Funny how much Steam and Xbox Live have in common when you really look at it. The thing that makes steam better is it's free. Personally I don't get myself caught up in all this Console vs. PC stuff. I have my XBOX connected to my TV that sits beside my PC desk. I have Left 4 Dead for PC, and COD 4 for console, I mix it up and it's really up to the game and who I know is gonna play it which system I get it for. I'm currently saving up for a Wii, but the PS3 is nowhere in my future unless there's a serious price drop and it get's more exclusives that I want to play, though I am eyeing MAG. My point, who gives a fuck what system you play on, we're all gamers.
Also I think it's good that consoles are taking things good about PC and using them to improve the console experience and vice versa, it improves gaming as a whole. To be ashamed of liking something because it was popularized by "the enemy" seems childish and stubborn. Perhaps instead of looking at it as a strike against yourself as a PC gamer, if you like achievments then look at it as a way in which PC gaming is improving.