Nintendo's SNES Classics Coming to New 3DS


Geekdad News Writer
Jan 5, 2013
Nintendo's SNES Classics Coming to New 3DS

Nintendo is bringing Virtual Console ports of Super Mario World, Earthbound and more to the New 3DS.

Nintendo's Virtual Console program is easily one of the best things about owning any modern Nintendo gaming system. That being said, it's not without flaws. The titles available from system to system frequently vary and it's not uncommon for games available on the WiiU to be completely unavailable on the 3DS and New 3DS. According to Nintendo's most recent Nintendo Direct however, the New 3DS is about to receive a huge 16-bit bump to the its selection.

According to the Nintendo Direct, the New 3DS will now begin offering a selection of SNES ports. As of yesterday, North American New 3DS owners can now purchase and play digital copies of Super Mario World, F-Zero and Pilot Wings. This selection will expand on March 24th with the Donkey Kong Country, Super Mario Kart and Earthbound. Finally, on April 14th New 3DS owners will gain access to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Metroid and Donkey Kong Country 2. European New 3DS owners will be receiving all of those same titles before the end of March. The games will cost $7.99 each and come with a "perfect pixel" option to recreate their original resolution. There are no cross-buy options for gamers who already own them on the WiiU.

While I'm very much happy for New 3DS owners, as someone still using the 3DS XL I'm going to admit that I'm sad they aren't coming to the older models. Nintendo has affirmed in the past that there are technical issues that keep it from bringing SNES Virtual Console titles to the older 3DS's. Regardless, it's hard not to feel like it's a bit silly that a handheld that can run a remake of Majora's Mask would have a hard time with a ROM of A Link to the Past.

Source: <a href=>Nintendo Life


Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
StewShearer said:
While I'm very much happy for New 3DS owners, as someone still using the 3DS XL I'm going to admit that I'm sad they aren't coming to the older models. Nintendo has affirmed in the past that there are technical issues that keep it from bringing SNES Virtual Console titles to the older 3DS's. Regardless, it's hard not to feel like it's a bit silly that a handheld that can run a remake of Majora's Mask would have a hard time with a ROM of A Link to the Past.
Didn't people have SNES ROMs running on the original DS run of things? Like, maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I could swear people were doing it.

Nope, just confirmed that it's a thing.

It's a little screwed up that Nintendo can't do it officially on the 3DS while it can be done with questionable legality on the prior gen.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Something Amyss said:
Didn't people have SNES ROMs running on the original DS run of things? Like, maybe I'm remembering wrong, but I could swear people were doing it.

Nope, just confirmed that it's a thing.

It's a little screwed up that Nintendo can't do it officially on the 3DS while it can be done with questionable legality on the prior gen.
Not just questionable legality, but questionable quality. It wasn't a very good experience at all. Nintendo's not gonna sell us a Virtual Console experience with severe framerate problems and graphical glitches.

P.S. Thanks


New member
Mar 28, 2010
3DS owners will gain access to The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Its about bloody time, I have no bloody idea why someone would want to play an technically inferior game on a super computer. These all old games are meant to go mobile.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
Covarr said:
Not just questionable legality, but questionable quality. It wasn't a very good experience at all. Nintendo's not gonna sell us a Virtual Console experience with severe framerate problems and graphical glitches.

P.S. Thanks
Dunno. Saw videos with them running games smooth. Never tried it myself. I prefer to buy things above board, which is why I'm always so disheartened to see that Nintendo seems to hate my money.


New member
May 7, 2008
I'm still pretty baffled we need the power of a quad-core processor to run a SNES emulator.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Actually the homebrew attempts at doing SNES games on the 3DS have SUUUUUUUUUUUCKED. The Youtube hack for instance crashes constantly. For some reason, SNES games just don't work on the 3DS.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
NEW 3DS ONLY!? FUCK! I would KILL for Super Metroid on my 3DS. God damn it. I am very sad.


