I think this series of Doctor Who started out strong but now it's time for the mandatory weaker episodes.
Too much Clara being crammed down our throats, it's getting annoying. It's like the show runners read all the negativity towards Clara on the webs and decided "Oh yes, we should have gave this girl some charcter," So they now over do it in series 8 with *sigh* Danny Pink.
Compare him to Rory... Yeah no contest!
Which brings me to that one note character Danny Pink. He is just awful, I have been holding off on saying things about him until we got some more from his character and now that we have... Can anybody tell me what is it that Clara sees in Danny?
It cannot be his charming personality, because he is as charming as itchy feet. Not fun, as he hardly brings laughter to the party of two. The dude is just boring an depressing on screen.
In fact he makes me think if he doesn't close his mouth between talking, he will soon end up tripping over his bottom lip and to then suddenly burst into tears. If not that, then he will soon fall asleep with boredom or Maybe it will be me?
There was that forced argument between him and the Doctor, that just came out of no where!? This is not character development, it's lazy arsed writing... AGAIN! But this is just wee nit picks and is not what I wanted to mention here today.
*Possible Spoilers ahead*
There was an article out a couple of months ago, from the Daily Mirror (a newspaper in the UK) stating that Jenna Louise Coleman will be leaving the show at Christmas, meaning Clara will no longer be in the show after this series. These rumours seemed to come out of no where and most Whovians dismissed it right off the blocks anyway, but...
At the end of The Caretaker episode, we have the walking mumbling chalkboard known as Danny, giving his blessing on Clara and The Doctor by saying something like that he needs to be told if the Doctor ever puts her in harms way (or some such nonsense), then Clara must tell him about it. In fact I think he forces her to promise him (once again showing his controlling sulky side) or there will be no chance of kissing those trembling lips ever again.
"I will demand things of you now, as we just began dating!" Which he didn't say but may as well have.
Epic foreshadowing this is not!
So now it is beginning to look really obvious to me how it's going to play out and it would appear that we are doing this dance again at the end of this series just like Rose, Donna, Amy/Amelia, Rory and possibly now Clara.
The Doctor's actions or lack there of, will cause something to happen to Clara between episode 12 and Christmas bringing Danny's wrath and leaves The Doctor feeling sad and guilty for the 300th time.
I hope this is not how it will play out and knowing Steven Moffat's writing, there will be some sort of twist in there but I'm getting exhausted of that now too.
Steven Mofatt is a great ideas man, but his dialogue and character development in scripts vary from none to nonsensical, this is why he should not be show runner and instead should be again a basic Writer, leaving somebody like RTD (yes I actually miss Russell T Davies' writing, at least the story ALWAYS flowed better) to reign his scripts in and edit out those weak parts.
Well on the positive side of Who, the next episode looks better than the last two, but I am still slightly concerned seeing as the kid with the big hair from this series will be in it also... That's far more scary than the spiders!