What you need to know about Scummachine and hordes, /tg/ edition
>battletech, you know you want to, once models get better
>Kings of war, WFHB but cheaper with double the models
>flames of war, I want to play my Russian guard self propelled sappers army
>warpath, 40k but cheaper, double the models, and designed by famous former GW creative
>deadzone, mordhiem, in space, with zombies, cheap and pretty good models
>infinity, a game of skill from whay I heard. love the nomads
>Malifaux, pretty much the same style as Scummachine and hordes, ability driven skirmish
>Destopia wars, steampunk, I play the covenant of Antarctica, they have giant spider robots named after Greek philosophers
>spartan games, all of them, includes the above,
>mars attacks, all in name, based on the movie
>All quiet on the Martian front. SERIOUSLY CHECK THAT GAME OUT IT'S REALLY DAMN COOL, it's a war of the worlds TableTop
>Monsterpolyse, don't expect any support, it's a great game but PP left it to dry from hordes, no I'm not bitter or sad
>bloodbowl, necromunda, mordienheim, epic,battlefleet gothic,Aeronautica Imperialis, Inquisitor, gorkamorka all have either living rulebooks or have scribed rulebooks (they are OoP, and I most cases I don't think GW so don't worry)
>finally 40k is getting a living rule book thrown together by the guys that brought you h8chan, "we're too extreme for 4chan"~some stupid reporter
CaptainMidlands said:
Warmahordes like Warhammer is a nice table top game to play casually with friends but it suffers from the same problems as Warhammer when you take it to a competitive level (the same 4-5 armies winning the top prizes, cheese strats winning the day etc).
Fun casual game, boring competitive game
If you say so, my play group might have just been filled with powergamers but I've seen too many black thirteens, beast 09s and everblight light cav' lists...wait no just everblight in general then I'd like.....ever.
All of the cheese upon all of the cheese, meta with meta.
No room for your guys, modelling, much conversion, terrain or even really infantry past 1st edition (not in the way I play it, I'm a british commander at heart).
Also I manged to roll 3 on 3 dice with the butcher on his feat turn.
I do like magnus the traitor.
The celphax, even if their warcaster is bloody stupid looking
and of course lich lord assfac... i mean asphyxious.
That being said
I would never say Warhammer is like Scubmachine, the fundamentals lie in the method of play. I see and have always seen Scubmachine as being a more ability driven game over all and not a wargame, wargame.
It's as it say s a skirmish game, with abilities and effects that function together in interesting ways but even then it will never scratch the same spot.
I played