Amiibo NFC Figures for Smash Bros and Other WiiU Titles - Update

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
Amiibo NFC Figures for Smash Bros and Other WiiU Titles - Update

Nintendo brings Skylander style NFC figures to WiiU for games like Smash Bros and Mario Kart.

Read Full Article

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
DaViller said:
This better not be some "buy our stuff and you will always win" bs.
Two things
1 how is your comment before the article itself
2 i agree, pay 2 win would take the piss. Espically 4 a full price game

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Sure it's not original but I am intrigue as long the figure is good quality and a fair price. I got a long wait (got a 3DS but no Wii U). Still I can easily see people being pissed if their figure get damaged or lost althought isn't the most important thing is the chip inside the base?


New member
Sep 13, 2008
They've made the smash bros figures into semi-real things!

I know it's stupid but I am HYPED!

CAPTCHA: Clean and shiny. They are very shiny indeed captcha. Very. Shiny. Indeed.


New member
Sep 3, 2013
Dominic Crossman said:
Two things
1 how is your comment before the article itself
2 i agree, pay 2 win would take the piss. Espically 4 a full price game
To answer 1

It´s to illustrate that my opinion in most takes priority.


That Voice in Your Head
Sep 4, 2010
DaViller said:
This better not be some "buy our stuff and you will always win" bs.
From the looks of it, the Amibo is local only. I just don't see them using it online, or if they do, only using it for the For Glory modes. I really think it isn't a pay to win so much as a here's another way to play.


Note to self: Prooof reed posts
Sep 4, 2013
Don't know if I would actually buy one of these, but the figures do look very pretty. I love some of the stances, Link and Peach in particular.

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
Dexterity said:
DaViller said:
This better not be some "buy our stuff and you will always win" bs.
Dominic Crossman said:
2 i agree, pay 2 win would take the piss. Espically 4 a full price game
Jesus Christ. Did either of you actually read the article? Or do you both just lack ALL reading comprehension.

The figures do nothing but allow you to play with or against a custom specced computer character. The computer character will have their own unique AI and stats to keep them different from characters on other NFC toys.

The toys are not required at all. If you don't have them, then you can just use a regular AI opponent. The toys just allow you to play against custom enemies.

I actually have no clue how both of you read it as "pay to win". Seriously, please explain. I don't even understand how the toys could possibly be "pay to win" within the new Smash Bros considering how they've been explained to work.

Really, either both of you need to work on your reading comprehension, or you both need to fix your definitions on the term "pay to win".
Level up as you play and also gain custom-picked special moves.

That reads as gaining advantages over an opponent to me, article doesn't state you can't control the character, just that is controlled by AI (doesn't state exclusively). Unfortunately recent events have made me not take anything game makers state at face value.

Also, no need get angry or insulting, we weren't trying to aggravate anyone, just stating our worries.

Edit: Bloody typos

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Honestly... I like this idea. A personalised bot opponent that adapts to you, if I'm reading this right. That would be a great way to insure you always have a satisfying fight, a nice addition for local matches if you want a good opponent, and a great way to tie in the whole trophy thing. I really like the figures too. They managed to make the Other M Varia Suit look Good, that takes talent.

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
Dexterity said:
The figures do nothing but allow you to play with or against a custom specced computer character. The computer character will have their own unique AI and stats to keep them different from characters on other NFC toys.
You stated yourself, play WITH, which would give you an advantage or an opponent, also I'd get to doctors if your getting migraines that easily ;) (meant as a joke, not an insult, trying to clear the air)

I didn't want to sit and watch the conference, hence why I read this article.

And if I wanted to bash Nintendo I wouldn't have to make problems up. Like I stated, I'm just cynical, I hope my worries are unjustified tbh.


a samurai... devil summoner?
Nov 7, 2007
You know, I'm tempted to just pick up the statues. Like someone else said, Link looks great as that. Maybe I'll get smash bros for the 3DS since I don't own a Wii U and all. Also, getting a new PC, so have to save up for that console if I want to get it.

Let's hope they make one for Palutena and Pit. I kind of like those designs in smash bros. As well as Fire Emblem statues. Hopefully, Chrom will be one of those.


New member
Oct 17, 2012
I"m kind of looking forward to this, but in all honesty I probably won't own a Wii U before buying one of these Amiibos (that's gonna take some getting used to).

I've always found physical toys or dolls to be lacking when it comes to video game products. Sure you have the occasional Kratos figure here, a fragile Bayonetta [] figure there, and a fairly outstanding Samus [] figure once in a blue moon. But overall they've been hard to find, say a Princess Peach that wasn't meant to be a keychain or something.

I speak only from the viewpoint of someone that wants products that reach beyond the realm of the digital experience (once in a while), so I guess these will have to do for now.

Dominic Crossman

New member
Apr 15, 2013
Dexterity said:
Dominic Crossman said:
You stated yourself, play WITH, which would give you an advantage or an opponent
Have you ever even played a Smash Bros game? Because from the sound of everything you've said, it seems like you've never even played a multiplayer game before.

If you really don't want to use the fucking toys then don't use them. You're scared that your friend will have the upper hand over you? Then just don't let them put the toy on the controller.

There is no possible way that these are pay to win. There is literally no advantage that these give. You do realize that without the toy that it's still possible to create an AI ally to fight alongside you, right?

You've been imagining problems from the get go, and no, saying "I'm cynical" isn't an excuse for spouting out complete garble when you're so uneducated about the subject.
How do these comments imply I've never played mp games b4? Throwing out random quips like that what makes me think your angry (along with the with the swearing)

Anyways, to answer your q ive played ssbb, was alright at it but majority of friends were better :s

As for You do realize that without the toy that it's still possible to create an AI ally to fight alongside you, right? No I didn't tbh, although what the toys are for then? Elaborate memory cards?

After this comment I'm not going to make another reply because we've (as in both you and me) lowered this into a petty internet argument (instead of a discussion) so I'm going to leave. I will read any reply if you want to send one.

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
Dominic Crossman said:
Two things
1 how is your comment before the article itself
2 i agree, pay 2 win would take the piss. Espically 4 a full price game
I think it was because I updated the article, which changes the time stamp.

Yeah, I think N knows better than to make Smash play-to-win. It's their only game taken seriously in the competitive ring. I expect, like items, Amiibos will be something that can be disabled. They seem like they will be used as a practice tool and something to show off to your friends. Maybe like cock-fighting? Huh, yeah... I could see that.

I also thought that it's a little odd that one incentive is to have the Amiibo play against other Amiibos. Quite literally, if you pay extra money you can get something that will play the game for you, but it doesn't make any progress in the game. I expect to see the comments on r/gaming, GAF, or /v/ that this the end of gaming.