See, unfortunately the attitude of "this guy is a jerk" equating to "deserves prison" despite having done nothing deserving such is an attitude I can't get behind. People all over the planet are jerks and while it sucks, being a jerk is not a crime. Its a part of being a human being in a free society. When you cross a boundary that harms a person in a financial, physical or way that can be construed as criminal, then being a jerk can yes be a crime. But simply being ignorant is unfortunately, and thankfully not a crime.
It actually devalues my opinion of people who speak in such a way, where they say things like "Well they didn't actually commit the crime but I don't actually care if they are exonerated because they're jerks" is in and of itself just as much being a jerk, and just as ignorant.
Thank you, drive through.