I enjoy the Far Cry series enough to jump through the Uplay hoop. I've never installed Origin. EA hasn't made anything I felt I couldn't live without in some time, and the last thing they did I approved of was to kick Tim Langdell to the curb in court. Otherwise, they mostly seem to be a nightmare of evil operating under a cycle of "We do it because it's the industry standard, it's the industry standard because we do it, lather, rinse, repeat."
We live in strange times. The point about the fragmentation of online play services and the undermining of physical store fronts is a good one, but it's disturbing that we're seeing similar upheavals in many places- Amazon squeezing out other retailers; Disney, Amazon, HBO, Showtime, and even Youtube trying to pull the rug from beneath Netflix, even as Netflix all but rendered brick and mortar video rental extinct (leaving me wondering where I can even find many movies I'd love to show my daughter... Except maybe by buying them from, yes, Amazon).
Welcome back to the Escapist, Christina.