Report: Star Wars: Episode VII Villains to be Known as "Jedi Hunters"

Mik Sunrider

New member
Dec 21, 2013
After thirty years of trying to kill Luke, they must be freaking frustrate as a one legged man at a butt kicking contest.

Soviet Heavy

New member
Jan 22, 2010
HK-47 says it best: "If I see one more idiot attacking a Jedi with a blaster, I'll do you a favor and kill them myself!"


New member
Aug 19, 2011

I think my answer is sphisticated ;D


The Purple Mage
Nov 9, 2009
Weren't the Mandalorians the original "jedi hunters"? Whatever... it's really stupid to pull out any kind of "jedi hunter" without first bringing back more jedi. Maybe with a praxium of some sort. Oh, that's right, we've gotten rid of all of the stories that kept Star Wars alive in the geek fandoms for so long.

Also stupid: "Jedi hunters" working towards the goal of resurrecting the sith.


New member
Oct 14, 2010
For F$!# sake, seriously? Not only is that one of the most unimaginative possible story lines but it ensures absolute focus on the jedi. We're throwing out the eu for this?


New member
Jan 28, 2010
If they allow JJ to be anywhere near the marketing department I will not believe there will be any Jedi, hunters, or Jedi Hunters in that movie. I will believe they are in his Mystery Box, though.


New member
Jun 12, 2010
[quote/]The Jedi Hunters' physical appearance are said to be characterized by "black and chrome with troopers in similar black and chrome uniforms," which are said to be "very imperial, but very new."[/quote] so basically darktroopers/shadowtroopers. Glad some EU elements are being used.

[quote/]Allegedly, these new threats are the reason why there is no New Republic after Return of the Jedi.[/quote]
So because a small group of people are hunting Luke and Leia (the only Force-sensitives in the [i/]entire Rebellion[/i] according to the movies, and even then it's iffy for Leia; also see two quotes below) the whole Rebellion has just sat around on their hands for 30 years!?

[quote/]Another source claims to have been on set for a sequence wherein we learn that the Jedi Hunters worship the Sith and want to resurrect them, with their mandate to "protect the Sith at all costs and insure their survival."[/quote]
And what does this even mean? Sith is a belief system, which means any Force-sensitive could become a Sith(I'm working off Vader's admittance from Episode 3). Are they getting Force-users and training them with Sith holocrons and Luke has been forced to assassinate them, thus turning it into a grey-and grey conflict? Are the "Jedi Hunters"(emperor's bones, what a generic term) meddling with powers they can't comprehend and trying to finish a dark side necromantic ritual? Are they untrained Force-sensitives(and basically a proto-Inquisitorus)? And why do they worship the dead, genocidal sadists? So many questions arise from this point and they all lead somewhere stupid.

[quote/]The same source divulges that Luke Skywalker has been fighting to stop the resurrection for the last 30 years of his life, but that "he is outnumbered, tired and in need of help."[/quote]
Yeah, when you're the sole opposition to a galaxy-spanning group it's easy to get overwhelmed. I'm guessing we didn't have time to train a few padawans between leads, Luke? Yes, that's an assumption, but with all this leaked I'm sure the fact Luke had some apprentices would have been leaked as well.

I didn't have much faith in the new movies when Disney attached Abrams to 'em and, if this all turns out to be true, that will fade to almost nothing (hey, it [i/]may[/i] still turn out ok. But I really doubt it). Out of all the plots they could have gone with, this has to have been one of the worst.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
iseko said:
Resurrect the sith? Okay Im not even sure anymore what sith actually means with all the canon/non canon. But being sith is a belief is it not? There were many different sith in history. The closest thing that this could relate to is somehow dismantling the spirit bomb thingie from the first darth bane book. They are technically not dead (they can't become one with the force).
I've just seen the movies and have never any idea what the Sith were.
So I always assumed they were just evil Force-users, and that as long as the Jedi were around, they could turn Sith?
Or do you need some special training? Anakin didn't seem to need anything like that.

But I was always confused by that stuff anyway, or the stuff in the prequels anyway.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
"At last we will reveal ourselves to the Jedi. At last we will have our revenge."

Maybe now Maul, maybe now.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Lieju said:
iseko said:
Resurrect the sith? Okay Im not even sure anymore what sith actually means with all the canon/non canon. But being sith is a belief is it not? There were many different sith in history. The closest thing that this could relate to is somehow dismantling the spirit bomb thingie from the first darth bane book. They are technically not dead (they can't become one with the force).
I've just seen the movies and have never any idea what the Sith were.
So I always assumed they were just evil Force-users, and that as long as the Jedi were around, they could turn Sith?
Or do you need some special training? Anakin didn't seem to need anything like that.

But I was always confused by that stuff anyway, or the stuff in the prequels anyway.
It is...complicated. Or at least it used to be complicated. Allow me to drag you into a universe that, according to Disney, no longer exists:

The Sith were originally an actual species. They weren't evil in any way. However, some corrupted (read: bad) Force users found them and the Sith thought they were gods because of their power with the Force. Thus, the Sith started worshiping them. The Force users eventually took the name Sith for themselves, and the original Sith died out eons ago.
Fast forward several eons later, and current times no one really remembers the actual Sith. The term has now become a title, not the name of a race. There's a bunch of different ways to become Sith, but it really boils down to whether a previous Sith Lord grants you the title. It's no different than getting the title of Jedi Master. It requires training, studying, and acknowledgement of your peers. Or in the Sith's case, peer, since there are only supposed to be two at a time. Another rule that eventually the Sith decide to get rid off from time to time to help their cause.

