to lose a bit after the first one, mainly in the sense that Armor was done away with (You could wear armor, but it was only for looks, and didn't do much for you) Will powers were reduced to the point where all you got were attacking type spells, with buffs and healing abilities falling by the wayside.

I always said that a game with the armor and non-attacking spells of Fable 1 with some of the advancements introduced later installments (the dog, ability to choose your hero's gender) would be nice.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Still the best Fable game of them all, though that's hardly surprising considering that they seemed to intentionally do the exact wrong thing in every aspect of every subsequent release...


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Sucks that they didn't polish the gameplay, but frankly, despite all its obvious flaws, I still found the original a hell of a lot better than 2 or 3. I suppose that puts me the the crowd that is all right with buying this game again.

Daaaah Whoosh

New member
Jun 23, 2010
This is my dilemma whenever I think about playing earlier games in a franchise I've enjoyed. I love Fable 2 so much, but I realize there are many things that could be better; the same can be said with a heavy emphasis on the latter for Fable 3. I just don't know if Fable 1 would solve those problems, or introduce new ones. And these days, after burning so much money getting a PS4, I have to be very careful with my game purchases.
In fact, if the original is on PC, it might just be old enough for my computer to run...


Mugwamp Supreme
Nov 26, 2008
I recently tried picking up Fable 2 before playing Fable 3 and noticed how much it has aged. If Fable 2 has aged that much then I can certainly believe Fable 1 having aged that badly.

It does feel like we're living in an area that old games are more playable. I didn't play the original bioshock until 2011 and it was beautiful despite being a 2007 game. I'm really hopeful that some of the games I'm enjoying now will be perfectly enjoyable 30 years from now.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
They could have done so much more....
Seems to be Lionheads tagline!

I wanted this to be better, re-live on of my favourite Xbox games, but alas.... it'llave to wait till it's on sale!

Crazy Zaul

New member
Oct 5, 2010
So they didn't upgrade the rent collecting system to the one from fable 2 or add the minigames... that sucks. But at least they kept the spell system the same instead of Fable 2s completely stupid system of upgrades not actually being upgrades.


New member
Jun 16, 2009
The first Fable had the most ambition of the series I feel and although it was by no means a great game, in any technical sense, that ambition and clear joy of the developers in making the game translated to a fun experience. However as the series went on, I felt Lionhead kept straying from their original vision and although the games became slightly more technically sound they really lost their ambition and charm until the point when I stopped caring.


New member
Apr 7, 2013
Thanks Jim, glad to know that I should not expect to get more than extra graphics from the Anniversary game. I still play the 1st one on my 360 so I will be getting it when it comes out. I was hoping the glass feature would enhance it for. Can you go in depth as to what it actually does for the game? On a happy note I am glad I can wear the Blades outfit on my evil hero when I fight Blades.


New member
Aug 3, 2011
I enjoyed all the Fable games, though they all had their faults. I hope they do a new one and make it more open work like the Bethesda games. I enjoy the setting and graphic style of the Fable games, they have character, but just need to fix all the rubbish like the farting etc Now there is no more Peter Moly in control, the next game should be excellent - in my opinion he ruined those games with all his new additions that sucked and yet never dealt with the core issues of previous games.


Casual Plebeian
Oct 23, 2009
The original upgrade system and combat mechanics are mostly in tact and they've given it a HD coat of paint? I was on the fence about this one and this article has convinced me that it's worth my purchase after all. I'm sorry Jim, but the combat of the first game was leagues more fun that Fable 2 and 3, in my opinion.

I can't wait to get this and play through it with my sisters. We had SO MUCH FUN with this game when we were kids and I'm looking forward to re-introducing my youngest sister to this now that she' at an age she can also play it.


New member
May 13, 2010
I pre ordered it. Fable is one of my favourite series, both 1, 2, 3 and journey was excellent in my head. With number two being the very best.

And if you don't like it you can take your opinions all the way home to the boring side of town, daddy-o.

Rad Party God

Party like it's 2010!
Feb 23, 2010
Back in 2005 when I played it for the first time, my previous experiences with action/adventure games was with The Legend of Zelda games, especially when I recently finished Wind Waker six months before. Even back then, I didn't treated Fable as a full on RPG, I treated it as an "action/adventure" game and it definitely was sloppy with everything it tried to do, from the inventory to the combat.

Heck, I barely remember the story, the only thing that stuck up with me was the "chicken chaser" and the dragon at the end of The Lost Chapters.

I'm not saying it was a bad game, quite on the contrary, I had a lot of fun with it back then and I'd definitely like to revisit it someday, out of pure nostalgia.

I'm not buying a 360 again just to play this, I'll simply dust off my copy of Fable: The Lost Chapters and it's 4 installation CDs. Those were the days :)


New member
Nov 25, 2010
If I still had my 360, I'd consider getting it. I haven't played Fable since it first came out and I really liked it at the time. It may not have aged well but I always thought it was a charming and fun game.