I bought X-com 1 & 2 when they first came out, and continue to struggle with windows as it updates to play the originals, its sad and its obvious to me why there has not been a decent sequal, first of all enough with the FPS games or RTS games, keep x-com the way it was originally,. heres my list of things they should do to make a successful x-com sequel who knows maybe someone will listen. (I'm sure you all have some.)
Story related
1.) Earth should be the primary focus, because we all want to defend earth.
2.) It should take place after the events of UFO, and TFTD
*-Since there are still aliens alive, after the destruction of their masters, we should
have some alien refuges that join the x-com ranks when you hire soldiers. (sectoid human
hybrids were in Apocalypse)
1.) You should have access to both the surface of the planet, and the ocean. and be able to
construct bases in both, which both can yield different research opportunity's, and
manufacturing benefits.
1.) There should be multiple mission types, not just kill the aliens win a prize. escort
missions, or rescue particular people. like protecting a cruise ship, or cargo
vessel(TFTD), or protecting a high ranking political official his family and home, etc.
(The Ufo trilogy has some of this)
2.) The environment should remain destructible, much like it was in the first 3,
(Apocalypse I likes some of the effects in this such as fire burning the upper floors)
1.) Aliens shouldn't be so fly around and do nothing, attack you when it suits them. Aliens
Should plot different ways to attack you, and new mission types should result, for
example, Capturing an alien commander may reveal that the aliens are comprising a
biological weapon and a delivery system to target humans in some way, so you have to
infiltrate their lab, and destroy it. things like this, the aliens should plot new ways
to attack you when they don't succeed in a full force alien attack.
Battle related
1.) When Aliens attack your base, and vise versa. you should have to attack the ground level
to gain entrance to the base before you enter the underground level. (TFTD at least had
this with regards to the aliens) this would allow you to then develop exterior defense's
other then those that you would use to shoot down their craft.
2.) Alien ship combat should allow you to auto-resolve (Like heroes of might and magic),
reason being, I love the combat, but theres so many alien crafts. its annoying to have
to do them all especially when you have tactical superiority, 20 guys vs a scout craft.
is annoying, If there was more mission variation it would be ok.
Unit Related
1.) You should be given the choice when your soldiers level up, where the points go.
(Ufo: Extraterrestrials, Ufo Aftershock, Aftermath, Afterlight all had this)
2.) You should be able to train your troops. not just for psi-training. but weapons
training and piloting of vehicles. (Ufo Aftershock, Aftermath, Afterlight)
Equipment Related
1.) Tanks and Vehicles should not be useless, they take far to much damage in all the games
Including the new ones. for the cost of 4 units in your drop ship, they should be worth
4 units. and you should be able to select who is piloting the craft. vehicles should also
have multiple damageable parts. wheels, treads or legs being destroyed should result in
the vehicle not being mobile, which adds the dimension of having someone with an
engineering skill.
2.) Cybernetic Implants should also be available to increase your stats slightly or give you
new forms of vision to detect aliens (Ufo: Trilogy)
3.) New forms of equipment should be avalible such as the ability to have a flying or aqua
scout craft, with higher movement, but low health, no attack. to allow you to do
reconnaissance on the maps.
I'm not saying this would make a perfect game, but I'm saying if you want to find out what would improve the original game, and make a fitting sequel the game developers should check out the already vital fan community of the original's, and from that figure out what would make good additions to the game.