Anyway, onto my thoughts on the article. LET THE INNER FANBOY RAGING BEGIN!!!!

You can't resurrect the Sith. The Sith, as they are known now, are an idea and an ideal. There's nothing to resurrect, because as V stated, "Ideas are bulletproof." You want to resurrect the Sith? Finding their teachings and study them. Done.
And if there is no New Republic, who exactly are these Jedi Hunters hunting? Luke is literally the last Jedi left--no, Leia doesn't count because she's not gone through her training as far as we know. Am I supposed to believe that Luke has managed to train new Jedi with the Empire still strong enough to stop the Rebels from forming a government AND he's being hunted constantly? I know the kid is good, but he's not that good. Even in the books he had help.
So many things wrong with this leaked info in terms of Star Wars lore. Yes, I know Disney said none of that stuff matters anymore, but it's really hard to throw away all of those years of my life just because Disney said so. And then, to see them drawing on some of the stuff and in doing so creating huge plot holes just...ugh...

Sigh. I feel this is going to be my response to nearly all of the new Star Wars stuff. I'm sorry...

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Dendio said:
I remember jedi hunters from knights of the old republic 2. Imagine if they found a way to bring Kreya into this
Of the 3 in the Sith Triumvirate, she would be the second most likely. Darth Sion's whole thing was him relying on the force through hate and fear of death, but he got over that. But Kreia never really cared about power, like most Sith, she just wanted to neuter the force in the end.

Nihlius however, is my choice for inclusion for several reasons: in the context of the Star Wars universe, he probably has the most destructive potential of anyone, he is basically the living (and I use that term loosely) embodiment of death, and is a walking metaphor for how the hunger for power is all consuming (something that the Star Wars movies have done a bit with in the past). But probably, my biggest argument for inclusion would be that it would still make sense in the context of KotOR 2. While the other Sith Lords more or less got over their issues (after you beat them up) he just disappears, his soul (from what I understand) actually just bonds itself to his mask, which itself was never destroyed.

Imagine, at some point in the movie, the Sith find the mask, get possessed and the Lord of Hunger descends on the galaxy to consume all life.

Okay, on looking at this post, I realized I am putting to much thought into this. I need to just calm down and let my inner nerd rest.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
Hmm, an interesting development. Just ? Let's try something different from lightsabers, yeah? Maybe, lightshields?


New member
Jun 15, 2011
There's already an episode VII, it's called Heir to the Empire [], and it's got the best Star Wars villain ever in it. Unless the movie ends up being an adaptation of that book, I'll pass.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Lieju said:
iseko said:
Resurrect the sith? Okay Im not even sure anymore what sith actually means with all the canon/non canon. But being sith is a belief is it not? There were many different sith in history. The closest thing that this could relate to is somehow dismantling the spirit bomb thingie from the first darth bane book. They are technically not dead (they can't become one with the force).
I've just seen the movies and have never any idea what the Sith were.
So I always assumed they were just evil Force-users, and that as long as the Jedi were around, they could turn Sith?
Or do you need some special training? Anakin didn't seem to need anything like that.

But I was always confused by that stuff anyway, or the stuff in the prequels anyway.
If you read the books (and it is said in some games as well) then being sith is a belief. Just like being jedi is. Sith use their emotions as their power that is true. But that is just using the dark side of the force. Being sith is more than that (or rather has become more than that). A dark jedi is not a sith.

Sith: wanting to kill every single jedi (very important). Jedi are your hated enemy and must be destroyed. If you do not care about killing jedi, you are not a sith. The death of the jedi is a goal. You don't just do it because they oppose you. Think of it as a holy war and the jedi are the infidels.
Being force sensitive makes you better then the rest of the people. You are destined to rule over others. The strongest lead the weak. In the games it has become: do evil because you can. Sith are not really like that. They don't kill for their amusement. They wish for peace (kind of). They truly believe a dictator can create peace in the galaxy. Their methods however are not really moral though.

Dark jedi: They use the dark side of the force for their own benefit. They were trained as jedi and fall to the lure of the dark side. They have no real interest in killing jedi. Only in things they want (i.e. their own benefit).


New member
Apr 13, 2010
This sounds terrible, to a point that it's reaching prequel levels of dumb for all the reasons explained in the first page.

Sith needing to be brought back cus ideas are hard guyz

Jedi hunters who can't kill one jedi and presumably a force sensitive with little to no training.

The empire still around and the rebellion too stupid to capitalize after cutting the head off of the Empire along with scattering what was presumably a good chunk of the Imperial navy.

This film is sounding worse and worse..


Space Ace
Mar 13, 2009
Well if it wasn't clear already, it seems Luke is totally getting set up to die xD
My bet is he is gonna have a mentor death just like qui-gon and obi wan had in each first film of a trilogy, dieing to the jedi hunters so the new leads can march on.

You heard it here first folks!


New member
Mar 13, 2012
NLS said:
Ultratwinkie said:
Jedi hunters? Chrome? Very Imperial?

You mean a Dark Trooper? They will finally be put into actual canon?

And I am also very sure the Sith is dead. Not counting the twist in the extended universe that the sith were the good guys enacting revenge for a genocide the Jedi committed a million years ago.

Where somehow technology doesn't change over those million years. But that's retconned so its irrelevant.

As you can probably tell, I don't have a lot of faith for these movies. I guess digging a dead cash cow up to milk more money is better than birthing a new one.
I was thinking more Shadow Trooper than Dark Trooper: Not like there's a huge diffence though...

Aaaaanyways. I just hope they don't fuck it up. That's all I'm asking for now.
I'm getting more of a Shadow Guard vibe.