Avengers: Age of Ultron Concept Art Posters - Final Update


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Calling it now: the final poster reveal will be the Vision.

Of course, now that I've said that, it'll blatantly end up being Hawkeye.

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
Kmadden2004 said:
Calling it now: the final poster reveal will be the Vision.

Of course, now that I've said that, it'll blatantly end up being Hawkeye.
Vision. I knew I was forgetting someone. Going to add that in as an edit. Thank you.


New member
Feb 2, 2011
Despite black widow showing a little cleavage - then I actually feel that her and Scarly both look surprisingly... not pinupy... in these posters.

Like, they're pushing out their butt or chest - but they're just knee-deep in the action like everyone else


New member
Oct 30, 2010
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.

Mike Hoffman

In the middle of calibrations...
Sep 25, 2013
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
I totally see it now. One of the sources mentioned a hint towards Quicksilver, but I didn't see it. Thanks!


New member
Feb 13, 2010
Mike Hoffman said:
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
I totally see it now. One of the sources mentioned a hint towards Quicksilver, but I didn't see it. Thanks!
If you look behind Black Widow, there's a blue blur streaking across the horizon and a few Ultron drones being knocked around.

Oh, and you're welcome for the last post, btw :)


Jan 4, 2010
United States
Kmadden2004 said:
Calling it now: the final poster reveal will be the Vision.

Of course, now that I've said that, it'll blatantly end up being Hawkeye.
I really do hope it's Vision! Now that I think about it, I am weirdly more excited for Vision than I am for Ultron.

Slightly off-topic, but I have two additional comments to make about this movie:

1. Joss Whedon better not forget to have Thor say, "Ultron, we will have words with thee."
2. Scarlet Witch is going to change the composition of Ultron's main body's exoskeleton, enabling him to be physically destroyed. Classic Scarlet Witch XD


Concept Artist
Dec 3, 2008
I really wish studios would stop calling this "concept art". This is promotional illustration. Yes, it is generally done by the concept artists, but it is not concept art. Concept art is iterative work, generally very fast and loose work to nail down ideas. This is promotional illustration designed to create hype for a property. This article explains the situation better than I could [http://howtonotsuckatgamedesign.com/2014/02/lets-get-real-concept-art/]. My time doing concept art consists mostly of quick sketches that we toss out the window in order to get somewhere close to where we want to be design-wise. I fucking wish all it was was doing awesome, dynamic illustrations.


New member
May 13, 2013
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
Thor's going to be Far upper left. Quicksilver will be on the right by the way the bodies are falling around the blue streak.

Bottom right will be Hawkeye.. and those are some pretty long arrows..


New member
Mar 11, 2009
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
It's fairly obvious it will be:

Far Upper Left - Quicksilver
Upper Left Center - Thor
Far Upper Right - Hulk
Far Lower Right - Hawkeye

Four Avengers, Four posters left, with obvious parts of those heroes or their gear visible already...


New member
Oct 30, 2010
Makabriel said:
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
Thor's going to be Far upper left. Quicksilver will be on the right by the way the bodies are falling around the blue streak.

Bottom right will be Hawkeye.. and those are some pretty long arrows..
Actually, Hulk will be upper right considering his arm is right there, and Mjolnir is directly to the left of Black Widow so I think Thor will be the poster to the left. Unless there is an additional column of posters to the right of Hulk and Hawkeye, I think that Quicksilver will appear far upper left. Note that the bodies appear to be flying to the left, suggesting that the movement of the cause of both streak and carnage is from right to left, hence will end up on the left side of the mosaic.


New member
Oct 30, 2010
WarpedLord said:
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
It's fairly obvious it will be:

Far Upper Left - Quicksilver
Upper Left Center - Thor
Far Upper Right - Hulk
Far Lower Right - Hawkeye

Four Avengers, Four posters left, with obvious parts of those heroes or their gear visible already...
My post was originally longer and explained all this but then I edited it down when I reread the article and saw that Mike had already notice the hammer and Hulk's arm. I came to the exact same conclusion as you.


New member
May 13, 2013
McGuinty1 said:
Makabriel said:
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
Thor's going to be Far upper left. Quicksilver will be on the right by the way the bodies are falling around the blue streak.

Bottom right will be Hawkeye.. and those are some pretty long arrows..
Actually, Hulk will be upper right considering his arm is right there, and Mjolnir is directly to the left of Black Widow so I think Thor will be the poster to the left. Unless there is an additional column of posters to the right of Hulk and Hawkeye, I think that Quicksilver will appear far upper left. Note that the bodies appear to be flying to the left, suggesting that the movement of the cause of both streak and carnage is from right to left, hence will end up on the left side of the mosaic.
Ehh, you're probably correct. But I still say Quicksilver's going to be on the right. The "pop up" effect of that group of robots indicates something hit them going left to right. Particularly the one under Black Widow's umm... right side. Everything else you say lines up (Hulk, Thor, etc).

Guess we shall see soon :D


New member
May 13, 2013
McGuinty1 said:
Makabriel said:
McGuinty1 said:
I see a Hawkeye arrow tip to the lower right, and I see a blue streak in the upper background that I bet represents Quicksilver who will be in the far upper left. I haven't seen any evidence in what has been shown so far that indicates an appearance by Falcon, Rhodey or the Vision, but who knows what the last four posters will reveal.
Thor's going to be Far upper left. Quicksilver will be on the right by the way the bodies are falling around the blue streak.

Bottom right will be Hawkeye.. and those are some pretty long arrows..
Actually, Hulk will be upper right considering his arm is right there, and Mjolnir is directly to the left of Black Widow so I think Thor will be the poster to the left. Unless there is an additional column of posters to the right of Hulk and Hawkeye, I think that Quicksilver will appear far upper left. Note that the bodies appear to be flying to the left, suggesting that the movement of the cause of both streak and carnage is from right to left, hence will end up on the left side of the mosaic.


Silly ragdoll physics being all wrong..
Apr 17, 2009
Bah, Quicksilver poster only gives a vague look at Vision. Still, he's looking pretty close to the comic version which is nice given how goofy the guy could look if done wrong

Spaceman Spiff

New member
Sep 23, 2013
I didn't expect Vision to have a cape. I was kind of hoping for more of a closeup of him, but that'd probably be giving away too much.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
As shit son, the Vision appear abliet not a clear look but none the less, awesome! It make me wonder what his new design will look like since the yellow, green and red colourscheme is such a colour clash and I expect him to resemblem one of the Iron Man suit one way of another due to the alter origin to Ultron.

Also I wonder how Scarlet Witch and Quicsilver will entered the fray (maybe the Iron legion found Strucker hideout and the Avengers liberated the twins)?


New member
Jun 17, 2011
So...the Avengers taking on a swarm of generic, indistinguishable, foes doing the bidding of their true enemy? I'm not alone on this, yes?