Carrie Fisher Will Spend Six Months Filming Star Wars: Episode VII

Steven Bogos

The Taco Man
Jan 17, 2013
Carrie Fisher Will Spend Six Months Filming Star Wars: Episode VII

Fisher, Hamil and Ford's roles in the new film may be more than mere cameos.

Carrie Fisher, the actress best known for her portrayal of Princess Leia in the original Star Wars trilogy, is not known for her ability to keep a secret. She previously spilled the beans on the fact that she, along with Mark Hamil and Harrison Ford, would return in the upcoming Episode VII [], though many assumed it would be a cameo role of sorts, as a final send off to the original cast. Now, Fisher has said that she will spend a full six months in London filming for the movie, which certainly suggests more than a cameo.

"I'm going off to London for six months to film the new 'Star Wars' movie," she reportedly told Jim Jeffries, who said on the Opie and Anthony show [] that "And I don't think from looking at it, the new 'Star Wars' movie is a direct continuation. It's number 7 but it's not going to be the next day, I'll tell you that much. Maybe she had the same problem the Emperor had, I don't know."

This aligns with some reports we heard earlier that J.J. Abrams' and Lawrence Kasdan's rewrites of Michael Arndt's script wanted to keep the trio front and center in order to give them a proper send-off, while subsequent films will feature the new younger cast more heavily.

As for what possible role Fisher's character will have in the new film, In the expanded universe, Leia is a founding member of the New Republic after the collapse of the Empire. She also begins exploring her connection with The Force, eventually building her own lightsaber

Source: Screen Rant []



New member
Sep 20, 2009
I keep telling myself that these new films can't possibly be worse than the prequels, but the more I hear about them the less I'm convinced that will be true.


Dec 16, 2008
Adzma said:
I keep telling myself that these new films can't possibly be worse than the prequels, but the more I hear about them the less I'm convinced that will be true.
They're not written by Lucas. That's practically impossible. In fact, Lawrence Kasdan (the co-writer of the new trilogy) was the co-writer on Empire, widely believed to be the best film of the lot. Bringing the old cast back doesn't appeal to me either, but Disney aren't stupid so count me as cautiously optimistic. Plus anything that gives Mark Hamil more work. The guy's excellent. All that said, Ford looked too old to play Indie six years ago when that came out which certainly isn't encouraging.


New member
Oct 25, 2012
TheEvilCheese said:
Adzma said:
I keep telling myself that these new films can't possibly be worse than the prequels, but the more I hear about them the less I'm convinced that will be true.
They're not written by Lucas. That's practically impossible. In fact, Lawrence Kasdan (the co-writer of the new trilogy) was the co-writer on Empire, widely believed to be the best film of the lot. Bringing the old cast back doesn't appeal to me either, but Disney aren't stupid so count me as cautiously optimistic. Plus anything that gives Mark Hamil more work. The guy's excellent. All that said, Ford looked too old to play Indie six years ago when that came out which certainly isn't encouraging.
Ford looked fine in Ender's game and his role in the new movie may be closer to that than Indiana.

I am also cautiously optimistic, it is in the hands of Disney and we all know what they are a capable of, bringing the original cast back is a meh for me as well.

What I really want them to do is give us a bit more Sith, explore their characters a bit more, I know there were rumours going around about spin off movies focusing on certain characters and all 3 of them were "good guys", Sith aren't inherently bad, movie makers seem to think that watchers can't relate to anything that isn't "good" but there were a shit load more Sith/Empire players in The Old Republic, it caused huge faction imbalances. I think a lot of people would love to see a Darth Maul movie - his character was fucked up in episode one.

Perhaps I am just a little biased, sitting here with the Old Republic Sith Emblem tattoo'd on my forearm, but I am kind of over having to read canon (or play aging video games) to get any kind of Sith character development or back story.

Andy of Comix Inc

New member
Apr 2, 2010
TheEvilCheese said:
Adzma said:
I keep telling myself that these new films can't possibly be worse than the prequels, but the more I hear about them the less I'm convinced that will be true.
They're not written by Lucas. That's practically impossible. In fact, Lawrence Kasdan (the co-writer of the new trilogy) was the co-writer on Empire.
He also wrote Dreamcatcher and Darling Companion. Having written great films does not mean he will continue to write great films. In fact, almost always the opposite. I can't think of a single filmmaker who was making films thirty years ago who is making them as well today (with the exception of Martin Scorsese, perhaps).

Clive Howlitzer

New member
Jan 27, 2011
If I never saw another light saber again, I'd die a happy man. There is more to Star Wars than light sabers and the force. Can we maybe try exploring THAT a little bit? Please?


New member
Sep 15, 2009
Oh my gaaaawwwwwddd.

I mean come on! Carrie Fisher was hot in the old Star Wars but I really don't want to see her in tattered clothes swinging her own lightsaber now :D


New member
Sep 6, 2009
Whether or not it's a good movie will ultimately be a pointless debate. The Extended Universe fanboys will make sure to kill any goodwill or positive feelings this movie may generate.

