Nintendo Changing Boss Fight in Majora's Mask 3D


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Nintendo Changing Boss Fight in Majora's Mask 3D

Series producer Eiji Aonuma has confirmed that the 3DS remake of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask

Back when <a href=>Nintendo ported The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time to the 3DS, it made a number of additions and tweaks aimed at improving the overall gameplay experience to be more enjoyable to newcomers and Zelda veterans alike. One of the big questions to emerge from the wake of <a href=>its reveal that it will be releasing a similar port of Majora's Mask is what players can expect to see altered this time.

Speaking in a recent interview with Famitsu, series producer Eiji Aonuma may have given us our first inklings of an answer. He confirmed that "there were many things" from the game's original development process that he "would have liked to change." Hoping to narrow these items down he apparently spent some time replaying the original version. One of the changes that emerged from his impressions of that playthrough, in turn, is that one or more of the game's boss fights could stand to improve a bit.

"A boss fight(s) has been changed," said a translation of Aonuma's interview. "It will be content that will make you say 'how do I beat this guy again?' if you try playing the original version for the first time in a while after the remake." Understandably, he wasn't able to offer many more specific details. That said, he did also confirm that none of the changes being made to Majora's Mask were being geared toward making it less difficult. "We didn't make the game easier."

Another change he cited was the addition of two fishing ponds, something that had been absent from the N64 game. Beyond that players can expect a suite of upgrades similar to those in the Ocarina of Time 3D. That being the case, it will still be interesting to see how longtime fans of the game respond the possibility of a boss fight that's different from what they experienced in the original. Just speaking personally as someone who loved Majora's Mask myself, I have to say that I think I'd almost prefer fewer changes and more of a straightforward port. We'll just have to wait and see, however, how it all pans out.

Source: Siliconera



Wild at Heart and weird on top
Jan 30, 2011
Not the worst idea. I remember especially the first boss fight in the swamp temple just consisting of "beat him with your sword till he dies" which isn't really up to the usual standards of the Zelda series. The other ones were mostly fine but I see why they'd see some room for improvement.


New member
Feb 15, 2011
The boss fights for Odolwa & even the Mask were way too easy, so upping the difficulty there would be nice. On the other hand, many found Goht to be very frustrating, though I quite enjoyed that encounter myself.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Only Goht and Twinmold were even the slightest bit memorable to me, so I wouldn't be opposed to tweaking the other boss fights to maybe make them more interesting.

As far as the game being tweaked or straight up ported... Well, I already have the original, if I want to play it, I still can (and it's available as a download on the virtual console as well). Making changes to the game would make it more appealing to me as it might make the game feel fresher.


New member
Sep 1, 2011
Games are an art form, games are an art form, GAMES ARE A FUCKING ART FORM

This term is tossed around quite a lot by both gamers and developers with no real regard for what it actually means.

When Roger Ebert said that "Games weren't art," he referring to the interactive nature of gaming. In short art is the unaltered expression from the artist to the audience. At least according to him.

I don't know if gaming is technically art and I do not care. One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.

Majora's Mask is one of the best examples of games as art and I don't think it should be played on a DS. It should be played on a big screen so you can take in the scale of the moon and everything else that makes the game so epic.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many great games and fixed and altered until they are broken.

Random Argument Man

New member
May 21, 2008
Well, if they make Odolwa more tougher, Gyorg more fun and Majora more epic...

Although, Keep Goht intact. That boss fight was perfect.


The shadow remains cast!
Apr 27, 2011
Am I the only one who liked that Majora fight? I suppose I sucked at fighting him if I considered that fight challenging at the time. XD

Related side note: I'm not sure how I feel about the new moon's look. The feeling of menace from it just doesn't quite seem the same.

The Great JT

New member
Oct 6, 2008
If I had to guess, it's Gyorg or Twinmold. Goht was a challenge since you've got quite a bit to maintain (dodging stuff, keeping your magic meter full, watching for ramps, not getting trampled), Odolwa was the first temple boss and a pretty tough one, the other two stood out as "pretty easy." If memory serves, you just stun and run into Gyorg in Zora form and Twinmold's just "put on Giant's Mask, use sword," and yes I know about the Giant's Mask magic drain, I always carried a Chateau Romani. Majora was pretty difficult, I found, in spite of the Great Deity's Mask.

Anyway, still looking forward to it, would like to see what the Fishing Ponds are going to be like.


