Zombie Badger said:
This is going to have impossibly high expectations for me given the shrine I've built in my basement to Alpha Centauri over the years (with a Miriam voodoo doll!). Also how much do you want to bet that this was originally called 'After Earth' before Will Smith went and embarrassed himself in spectacular nepotistic fashion?
Bah, you Gaian hippies, worshiping some fake deity. Not like me and my monument to Prokhor Zakharov that I conduct experiments before in his honor...
OT: I think I just made myself wet with glee...
With that out of the way, I know it won't be as good as Alpha Centari's nostalgia filter is telling me it was. As a matter of legal[footnote]i.e. until they can actually get the licence back properly.[/footnote] and economic[footnote]i.e. a slightly more accessible game from Civ III and IV, similar to Civ V, to justify development costs.[/footnote] considerations, it will probably be a very different game from AC. Although I do hope they'll let units stack again. That was a pain in Civ V.
Some other things I would like to have in this game:
1) Multiple kinds of planet types (tile sets, hazards, building considerations). For example, you can set a temperate, earth-like planet with less aggressive flora and fauna for easier gameplay, while harder planets could have hazards like low oxygen/extremely aggressive flora/fauna (think Pandora), Planets completely or mostly covered in ice (agricultural research and specialized infrastructure would be a early priority, with mining being a much more lucrative venture) or water (do you go with the seabase with access to plentiful food at higher development costs or try for the island with a development bonus?), desert planets (ditto, but now water extraction is a higher priority), or even volcanic (research to develop lava-proof transport systems such as roads and areal vehicles would be a necessity while agriculture would not be as difficult). If these aren't available at launch, I suspect an expansion would fill this role nicely.
2) Elevation. One of the things I think was really missing from Civ V was a sense that the world was more than just flat. Alpha Centari had elevation as not just a cosmetic tool, but as a mechanic. Industrious players could literally terriform climates for better agriculture or raising seas. Let's bring that back.
3) Choosing your start location. One of the things this game will have over the Civ games is that your people are literally dropping from space. This opens up an entire potential mechanic that can really heat up the debate over whether to move your colony pod on the first turn. I'm not saying you should get to choose the exact spot to drop into, but you should make a 4-deep giant hex selection that will randomly drop you onto one of those tiles, with you only seeing the most basic of features (elevation/terrain, water). After which, your "navigation files" get corrupted (intentionally perhaps?) and you have to rely on memory to remember the rest of the map without exploring[footnote]One civ could have the perk of maintaining the most basic maps of water and land[/footnote]. Areas, such as volcanoes or canyons, could be blocked off as "too hazardous" with some real nice goodies to extract in those areas.
4) Multiple victory condition option. One victory condition can be more of a pain or easier, often depending on your Civ and play style. But toss in a "two victories" requirement and it could revolutionize late-game play. Suddenly, with one victory condition out of the way, other Civs now either need to siege the victorious civ, shift their development to other goals, or expedite existing goals to meet the victory requirements.