Michael Bay Confirms Transformers 5, Because $$$$$


New member
Jun 8, 2015
Michael Bay Confirms Transformers 5, Because $$$$$


More like Age of Ex-STINK-tion, amiright? (*crickets*)

Michael Bay's Transformers series has been a divisive one to say the very least. While most of the online community seems to utter a collective groan of disgust every time another one is announced, the movies themselves have been nothing short of crack cocaine at the box office, with the *lowest* grossing entry of the franchise still managing to reel in over $700 million. Say what you want about Bay's technique; there's no denying that the guy knows how to make money faster than Jack Donaghy.

But if you thought for one second that Bay would call it a day after 2014's Age of Extinction, retire, and quietly spend the rest of his days floating in the swimming pool filled with Velveeta cheese that his hard work had earned him, well think again! The man who treats restraint like Jack McCoy treats a hostile witness, for Christ's sake!

While promoting his latest non-robot fighting film, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, Bay spoke to Rolling Stone [http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/features/13-hours-can-michael-bay-pull-off-a-gritty-movie-about-benghazi-20160104?page=5] about his plans for the Transformers franchise.

I'm doing Transformers ... 5, is it? I've taken on a lot of work. ... It's fun to do a movie that 100 million people will see. But this is the last one. I have to pass the reins to someone else. J.J. (Abrams) told me, 'You're the only guy that could do this.' But it's time to move on. One more.

You gotta love how even Bay is starting to lose track of where he is in the Transformers saga at this point. Either his movies are starting to become as monotonous and interchangeable to him as they are to the rest of us, or as I believe, he's become so rich because of them that he's grown nearly incapable of recognizing a number as low as 5 without ten zeros attached to it.

Seriously though, as someone who has both never seen a Transformers movie start to finish and yet talks about them like they're the death of filmmaking, I say power to him. His movies *are* a source of enjoyment for millions of people, for better or for worse, in the same way that many (some) of us still consider Adam Sandler funny. As long as he keeps making more money than entire economies with each successive entry, who are we to tell him when enough is enough?

Source: Rolling Stone [http://www.rollingstone.com/movies/features/13-hours-can-michael-bay-pull-off-a-gritty-movie-about-benghazi-20160104?page=5]



New member
Aug 2, 2015
Is it alright if I can say that 1 and 3 are the only "good" movies out of the bunch so far?

I especially liked the final act of T3.


Alleged Feather-Rustler
Jun 5, 2013
Wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if 5 was actually the only good one? If they pulled a JJ Abrams and just remade the original movie from the 80s, but its actually really good?
With HotRod, Arcee, Springer, the 'Oh shit!' moment, Unicron, the works.

Neurotic Void Melody

Bound to escape
Jul 15, 2013
But didn't it get announced a long time ago that there were going to be two more films after 4? Anyway, i don't understand why people are so uptight about his transformer movies, what did they expect? It's a "boys" film based off a crap "boys" early morning T.V. cartoon just to sell "boys" toys that have better counterparts anyway. In that sense, the films are certainly an improvement on their source material. And fuck your nostalgia, it lies. It always lies! *Braces for impact*


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Saw the trailer for his military porn movie about Benghazi (oh there will be so much tact in it) based on the non-existent stand down order (SO MUCH TACT). Based on that, yes, please Michael, go back to ruining fiction. Reality doesn't need your touch.


New member
Feb 21, 2011
Am I the only one that would rather have Shia LaBeouf back instead of Mark Wahlberg?

The movies were at least fun action romps, but the juvenile, cringeworthy humor always held them down for me. Hell, this coming from the guy who didn't think Pixels was terrible.


New member
Jun 15, 2013
MCerberus said:
Saw the trailer for his military porn movie about Benghazi (oh there will be so much tact in it) based on the non-existent stand down order (SO MUCH TACT). Based on that, yes, please Michael, go back to ruining fiction. Reality doesn't need your touch.
Ahh. The Republican wet dream movie. I can't wait for that to be used as a "true depiction" of the event in question at GOP conferences. And Fox News.

Yeah. Money speaks louder than everything. EVERYTHING!!


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Silentpony said:
Wouldn't it be a kick in the pants if 5 was actually the only good one? If they pulled a JJ Abrams and just remade the original movie from the 80s, but its actually really good?
With HotRod, Arcee, Springer, the 'Oh shit!' moment, Unicron, the works.
Seeing as that is my favourite movie of all time, I would be all for it.

Darth Rosenberg

New member
Oct 25, 2011
Samtemdo8 said:
Is it alright if I can say that 1 and 3 are the only "good" movies out of the bunch so far?

