Which Next Gen Console is Right For You?


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Which Next Gen Console is Right For You?

When someone asks me ?Which next-gen console is the best?? I usually say ?You are asking the wrong question.?

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New member
Aug 19, 2009
Microsoft's asshattery has pretty much guaranteed I won't ever buy an xbone. Short of giving me a free console, I'm not going to let them off the hook no matter how much backpedaling they do.


Doctorate in Danger
May 29, 2010
Games With Gold seems to be overcoming PlayStation Plus these days. Major Nelson just confirmed the Tomb Raider reboot as included in that subscription, coming after this month's MGS: Ground Zeroes (which went on Plus earlier). Granted, Gold is $10 per year more expensive than Plus, but that is nullified by the $50 lower console price. Also, XbOne (still calling it that, since "One" is a stupid suffix) comes with two Assassin's Creeds or Halo: MCC instead of The Last of Us, thus having more traditionally fun bundling.
Denamic said:
Microsoft's asshattery has pretty much guaranteed I won't ever buy an xbone. Short of giving me a free console, I'm not going to let them off the hook no matter how much backpedaling they do.
Hey, I haven't bought it after almost 2 years, either. But keeping a grudge against it for DRM and all is like keeping a grudge against Donald Trump for his sexist remarks and desire to kick-out all undocumented immigrants: primacy over relevancy.


Bored at Work
Jan 30, 2009
Seriously, can we stop calling the PS4/Xbone "Next Gen" consoles? They've been out for nearly 2 years. They're not next gen anymore. They're current gen, and the PS3/360/Wii are last gen.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
The Wii U. Because 90% of everything that comes to the PS4 and XB1 also comes to the PC. Their hardware architecture was pretty much designed for that.


Formely Gone Gonzo
Jun 30, 2014
Xman490 said:
Games With Gold seems to be overcoming PlayStation Plus these days. Major Nelson just confirmed the Tomb Raider reboot as included in that subscription, coming after this month's MGS: Ground Zeroes (which went on Plus earlier). Granted, Gold is $10 per year more expensive than Plus, but that is nullified by the $50 lower console price. Also, XbOne (still calling it that, since "One" is a stupid suffix) comes with two Assassin's Creeds or Halo: MCC instead of The Last of Us, thus having more traditionally fun bundling.
Denamic said:
Microsoft's asshattery has pretty much guaranteed I won't ever buy an xbone. Short of giving me a free console, I'm not going to let them off the hook no matter how much backpedaling they do.
Hey, I haven't bought it after almost 2 years, either. But keeping a grudge against it for DRM and all is like keeping a grudge against Donald Trump for his sexist remarks and desire to kick-out all undocumented immigrants: primacy over relevancy.
He is running for president, and he stated them as part of his campaign (at least the ones about immigrants). I think that qualifies them as relevant at least until the elections are over.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Denamic said:
Microsoft's asshattery has pretty much guaranteed I won't ever buy an xbone. Short of giving me a free console, I'm not going to let them off the hook no matter how much backpedaling they do.
Unfortunate. XB1 is doing some things right. This gen you use a heck of a lot of storage per game. My .5 TB on my PS4 is full. I got an external 3 TB for the XB1, works fine and still uses the .5 for 3.5 total vs. I can swap out my .5 on my PS4 for a 2 TB total. Weak.

Also, XB1 picks up my 5 Ghz radio. PS4 so sadly, does not.

XB1 has more exclusives coming (though you are deluded if you think I'll miss out on Uncharted 4. OK, I'm a loon and getting 'em all!)

My point is: MS messed up on launch. They are better now and worth buying. You should see how shiney Halo 1 looks. I'm playing it all over again.

PS: Wii U has been a hoot. I downloaded Pikmin 3 and there is still plenty of storage. Evil plan: R&R .5 TB in PS4 with 2 TB, buy enclosure for the .5 in the PS4 and hook it up to Wii U. And there is no one on Earth that can stop me!!!


