I distinctly remember, in reference to Pokemon Black and Yakuza 4, that Yahtzee admittedly doesn't care about 100% completion. So, why exactly does the completely optional loot system matter? Yes, it'd be pretty freaking hard to get everything through just level ups, but when it -physically- doesn't matter to how playable the game is, I don't see what the problem is. Left 4 Dead and 2 are pretty bare-bones when it comes to content, being so replayable just because of sheer fucking fun. Overwatch is about as fun, except while you play you can also natively get outfits to use on the characters, rather than needing to mod it in. And I don't see the need to defend anyone who is so obsessive over 100% completion (thank you, Undertale) or cosmetics (didn't they have like $50 mount armor in WOW?) as to drop 2 Grand on the game.
Not that I should continue suckling Overwatch's dick, but it seems like Yahtzee was struggling to fill out his review and this column, at least concerning the game itself. If it's not his sort of thing and it's as simple as a piece of bacon, then anything that pops out would need to be commented on to fill out the review and such, and quite frankly comes across less funny for being so forced:
-He acknowledges the amount of media taken up around Overwatch, but only apparently sees a single paragraph talking about the actual lore, when there are comic books and Pixar-looking Animations that flesh out quite a few characters and events and such.
-He noted the "buttgate" situation without actually understanding that they changed the design -entirely- out of artistic vision and went out of their way to hold it up. (I was one of the ones who thought otherwise, but after seeing the new image I got it. Extra Credits did a good job of helping me break it down to one of my friends).
-Overwatch's cast comes off as less human than Battleborns? It's probably because I went and looked around for all the additional lore content and the character chats in game (some dudes even apologize when made to battle against a friend on the opposite team), but I don't see how they're not human (...except for the Gorilla and the Robots technically, and one of those Robots would be able to argue that point super hard). A glance at the Battleborn character roster makes me wonder how many of them actually -are- human. (Granted, not only am I -not- down on Battleborn as an "Overwatch Clone", but glancing at the character roster makes me curious about the game. Somehow, I hadn't really seen anything on it until Yahtzee's review had me look stuff up on it.)
I'd wonder if I was just being a fanboy, but then I go back and watch his Starfox Zero review, and even as I like that game (as one of the few capable of enduring the controls, so to speak), it still both made me laugh and was more accurate. I also notice a similar situation in which he's kinda struggling to fill out his Paper Mario TTYD review even as he's praising it for being fucking fantastic.