So, let me get this straight..
I can have another future-set
Call of Duty game with a neat movement system, pretty graphics, a cool aesthetic, robots, anti-gravity vehicles, futuristic weapons and equipment, mechs, aircraft-based combat that can seamlessly transition from ground to space, zero-G infantry combat, and an open-ended campaign? Wait....and it comes with a DLC season pass and a remaster of COD4?....
AND the internet is completely butthurt over the whole thing?....All for
less than the last special edition of a COD game?
Fucking. Sold.
Sniper Team 4 said: laser guns? Fine. Whatever. Why are they so scared to go full future? Why do we keep getting near-future? Someone, take the damn leap already.
But...they did. In Advanced Warfare. They had several energy-based weapons, including laser cannons.
So, the plot line looks like Gundam then? Outer Colonies vs. Earth Gov.?
Seems vaguely reminiscent of
Titanfall, too. Except, in this instance, the Militia are the bad guys and the IMC are the good guys.