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Microsoft really needs to start taking a long hard look at their list of exclusives as, right now, the list is getting pretty bad. That is where I think they are suffering the most by far. Other than that... I definitely the XOne has a lot more going for it than the PS4. What with this new version of DirectX and Microsoft's 'Every Console a Devkit' goal, plus full mod support incoming, AND its planned ability for programs written for Windows to be incredibly easily ported over to work with a Windows Phone or XOne as well...

Sony's got the hardware and better exclusives for now... But Microsoft's got the software. Also, the Xbox One is built like an effing tank this time around. Seriously.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
Sony's got the hardware and better exclusives for now... But Microsoft's got the software. Also, the Xbox One is built like an effing tank this time around. Seriously.
Do you have links to lists of these exclusives? Off the top of my head, I think PS4 has Infamous, Blood Borne and Uncharted coming to XB1s Sunset Overdrive, Forza series, Halo, Gears is coming.

Also XB1 is less powerful in terms of graphics but unless you have the 2 systems running side by side, I don't know you'd notice it. But XB1 has the Kinnect (I don't own or want one but it is there) 5 Ghz wireless, external USB 3.0 hard drive, controllers with replaceable batteries. Some impressive stuff that really does make a difference.


New member
Jan 19, 2011
The anwser is simple.

What games do you desire to play.

I don't care much about performance of hardware. I care about the games on them and that yes means I do include the WiiU in my choice of possible consoles to own.

Right now I don't own any one of the new ones. But I am building up wish lists with consoles + games to see what draws me in more.

And yes that includes some games also out on PC. That is a complication as I do own a pretty decent gaming rig. Nothing to fancy but it certainly can play the games. I guess the video card could use an upgrade though. Still many games on the Xbox one or the PS4 are not exclusive to those consoles. And yes some are out on PC. Where I have the hardware to play it!

So if I cut down way back to the exclusives the choice gets allot harder! Not joking it really gets harder to make a choice when there are not only a limited amount of actual exclusives. But also not every game is to my liking.

I am drawn to the WiiU as it has the most exclusive exclusives. And I can see myself play Platoon, Mario Cart, Mario World etc..
Even if that console will never get many games. I think the games on it are not bad. Not bad at all!

I am not sure about the hardware but.. hey as I said it is in the games.

So I own none yet. I still got my PS3 and its games. And a gaming pc.. maybe I will wait another 2 years.


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Gorfias said:
Do you have links to lists of these exclusives? Off the top of my head, I think PS4 has Infamous, Blood Borne and Uncharted coming to XB1s Sunset Overdrive, Forza series, Halo, Gears is coming.

Also XB1 is less powerful in terms of graphics but unless you have the 2 systems running side by side, I don't know you'd notice it. But XB1 has the Kinnect (I don't own or want one but it is there) 5 Ghz wireless, external USB 3.0 hard drive, controllers with replaceable batteries. Some impressive stuff that really does make a difference.

There is a difference indeed but IMAO, it's not that much of a difference. Yeah though, when I say it's built like a tank, I meant it's incredibly durable now and super resistant to overheating.


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
CaitSeith said:
The Wii U. Because 90% of everything that comes to the PS4 and XB1 also comes to the PC. Their hardware architecture was pretty much designed for that.
Pretty much this.
I want to play Nintendo Titles.
I have a 3DS for my share of international titles, and my PC will do some as well. There are a few I regret not being able to get, but I don't see them as worth the several hundred dollar investment to be able to play a couple of games.
Everything else I can do on my PC, better, so why wouldn't I?


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
Gorfias said:
Do you have links to lists of these exclusives?

There is a difference indeed but IMAO, it's not that much of a difference. Yeah though, when I say it's built like a tank, I meant it's incredibly durable now and super resistant to overheating.
Which is built like a tank? They all seem pretty sturdy to me (except, break that Wii U tablet and you have a paperweight).

That link is terrific! Thank you very much. I've book marked it!


Elite Member
Dec 25, 2010
Gorfias said:
Arnoxthe1 said:
Gorfias said:
Do you have links to lists of these exclusives?

There is a difference indeed but IMAO, it's not that much of a difference. Yeah though, when I say it's built like a tank, I meant it's incredibly durable now and super resistant to overheating.
Which is built like a tank? They all seem pretty sturdy to me.