They will not take our Fluids
Jun 5, 2008
Magmarock said:
Games are an art form, games are an art form, GAMES ARE A FUCKING ART FORM

This term is tossed around quite a lot by both gamers and developers with no real regard for what it actually means.

When Roger Ebert said that "Games weren't art," he referring to the interactive nature of gaming. In short art is the unaltered expression from the artist to the audience. At least according to him.

I don't know if gaming is technically art and I do not care. One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.

Majora's Mask is one of the best examples of games as art and I don't think it should be played on a DS. It should be played on a big screen so you can take in the scale of the moon and everything else that makes the game so epic.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many great games and fixed and altered until they are broken.
That's how I feel too. A lot of people see the changes as improvements, but I always see they mix things up and miss the point of certain things, and ultimately just leave it looking like an average fan made version.

The Ocarina of Time remake is just fucking pathetic. You don't change the lighting in a game. It's such a fragile piece of the whole. Most people don't bloody get it.

Things is, every artist has a different way of making 'art', so when some new designers dump their idea's into someones world, it usually doesn't sit right in ways they couldn't realise. It rarely comes out better.


New member
Apr 24, 2012
Magmarock said:
Games are an art form, games are an art form, GAMES ARE A FUCKING ART FORM

This term is tossed around quite a lot by both gamers and developers with no real regard for what it actually means.

When Roger Ebert said that "Games weren't art," he referring to the interactive nature of gaming. In short art is the unaltered expression from the artist to the audience. At least according to him.

I don't know if gaming is technically art and I do not care. One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.

Majora's Mask is one of the best examples of games as art and I don't think it should be played on a DS. It should be played on a big screen so you can take in the scale of the moon and everything else that makes the game so epic.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many great games and fixed and altered until they are broken.
Movies like Blade Runner and Apocalypse Now have been edited by their creators. The Hobbit was re-written by its own author to reflect the sequel. George Lucas.

Artists change their vision all the time and tweak their art. And Majoras Mask in its original form is preserved just fine on the Wii shop and on the gamecube.


New member
May 20, 2009
As long as they give the option to play the original like they did with Ocarina of Time I wouldn't mind. Technically speaking it isn't difficult at all to only change certain areas - it is only a few flags in code. Either way I will be buying this game if for no other reason than to roll around as a goron.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I hope he's changing it so you can't beat Goht by just standing at the entrance and shooting him with arrows as he runs by. Same with Gyrog come to think of it. I remember beating him by standing on the platform and repeatedly shooting him.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
PsychedelicDiamond said:
Not the worst idea. I remember especially the first boss fight in the swamp temple just consisting of "beat him with your sword till he dies" which isn't really up to the usual standards of the Zelda series. The other ones were mostly fine but I see why they'd see some room for improvement.
The first boss is unique in that he's weak to MOST of your potential attacks rather than just one or two specific weapons;
Yeah, he was too easy, but I rather liked the idea of having a retroactive punching bag for a boss.

The damn fish though...that fight needs adjustments.

thanatos388 said:
Magmarock said:
Games are an art form, games are an art form, GAMES ARE A FUCKING ART FORM

This term is tossed around quite a lot by both gamers and developers with no real regard for what it actually means.

When Roger Ebert said that "Games weren't art," he referring to the interactive nature of gaming. In short art is the unaltered expression from the artist to the audience. At least according to him.

I don't know if gaming is technically art and I do not care. One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.

Majora's Mask is one of the best examples of games as art and I don't think it should be played on a DS. It should be played on a big screen so you can take in the scale of the moon and everything else that makes the game so epic.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many great games and fixed and altered until they are broken.
Movies like Blade Runner and Apocalypse Now have been edited by their creators. The Hobbit was re-written by its own author to reflect the sequel. George Lucas.

Artists change their vision all the time and tweak their art. And Majoras Mask in its original form is preserved just fine on the Wii shop and on the gamecube.
Thank goodness. If you didn't say it, I was going to.
Roger Ebert knew film very well, but even he wasn't all-knowing.
Frankly, he had no real business judging whether an entire medium had artistic merit or not.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
Magmarock said:
Games are an art form, games are an art form, GAMES ARE A FUCKING ART FORM

This term is tossed around quite a lot by both gamers and developers with no real regard for what it actually means.

When Roger Ebert said that "Games weren't art," he referring to the interactive nature of gaming. In short art is the unaltered expression from the artist to the audience. At least according to him.

I don't know if gaming is technically art and I do not care. One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.

Majora's Mask is one of the best examples of games as art and I don't think it should be played on a DS. It should be played on a big screen so you can take in the scale of the moon and everything else that makes the game so epic.

