rasputin0009 said:
My friend and I just recently went through initial ranking after playing about 180 regular pub games. We were thinking we were pretty good at the game and expected to get an average ranking of 2500-3000. Nope. Not even close. Our ranking was 1355. We still swear that we're good at the game, but are constantly dragged down by shitty teammates.
There always seems to be a Sniper on our team who feeds the enemy mid like it's their day job no matter how many times we gank mid to help him out. I have never played with or against a good Sniper other than my friend (Sniper happens to be his best hero, but doesn't play much anymore cause he's pretty boring).
Trust me man, your MMR is about where I'd expect it to be after 180 games. I've got over 600 games (300+ wins) and I got a 2.5k mmr.
Dota 2 is a game so deep sometimes I despair of every learning all I can do in the game and still I see stuff where I'm like "wait what happened there".
Your MMR will go up but I don't think it will if you keep blaming your other team mates. Think about it the other team has guys with the same MMR as you on it, the odds of having someone that feeds just as much is the same as it is for you. You play enough you get good at making decisions and taking fights your mmr will climb.
Also finding where you're really bad at is important.
For me its farming and last hitting. I'm awful at it, but in game decision making is questionable at times as well but no where near as bad as it use to be. I think that if I got better at last hitting and farming in general I'd be a mid 3k player.