Which is just sad of them.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Color me optimistic. Done well, this could be a great send off to the original cast that also lets the newer members take the spotlight. Imagine Luke in the role of Obi-Wan or Yoda, with Han playing a wise old starship captain while Leia is a major leader in the politics of the galaxy. All three coming together to basically be one of the most important forces driving the galaxy.

Then, throw in a new threat of some sort. One that the three could not foresee and probably causing their downfall. And our new cast has to take up the reins and face this new threat that even the three greatest in the galaxy couldn't handle.

Or this could be worse than Anakin's whining in Episode Three.

Come on Disney, don't disappoint me. Make another Avengers!


New member
Aug 3, 2011
They already said the SW7 is built around Han, Leia and Luke as the leads. Its not till SW8 which will star the new cast as leads.


Swamp Weather Balloon Gas
Apr 11, 2011
CarnageRacing00 said:
It wouldn't make sense for there to be 3 new movies and not one of them mention any of the 3 most important characters in the Star Wars universe - Luke, Leia and Han. Bringing them back to the story is right, it's the correct decision, and having them actually appear in the films is more than necessary - I just sincerely hope they aren't involved in any action scenes and are delegated to more Yoda-like roles, maybe with Leia the leader of the free galaxy, Han a decorated air fleet commander, and Luke essentially the new Obi Wan or Qui Gon.
considering what we can do with computers these days, anything really physical won't be an issue


New member
Apr 2, 2008
I just hope that she has a better experience on the set with this one. She had a pretty shitty time of it back in the day (being told she was "too fat" despite only being 105 pounds, taping down her breasts because there was "no underwear in space," cocaine addiction, the infamous "slave Leia" outfit, etc.)

Whatislove said:
What I really want them to do is give us a bit more Sith, explore their characters a bit more, I know there were rumours going around about spin off movies focusing on certain characters and all 3 of them were "good guys", Sith aren't inherently bad, movie makers seem to think that watchers can't relate to anything that isn't "good" but there were a shit load more Sith/Empire players in The Old Republic, it caused huge faction imbalances. I think a lot of people would love to see a Darth Maul movie - his character was fucked up in episode one.

Perhaps I am just a little biased, sitting here with the Old Republic Sith Emblem tattoo'd on my forearm, but I am kind of over having to read canon (or play aging video games) to get any kind of Sith character development or back story.
I wouldn't hold my breath. While the EU has introduced a fair degree of moral ambiguity, the movies themselves are still very black and white, "good vs. evil" affairs. Since an overwhelming majority of people are more familiar with the films, I'd wager that's the route they're going to take.

Also, Disney is planning on pruning down the existing EU and judging everything on a binary "official canon or not canon at all" system, so the various Old Republic stories that "humanize" the Sith a bit might be tossed away entirely:


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Why do we need a "send off" to a trilogy that ended 30 years ago? Like I was a big-time Star Wars fan, but I'm not dying to see more of Luke and Leia. We got their ending. New Star Wars movies should be new (or non-existent...)

Bad Jim

New member
Nov 1, 2010
Adzma said:
I keep telling myself that these new films can't possibly be worse than the prequels, but the more I hear about them the less I'm convinced that will be true.
The prequels establish Anakin as having killed an entire Tusken village when he found out that they killed his mother, and that he officially turned to the dark side believing he would save Padme. He clearly loses all self control when the people close to him are threatened. This makes Palpatine look like a complete idiot during the climax of Return of the Jedi, when he not only tortures and nearly kills his son in front of him, but does so after dismissing the idea that Anakin would do anything about it.

At least a trilogy set after the originals won't ruin them. At least, no more than the prequels did.


New member
May 26, 2013
Sadly, nothing will compare to KOTOR 1 & 2. Those are the best storytelling in any Star Wars universe since the originals set it up. It was much less black and white, characters had depth and backstory and motivations. Most characters had intelligent reasons for doing what they did instead of 'I'm evil so I do this'.

Unfortunately, its unlikely we see anything other then something that is better then the prequels (not saying much) and not as good as the originals.

Ace Morologist

New member
Apr 25, 2013
Dear filmmakers who will never read this: I have a zen* observation for you. (I will then explain it so the moderators don't knock me (again) for a low-content post.)

I can dance just like Michael Jackson could. I am not as good a dancer as Michael Jackson was.

Imitating something awesome that somebody else already did (e.g., making new Star Wars movies full of Star Wars tropes and starring old Star Wars characters) doesn't make the imitation or the imitator awesome by association.


* I don't actually know anything about Zen philosophy.

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
I love how many people are claiming that these movies will be horrible when filming hasn't even started yet. Such a pell-mell rush for wanting to be able to say "I was right" to the Internet.

Bad Jim said:
This makes Palpatine look like a complete idiot during the climax of Return of the Jedi, when he not only tortures and nearly kills his son in front of him, but does so after dismissing the idea that Anakin would do anything about it.
I don't think it was idiocy so much as hubris; Sidious thought his control over Vader was absolute, that the Dark Side was more powerful than fatherly devotion. It was the same line of thinking where he expected Luke to fall for one of three separate angles to get him to strike Sidious down and turn to the Dark Side- sheer hate, protectiveness of his friends, or a desire to save his father.