I especially liked the final act of T3.
I think the first film's fantastic (if in need of about four characters being axed, and thus the runtime being reduced by about thirty minutes) - one of the very best and boldest full-on actioners of modern the 2000's. And yeah, I like the third one, too. People can trash his style, his crassness, and the CG in his films, but those effects are crafted by people with passion and smarts. I think the sequence with the skyscraper coming down is still superb as a technical showcase and as a setpiece.

His films are gloriously headache inducing whirlwinds of crass, busy spectacle... and when he's on form, I love it as a style of cinema that's simply so relentless and shameless. You can't have quiet without loud, and his TF's are 'this goes up to 11' almost from start to finish.

...Transformers 4 was one of the most boring, soulless pieces of banality I've ever seen, though. I bought it blind, expecting more of the same. I kinda got that, but I actually like Shia in the TF's, ditto Fox and some of the other side characters/actors. TF4 just features mind warpingly bland and empty characters, which make the wacky cast of the trilogy seem charming by comparison. They could be odious and irritating, but at least that was something... Wahlberg and co seem stuck in neutral from start to finish.

As for more TF's? If they 'feature' Wahlberg, then I'll pass.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Parasondox said:
MCerberus said:
Saw the trailer for his military porn movie about Benghazi (oh there will be so much tact in it) based on the non-existent stand down order (SO MUCH TACT). Based on that, yes, please Michael, go back to ruining fiction. Reality doesn't need your touch.
Ahh. The Republican wet dream movie. I can't wait for that to be used as a "true depiction" of the event in question at GOP conferences. And Fox News.

Yeah. Money speaks louder than everything. EVERYTHING!!
Just in time to POLITICS.
But overall I understood everything I needed to about Bay when Transformers 1 was preceded by Kid Rock doing a salute to the troops in the theaters.


New member
Jan 15, 2009
one thing he really does well is just fun movies. just good to switch off and enjoy some explosions. thats how i see his movies. people saying he is the worst, have no idea what they are talking about. i give bay an oscar any time of the day. its uwe boll who is the worst director. his movies are beyond crap and not entertaining at all.
maybe i will watch it. still enjoyed the others. part 2 was a step back but part 3 was ok. part 4 was amusing to see hong kong getting blown up. since i live there it was even more amusing for me. i think a lot of the people in the cinema enjoyed seeing their home country getting bayxploded.


Will never say anything smart
Feb 25, 2014
I thoroughly enjoy the Transformers movies for what they are: stupid, mindless, and utterly fun giant CGI robots murdering each other for our amusement. I can say with no sarcasm that the best part of the movies, to me, is the performance of Peter Cullen in each and every movie. The movies are complete trash in terms of writing, but he still gives it his best and I appreciate that.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
MCerberus said:
Saw the trailer for his military porn movie about Benghazi (oh there will be so much tact in it) based on the non-existent stand down order (SO MUCH TACT). Based on that, yes, please Michael, go back to ruining fiction. Reality doesn't need your touch.
there was a stand down order from skippy the most idiotic president we've ever had. How could I know this? because I have friends who were involved with it.

OT: IDK I liked his last two movies so ill give this a shot I mean it has to be better then his god awful teenage mutant ninja turtles film.


New member
Dec 27, 2010
Money Money Money... well no original movies yet...

I checked IMDB what ratings the movies had, and I got this in the search:

So if you don't like the movies, it seems you are in for a hell of a ride ;)

Cicada 5

Elite Member
Apr 16, 2015
Samtemdo8 said:
Is it alright if I can say that 1 and 3 are the only "good" movies out of the bunch so far?

I especially liked the final act of T3.
I liked the first one and thought the fourth was actually good.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
sheppie said:
Millky95 said:
Seeing as that is my favourite movie of all time, I would be all for it.
You're aware that JJ Abrams is not a movie director, but a professional desecrator of all good things, right?
Only seen him do The Force Awakens and I really enjoyed it so I'd be for it. Let go of your hate


New member
May 4, 2009
I like the assumption that it's for money, though he clearly has enough of that already. Maybe he actually just likes making Transformers movies.


New member
Sep 5, 2011
Well I like them.

All of them.

They're brainless entertainment for when I just want to relax with a coke in one hand and a bag of chips in the other.

To prove my point, I described TF4 to my sister as "Optimus Prime, riding a robo T-Rex, brandishing a sword". She was sceptical at first, but after having seen it (with the mindset of it just being "dumb action") we loved it. It's fun, it's stupid, and it reminds us of what can be done when you're 7 years old, and don't have to keep "logic" in mind.