New member
May 26, 2015
StewShearer said:
Regardless, it's hard not to feel like it's a bit silly that a handheld that can run a remake of Majora's Mask would have a hard time with a ROM of A Link to the Past.
The difference is that the remake of Majora's Mask has been completely rewritten for the 3DS, while the Virtual Console games run in an emulator. And emulating a 16 bit game console properly and with good performance is harder than it seems. As far as I remember, the GBA games Nintendo made available on the original 3DS for ambassadors also were not mere emulated versions, but complete rewrites for the same reason.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
Janichsan said:
As far as I remember, the GBA games Nintendo made available on the original 3DS for ambassadors also were not mere emulated versions, but complete rewrites for the same reason.
They were neither. They were running in native GBA mode using hardware leftover on the system; that's why there was no access to the home menu or other 3DS features that come standard with any other game, and those limitations are why they haven't released more GBA games the same way since then.

P.S. Thanks


Elite Member
Jul 31, 2008
Obbi said:
I'm still pretty baffled we need the power of a quad-core processor to run a SNES emulator.
Don't think thats the case anymore. I've played all kinds of SNES stuff on my phone for years and stuff like mario 64 and ssb works flawless too.


New member
May 7, 2008
sneakypenguin said:
Obbi said:
I'm still pretty baffled we need the power of a quad-core processor to run a SNES emulator.
Don't think thats the case anymore. I've played all kinds of SNES stuff on my phone for years and stuff like mario 64 and ssb works flawless too.
I was mostly just snarkin'. the New 3DS just has a quad-core instead of a dual-core, and a bit more RAM. It's not really a raw power problem - I was able to run SNES emulators on an old laptop that was too weak to run Windows 98. Not sure what the actual issue is with the original 3DS, to be honest.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
Obbi said:
sneakypenguin said:
Obbi said:
I'm still pretty baffled we need the power of a quad-core processor to run a SNES emulator.
Don't think thats the case anymore. I've played all kinds of SNES stuff on my phone for years and stuff like mario 64 and ssb works flawless too.
I was mostly just snarkin'. the New 3DS just has a quad-core instead of a dual-core, and a bit more RAM. It's not really a raw power problem - I was able to run SNES emulators on an old laptop that was too weak to run Windows 98. Not sure what the actual issue is with the original 3DS, to be honest.
It might be a software/OS compatibility issue. It's the reason why a lot of old computer games don't work on modern operating systems and you have guys like at who have to find ways to make them work on the current OS's.


New member
Aug 22, 2010
They finally do a re-release of Super Mario World, and it's one the new platform I don't own - Nintendo you cunning bastards.

Hairless Mammoth

New member
Jan 23, 2013
Ugh, no cross buy. This could, could, have been the tipping point for me to buy a New 3DS if Nintendo had played "catch up" with such an easy and obvious thing. As much as I'd love Super Metroid and A Link to the Past on the go (without being naughty), I'd rather not drop $200 for the privilege of buying those games a third or fourth time.


Sane among the insane.
Sep 12, 2010
Man, if that included Super Mario RPG, I might have to break down and actually buy a New 3DS despite my hatred of all things 3D. So many classic SNES games that I never played due to not owning a SNES as a child (I had a Genesis).


New member
Jun 16, 2010
I want to be able to play GC games on the Wii U or something, I never owned a GC and want to play TTYD so badly.


New member
Aug 31, 2009
I've got some of these on my Wii U so I don't know if I'm willing to re-buy games like Link to the Past and Super Mario World for the third or fourth time and Super Metroid for the...second I think. This is fantastic that they're finally being offered up but it would be great if say, people who own these games on their home console were to get a discount. Perhaps a membership to some type of reward service would fix that issue.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2010
Obbi said:
Not sure what the actual issue is with the original 3DS, to be honest.
Making this emulator available on the 3DS doesn't encourage people to buy the New 3Ds is what the issue is.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
What pisses me off is the original launch day 3DS is perfectly capable of playing downloaded GBA games just fine, and the GameBoy Advance was far better technically than the SNES.
So either Nintendo is full of it, and wants people buying the New 3DS for these arbitrarily exclusive features, or there is something a 90's home console is capable of that a 2000's handheld console that's superior in almost every way isn't.