I saw the first episode on the net, and I actually got annoyed with the frequency the character of Backstrom, and even the supporting cast started doing the "I'm you..." basically I wanted to start distracting myself the 3rd time they did it in 10 minutes (not counting commercials), and by the end of the episode (which subtle spoiler that is how they ended the episode to besides the "just a cop doing his job day-in-day-out" walk away), and basically told myself that if they continue using that same setup next episode more then once I am done with the show.
grating character, for grating characters sake is fine, but if there is no real depth to the character then he just starts becoming the 1 to 2 dimensional embodiment of his trope instead of a full 3 dimensional human being.
even throughout the episode where Backstrom would throw out a 'the person's name you are going to say will be X, because I saw it somewhere, and it has to be relevant here' seamed like it was trying to make his some level of fallible, but all it did for me was show that "in the end I am the idiot-savant, and will always be right in the end" what I would actually like to see out of this show is taking Backstrom, and putting him up against his Moriarty. cause even while watching the episode Backstrom actually felt more like Sherlock Holmes then Sherlock Holmes from Elementary, but at least one thing Sherlock had that made him even more human was admitting that he made a mistake, and brought down from his ivory tower.