Report: Star Wars: Episode VII Villains to be Known as "Jedi Hunters"

Alex Co

New member
Dec 11, 2013
Report: Star Wars: Episode VII Villains to be Known as "Jedi Hunters"

Star Wars: Episode VII baddies are allegedly called "Jedi Hunters," dressed in black and hunt Jedi for the Empire.

With filming underway for Star Wars: Episode VII, for a 2015 release, the rumor mill is understandably going into hyperspace for every bit of leaked story details and if the sources from Making Star Wars are to be believed [], we might know the film's villains. Before you read on, the site makes it clear that while its sources are "people in various departments" at Pinewood Studios, none of them have actually read the script. The rumors reported on now is "amongst the people around Pinewood, some on Star Wars VII and some in the vicinity," and that "each of these sources have proven themselves to be related to the production in ways" the site won't divulge. With that in mind, some of the details outed could be considered spoiler-ish in nature, so bear that in mind before reading on. Now that we have that out of the way, the new villains in Star Wars: Episode VII are being called "Jedi Hunters" and they are "scary individuals, dressed in black, some helmeted" that are hunting Jedi for the Empire.

The Jedi Hunters' physical appearance are said to be characterized by "black and chrome with troopers in similar black and chrome uniforms," which are said to be "very imperial, but very new." Allegedly, these new threats are the reason why there is no New Republic after Return of the Jedi. Another source claims to have been on set for a sequence wherein we learn that the Jedi Hunters worship the Sith and want to resurrect them, with their mandate to "protect the Sith at all costs and insure their survival."

The same source divulges that Luke Skywalker has been fighting to stop the resurrection for the last 30 years of his life, but that "he is outnumbered, tired and in need of help." Allegedly, the villains' goal of resurrecting the Sith "sounds like it happens in the next film," which obviously points to Star Wars: Episode VIII.

Lastly, the trio of Jedi Hunters appearing on film are said to be played by Lupita Nyong'o, Adam Driver, and David Oyelowo, with a third source "adamant" that Oyelowo is voicing one of the trio.

While some of the details could be true, it's understandable for people to be suspicious. To that end, the site has posted as a disclaimer of sorts to let people know that this could either be accurate or inaccurate.

I just want to let everyone know this information is what we are hearing. It might be incorrect. We can't say for sure. We don't have that kind of access. This is simply what we are hearing from people that have proven to us that are from Pinewood. I don't want anyone to get their hopes up or down for that matter. But let it be known, this is what we are heard in the last two weeks and it could be accurate or inaccurate.

This is certainly a lot to take in and if it pans out, could see Star Wars fans looking at a new threat. I do admit, though, if these new villains can hunt down Jedi, does that mean they're on the same level as the Sith? That's just one of the questions racing in my mind right now but certainly won't be the last.

How do you feel about these rumors and are you hoping they come true or would you rather have the Sith once again be the main bad guys?

Source: Making Star Wars []



Norwegian Llama Stylist
Jan 7, 2010
Ultratwinkie said:
Jedi hunters? Chrome? Very Imperial?

You mean a Dark Trooper? They will finally be put into actual canon?

And I am also very sure the Sith is dead. Not counting the twist in the extended universe that the sith were the good guys enacting revenge for a genocide the Jedi committed a million years ago.

Where somehow technology doesn't change over those million years. But that's retconned so its irrelevant.

As you can probably tell, I don't have a lot of faith for these movies. I guess digging a dead cash cow up to milk more money is better than birthing a new one.
I was thinking more Shadow Trooper than Dark Trooper: Not like there's a huge diffence though...

Aaaaanyways. I just hope they don't fuck it up. That's all I'm asking for now.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
I remember jedi hunters from knights of the old republic 2. Imagine if they found a way to bring Kreya into this


New member
May 9, 2010
I quite like this news, it hopefully means that 1 the sith won?t be the villains again, and 2 that the empire is still alive and kicking, considering how one of my biggest problems with return of the jedi is that the empire is not actually defeated, this makes me a bit more excited about the film.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Ultratwinkie said:
And I am also very sure the Sith is dead. No way they can bring them back. Not counting the twist in the extended universe that the sith were the good guys enacting revenge for a genocide the Jedi committed a million years ago.
Say whaaaa? What's the story behind this? I guess the Sith in that story were twisted into those power driven loonies that the modern Sith are and back in the day were all daisies and rainbows, until a Jedi came and kicked their dog?


New member
Nov 24, 2009
Dendio said:
I remember jedi hunters from knights of the old republic 2. Imagine if they found a way to bring Kreya into this
Part of me says "ALL MY YES!" to that, then the rest of me remembers this is J.J Abrams making this, and while i dont think hes bad I dont trust him to handle anything from KotOR II.


New member
Jul 9, 2012
After they discard all external canon it'll be really odd if this one opens with the empire still in charge. If you just watch the movies, the Empire appears to be gone at the end of the Return of the Jedi. The Emperor's dead, the Death Star went kaboom, and we haven't really seen enough other worlds to believe that the empire is a massive sweeping group that will need serious rooting out.

I know in the (Now non-Canon) EU there's plenty of explanation, but to the casual movie-viewer it'll be really weird if we go from Movie 6, with a dead empire, to a few decades later in Movie 7 where the Empire is back and status quo has returned.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Uhm...why would anyone want insane planet blowing up pseudo-nazi's back in power?
The same people who exterminate whole populations out of their own sadistic desires?