That link is terrific! Thank you very much. I've book marked it!
Nope. ;) Look:

And no prob.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Xman490 said:
Games With Gold seems to be overcoming PlayStation Plus these days. Major Nelson just confirmed the Tomb Raider reboot as included in that subscription, coming after this month's MGS: Ground Zeroes (which went on Plus earlier). Granted, Gold is $10 per year more expensive than Plus, but that is nullified by the $50 lower console price. Also, XbOne (still calling it that, since "One" is a stupid suffix) comes with two Assassin's Creeds or Halo: MCC instead of The Last of Us, thus having more traditionally fun bundling.
They basically flipped position. Which makes sense: Sony's current console is selling what the other two are combined.

At the same time, once Microsoft took the "lead" last gen, they stopped doing as much with exclusives and the like and started down the path that led to the Xbone.

The unfortunate reality there is that the company on bottom will offer more stuff as long as it's beneficial.


New member
Jun 14, 2013
Thank you for a great article. I learned a lot about all three consoles. I've been with PS since the beginning and that's because I like a lot of games from Japan and their variety with exclusives. Several indies have also caught my attention and it's been great getting a chance to play them. So, the article pretty much summed up exactly why I chose PS4.


Unrealistic but happy
May 13, 2009
Arnoxthe1 said:
when I say it's built like a tank, I meant it's incredibly durable now and super resistant to overheating....

Yikes! And, amusing :)

Gen 6, Gamecube won these sorts of tests but I'm sad to report, I ran into disc read failures with it and had to purchase replacements. I R&R fat PS2 with newer slim because, reasons. I ended up donating my original Xboxes to the console needy. They kept working like champs.

Later, I found out, the 360 Red Ring of Death: it was not an urban myth!

Here's hoping Gen 8 stuff is as sturdy as I think it is.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
For me, the Wii U is still the only console worth buying (and that's now iffy with the way Nintendo is currently handling it). Neither of the other consoles have any exclusives coming out that warrant spending $350+ to play. Most of the games they have will also be on PC, and by the time I build a new PC, the PC games I can't currently play will have uber cheap GOTY editions.

It's better just to wait during this generation, unless you have the money and absolutely much be one of the first to play [insert popular title here]. Prices will drop eventually, and better lists of upcoming games will be out with time.(I even feel I bought the Wii U too early. I should've just grabbed a physical copy of Pikmin 3 before it jumped up in price and waited longer to get the box that plays it.)


New member
Aug 3, 2011
Yes MS nearly chose crappy choices for their console, but they changed all that. People forget all the crap Sony pulled with the PS3 when the gutted it to save money, such as the removal of BC etc. I think both companies got complacent due to the success of both PS2/X360 and took the fans for granted. Judging by Sonys reveal I also wonder if Sony was going to do a lot of what the Xbox1 was gonna do but saw the reaction from the fans and quickly changed. Its nice to see Sony do well with the PS4 and i really do hope they dont let that go to their head when they release PS5. Ive yet to upgrade, may do so this christmas as there are a lot of good games being released. At the moment it looks like XBox has the games i like so will get that console. PS4 has No Mans Sky, which look amazing so will get a PS4 probably mid to late 2016. Not interested in the WiiU.


New member
Jan 13, 2013
None of them thus far. I grabbed a PS4 just for Bloodborne, but kinda regret that sale; not having free online multiplayer stuff means I won't be buying CoD games anymore, and it lacks every other feature that the PS3 has.
Microsoft being bellends means I'll never buy an XB1, regardless of exclusives; even though the only MS exclusive I was previously interested in (Halo, since Bioware are now releasing to Sony as well) has had split screen cut out, so I don't even have to worry about being tempted.

The Subscription things aren't important; I don't believe in paying monthly on top an initial purchase, so the PS+ or XBox Gold things don't matter. The 'free' games are things I can easily trial on PC and buy specifically if I like them.

Might have to pick up a Wii U when the next Zelda game comes out, because that's a series I'm pretty loyal to. Another Console Fire Emblem would be awesome, too.