Marvel Won't Move Captain America 3 Release Date for Batman v Superman

Alex Co

New member
Dec 11, 2013
Marvel Won't Move Captain America 3 Release Date for Batman v Superman

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige states that he won't move Captain America 3's release date just because it's hitting theaters the same day as DC's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.

Earlier this year, Marvel announced the release date for Captain America 3 []. While it's still a good two years away, it's now set to meet DC's big superhero crossover film, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, head-on come May 6, 2016. So, is Marvel thinking of changing the release date for Captain America 3 to avoid cannibalizing each others' ticket sales? Well, apparently not. In an interview with Empire, Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige states they're not changing Cap 3's release date just to avoid pitting it against DC Batman v Superman, and are ready for a superhero showdown come 2016.

I continue to be all for quality entertainment for moviegoers to enjoy on weekends...If it is on the same weekend, I enjoy it slightly less. But we are doing what we've always done, which is sticking to our plan and sticking to our vision for the movies going forward and we have a very large vision that we're working on for 'Cap 3' and for all the threes movies and just because another movie plops down onto one of ours, doesn't mean we are going to alter that. Maybe we should, but we're not going to.

Have you decided which film you'll be watching that day? Which film should move its release date to avoid getting smashed by the other? Sound off and let us know. In the meantime, check out the top 10 characters Bob "MovieBob" Chipman [] would like to see in Captain America 3.

Source: Variety []



New member
Dec 1, 2010
Captain America 3 will CREAM Batman v. Superman based on all the ridiculous production updates that keep coming from the latter. That's my prediction.

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Good. Cap 3 gets my vote. Superman v Batman should move if they don't want to be absolutely crushed in the opening week.


New member
Dec 6, 2011
Because watching one movie prevents you from going to see the other? If you're a fan of both, you're going to make time to see both.


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Cap 3 will probably be better but I'll no doubt end up seeing Batman V Superman first just to satisfy my curiosity. I bet I'm not the only one who feels that way either.


Scrolling through forums, instead of playing games
Oct 25, 2009
I hardly ever watch films on release day anyway, but if I did, after The Winter Soldier, and how much I am enjoying the current films in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, I would definitely go for Captain America 3. The only reason that I can see people wanting to see Batman vs Superman is to see if the bizarre casting choices actually work out, but other than that there is very little hype surrounding that film.


New member
Apr 9, 2009
Surely this is just the blockbuster equivalent of Mutually Assured Destruction? I doubt either film will do badly at the box office, even with them both opening on the same day, but they're almost certainly not going to make as much money as they're used to.

Of the two, I think Cap 3 is much more likely to be good, and is certainly the one I'm looking forward to more. And yet, I can't help but feel that I might see Bats v Supes first, because I'm fascinated to see what it ends up being like.


New member
Feb 13, 2010
I can see it now;

Batman V Superman will get the bigger box office take.

Captain America 3 will get the better reviews.

Both films will have basically identical audience ratings (give or take a negligible decimal point).

It'll be the greatest stalemate in the history of fanboy pissing contests.

Angelous Wang

Lord of I Don't Care
Oct 18, 2011
Well we will have to see how the Avengers 2 goes.

At this moment in time Captain America 3 would dominate, but if the Avengers 2 sucks then things could change. Guardians of the Galaxy could also have an impact but I suspect less so since it's not the same characters.


New member
Jan 4, 2009
How likely it is the movies will actually come out at that date?

It's still two years away, so isn't it likely that Dawn of justice will be moved back? Due to issues and such?
Or maybe I'm just still overly sceptical over that movie.

The Hungry Samurai

Hungry for Truth
Apr 1, 2004
Kmadden2004 said:
I can see it now;

Batman V Superman will get the bigger box office take.

Captain America 3 will get the better reviews.

Both films will have basically identical audience ratings (give or take a negligible decimal point).

It'll be the greatest stalemate in the history of fanboy pissing contests.
I was about to say pretty much the exact same thing.

I don't like to see the two in direct competition, Marvel and DC's cinematic universe are going to be very different in tone, and despite me not liking Man of Steel, I'm cautiously optimistic BvS might be able to iron out the kinks and find a more satisfying style of its own without giving up on its vision.

If the MCU and DCCU can thrive and be unique it willl decrease the chances that the general public will start getting sick of superhero movies. When something like this happens, there will be a lot of pressure for the future films to follow the money and make them all samey and in the end both universes will suffer.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Superman and Batman will likely have the better opening weekend, but I can see Cap making a bit more in the long run if it's objectively the better movie. Which I'm almost certain it will be, because I imagine the production for Batman vs Superman will be a complete clusterfuck.

Of course, I'm not a share holder for Warner Bros or Disney, so I don't give a damn which movie makes more money. All I care about is if a movie is worth my $10 to see it in theaters. And that hasn't been true for me for DC's movies since The Dark Knight.


New member
Jul 16, 2011
I'll go watch Batman V superman out of novelty and curiosity to see how they will fuck it up this time.

I'll go watch captain america 3 and genuinely expect it to be good and to be amazed.

It all gotta do with track records and history, every marvel movies are at least good if not great, and every DC movies are mediocre at best.


New member
Jul 10, 2010
....Why not watch both

I mean come on we were gonna do so anyway most of us, so make it a double header cinema trip

It may hurt the families who may have to pick one or other


New member
Aug 17, 2008
Well not like he has any good reason to move the release date.

They're chasing his movies, not the other way around.


New member
Apr 12, 2011
sniddy said:
....Why not watch both

I mean come on we were gonna do so anyway most of us, so make it a double header cinema trip

It may hurt the families who may have to pick one or other
Not everyone can afford to go to both. Not everyone can afford an up to of £25 when they go out to the cinema, more so when you have your boy/girl friend with you.

Gearhead mk2

New member
Aug 1, 2011
Quoth the Soldier quoting Sun Tzu, "If fighting is sure to result in victory then you must fight!" I have no interest in seeing Bat Vs Supes after the Other M level disaster that was Man Of Steel and all the production troubles and bizzare choices BvS is going through. Maybe if it gets really super good reviews, but even then that won't be on launch day. Cap on the other hand... It's the Marvel Cinematic Universe, what else do I have to say? In a sane world, Cap would probably crush BvS. But given the world we actually live in, I wouldn't be surprised if they both lost to a Tyler Perry or Adam Sandler movie.


New member
Dec 8, 2009
As a couple of others have said, I expect Superman to have the bigger opening weekend, but I fully expect Cap 3 to be the better movie and to make more money in the long run.

As for which I'll go see? I'll definitely be seeing Cap 3. I'll only go see Superman if the reviews are positive and there's confirmation that there's a scene with Batman kicking Superman's ass in the movie.