I'm just sick and tired of seeing so many great games and fixed and altered until they are broken.
Eh. This is something I've been seeing a lot of nowadays. I call it the "Rough draft" mindset. An artist will never be perfectly satisfied with his or her work. When they first make it they ideas seemed good at the time, but when something moves from your head to the paper, you can see all the flaws that you didn't notice in your idealized version of this. It's why in school you're always told to write a rough draft before you work on a final draft, heck once I even had a teacher that added a third draft, a "bad draft" just to make sure we were getting all the kinks out of our system.

Once I even threw out 50,000 words of writing for a story and started from scratch too.

Artist always go back, edit their work and try and make it better.

And it you want the original, it hasn't gone anywhere.

RJ Dalton

New member
Aug 13, 2009
The boss fights were kind of the low point of that game for me. Odolowa was decent, if easy, Goht was kind of annoying, Gyorg was really annoying and Twinmold was boring (once you got pas the aesthetic of being a giant, what you have is essentially an enemy that moves around at random, but never attacks you, so you can only get hurt by walking into it). On the other hand, I loved a lot of other elements of that game - a lot more than I did as a kid, I find. So I'm all for a remake with a few tweaks to fix up its problems.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
As others have said, all of the boss fights need tweaking. Odolowa was easy, unless he locked into a rare bad AI pattern. Goht was great, except for the fact that either method of fighting him took forever. George really took prep work or experience to take him out quick. Twinmold didn't actively attack you. A certain story boss fought before entering Stone Tower Temple had some cheap moments that kept popping up where you couldn't hit your opponent, but could get whooping yourself. They better not touch the final showdown, though, except to maybe add more Russian folk dancing.

I'm still hoping they fix the waiting for certain side quest appointments. It sucks when you can't think of something to safely multitask on and your next step in a sidequest takes place before the next 6 hour interval, making the Song of Double Time useless. The Bottom of the Well and making you find the Guaro's Mask to enter Ikana needs be made optional or easier, too. (I never used that dumb Mask, except maybe the one or two mandatory points. Why would I want to constantly fight these cheap ninja that slow me down?)

Also, they should probably switch the Great Fairy Rewards around for the defense boost and Great Fairy's Sword. The extra health is good against Gyorg, but so is red potions and heart containers. The sword, on the other hand, is gotten so late that it is only useful in a couple optional combat arena's available only after Stone Tower Temple and in the last area. ST Temple would have been so much better with zwiehander in your arsenal. In fact move the magic upgrade to the last Great Fairy. Once you can buy Chateau Romani, red potions are the only other thing you might want to stock up on. (Chateau Romani gives you infinite magic until the next three day cycle. It's also incredibly useful to drink one before the final showdown.)


Eater of Doughnuts
May 17, 2011
Magmarock said:
One thing I do know about art is that it need to be preserved. Why the hell is everything getting re-made and re-released.
You kind of answered your own question there. Games need to be preserved, the best way to preserve them is to port them and allow for digital distribution. If these classic games weren't getting ported, updated, re-released, etc. then you'd have entire generations growing up never having gotten the chance to experience them. You might as well be asking why we remaster movies in HD or take a movie that's only been on VHS and bring it to BluRay.

Slegiar Dryke

New member
Dec 10, 2013
I seriously think they're making a mistake putting the game on the 3ds........has anyone else seen the re-imagining concept of what majoras mask could look like if they went full ham on HD and upping the creepyness? This is a game that, FAAARR and away, would IMMENSELY benefit more from high detail and quality HD textures and design advancement than wind waker did........despite the games difficulty, it is one of my favorite zelda games and I just think it's a shame to waste that potential TvvvvT

Edited with video. yes, I know this video was a fake, but seriously......totally what the remake should be like.



New member
Sep 1, 2007
As long as its more tricky/complex and with little to no content loss...I am saddned when they make stuff so simple and becomes a film and not a game....


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
Please be Twinmold because that guy was so pathetic if you had the Chateau Romani it isn't even funny. Also, they'd better keep the Goht fight and Odalwa the same because those two were awesome and fun.

Davroth said:
Am I the only one who liked that Majora fight? I suppose I sucked at fighting him if I considered that fight challenging at the time. XD

Related side note: I'm not sure how I feel about the new moon's look. The feeling of menace from it just doesn't quite seem the same.
*raises hand*
I loved all of Majora's forms in the moon. I especially loved his second form that would do the can-can across the battlefield. XD