It's not just the game, and it's not about whether you take it seriously,
it's about consequences, maybe it's just a game, or is it?
Because I understand your mental degree and background, how that fascinates.
And you like hurting folks, in the mind.
A psychologist, a doctor, the very person who took the oath.
And what better position of trust to achieve.
Why don't you come with me sometime, on a trip over the edge?
Seriously, I've been there at least a hundred times, obviously it's not so bad.
It's folks like you who send me there, not in the game, that isn't serious enough, we agree.
Because folks like you exist in all walks of life.
Some work at the IRS, and some of them find it amusing to watch you suffer,
send you threatening letters over taxes you have paid 3 times over already,
still they want to seize your assets and then they freeze your bank account.
Of course, there is nothing you can do.
Others are down in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
They like hurting other people, too.
So are you just making sure your line of patients doesn't run short?
Because it is fascinating, trust me, I know.
It is things like these that first made me see the logic and the mechanics behind going postal.
I have it now, the whole thing, I would know exactly how, when, where, and with what to do it, even how many people to kill at a minimum.
Sadly, it would be you whom I would expect to do it.
After all I only saw the logic, much like I see the logic behind griefing, it just doesn't attract me.
Well, it kind of does, but the consequences I don't care much for.
You on the other hand, you have the perfect mindset.