I mean I can get wanting to get power from it but...ugh.

Honestly bringing the Sith back people? STUPID!
AH well lets wait for the movie.

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
This is dumb as hell.

Why would Jedi hunters be the reason there is no New Republic? Non-space wizards can form governments too. Why does everything have to be centered on the Jedi? How about Rogue Squadron? Or Wraith Squadron? Just show a struggling and fragile New Republic trying to get support from more star systems while fending off a post-Endor Empire and rogue Imperial warlords.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Ultratwinkie said:
Shinkicker444 said:
Ultratwinkie said:
And I am also very sure the Sith is dead. No way they can bring them back. Not counting the twist in the extended universe that the sith were the good guys enacting revenge for a genocide the Jedi committed a million years ago.
Say whaaaa? What's the story behind this? I guess the Sith in that story were twisted into those power driven loonies that the modern Sith are and back in the day were all daisies and rainbows, until a Jedi came and kicked their dog?
The big thing in Star Wars was that everything came in cycles.

Sith get killed by Jedi. Jedi get killed by sith. A never ending circle of killing and domination.

This was the sith's cycle, after they took over from the Jedi's cycle. So the extermination of Jedi was a way for the Sith to remain in power forever.

This was a 1+ million year old sith plot to break the cycle forever.

Now that disney broke the circle, this no longer makes sense. The cycle was meant to be so long that no human would live long enough to see 2 cycles.

Its in the expanded universe, which is planned to be retconned and axed. They have to, since Chewie is died after the original movies in the Vector Prime book. A book written to be what happened afteer the original movies.

Basically, it was a big thing that the games, books, and movies were all canon. Now its just the movies. Which under cuts explanations like how Jango Fett was selected to be the clone template.

Its explained here:
Knew there was a reason I went Imperial in SWTOR, always agree with Malgus' motives.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Makes sense really. Jedi Hunters are the primary big bad that needs dealing with, and the Sith hang around in the background. That means that the Jedi Hunters can get ganked in the climax of the first movie and we've still got the Sith to hang around being dicks for another two films. They're basically Darth Maul all over again.


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Ultratwinkie said:
Its in the expanded universe, which is planned to be retconned and axed. They have to, since Chewie is died after the original movies in the Vector Prime book. A book written to be what happened afteer the original movies.
There may be plenty of reasons why they'd ditch the EU, but that is pretty irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. Sure, wanting to have the Wookiee may be a factor, but there's still decades of lore between that particular event and the original movies.

Really, if they were interested in the EU at all and were absolutely insistent on the walking carpet being around, selecting material from time periods where Chewbacca was still alive would hardly be an issue, lots to choose from.

The reality is simply that they do not care about the EU, little to do with who's dead and who's not, more to do with the frequently voiced (not that I agree with it) opinion that the EU is a mess and they don't want to bother with it.


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Ehh I don't really like the sound of that but if they give the Hunters proper characterization it might be decent.

However its Abrams so I doubt it.

Also the hero of the Alliance has been fighting Jedi Hunters for 30 years and he's 'outnumbered, tired and in need of help' yet somehow nobody in the Alliance gives a fuck?

More ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Resurrect the sith? Okay Im not even sure anymore what sith actually means with all the canon/non canon. But being sith is a belief is it not? There were many different sith in history. The closest thing that this could relate to is somehow dismantling the spirit bomb thingie from the first darth bane book. They are technically not dead (they can't become one with the force).

Still Im not sure as to who this is referring. Also: a new republic can't be formed because of empirial forces. The emperor and his death star might be destroyed. There are still a butload of star destroyers/ storm troopers and what have you out there. This is adressed in the books but again: non canon. And 30years? Hasn't luke been training new jedi then? If this plot turns out to make zero sense I will be pissed. Still, therr is very little information and it could all be false. Time will tell.

Mik Sunrider

New member
Dec 21, 2013
If true ( and big if right now ) a couple things. One: it now makes sense why they destroyed the EU after ROTJ, this time line could never exist with EU.

Empire still in charge, possible because the power structure wasn't destroy just the fleet and Death Star were. Some Moff or another Admiral could have taken over rallied the troops to beat back the victory ... ie blood bath.

These Jedi Hunter also possible the Empire would want to have a elite team to make sure Darth Vader and the Emperor are the only ones around. Luke and Leia were protect because Leia's adopted father and Luke was out in the middle of nowhere. If someone popped up the Emperor would send these guys out to take them out, this way Vader can't co-op them to his side and threaten the Emperor's own power. Even if there are no Sith now, they could be waiting for their own 'Skywalker' to appear and 'save' them.

So ... does this mean there will be NO Solo kids??? Sweet! I didn't like Jaina or Jacen in EU, I know there is no way JJ could do anything to make them better, he could only make them worst ... somehow.

And lastly, if true ... Mr. Ford's injury in this kind of plot is a major deal. 8 weeks when your character is suppose to be on the run is a lot different then if he could be re-written to cover the injury. They can't just have him sitting in a Med center on Imperial City now can they?

Cedric Plante

New member
May 9, 2011
But who are the Jedi being hunted? I mean they are kind of super rare after, you know, Return of the Jedi.
The Jedi hunters must be bored with their lack of preys.