Steam Adds In-Game DLC Support

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
Steam Adds In-Game DLC Support

Yes, even you, the stalwart Steam gamer, can purchase horse armor in Oblivion for just $1.99 now that Valve has started supporting in-game sales of downloadable content in all Steam titles past, present and future.

"In-game DLC allows developers and publishers to use their own games as a platform for selling additional content to gamers," Valve's Doug Lombardi said. Yes, that means that paying for new content like stages, extra missions, and horse armor [] is no longer just something that people who trade dollars for MS Bucks on Xbox Live can talk about. Steam users too can now fully know the joy of shelling out a few bucks for content that, some will no doubt say in their most curmudgeonly voice, used to be free and was called "a patch."

"DLC can now be added to any game on Steam, regardless of whether it was originally purchased via Steam, at retail, or via other digital outlets," Lombardi continued. "It is also a feature of Steamworks, the suite of free tools and services available to game developers and publishers."

The first game to take advantage of the new system will be Twisted Pixel's The Maw [], which was available initially only on Xbox Live. The Maw is offering two new levels, titled Brute Force and River Assault, on Steam at the price point of $1.25 each. "We're happy that we can now offer Steam customers significant expansions to the Maw story, delivering more Maw directly to gamers while they're still playing the game," Twisted Pixel CEO, Michael Wilford said.

Don't think this means Valve's going to start charging for TF2 class packs, though, as it sounds like this is mostly a strategy they're setting up to let other publishers do the DLC thing some of them are so fond of and that they can already do on Games for Windows Live.

Perhaps this means we'll start seeing some third-party publishers changing their tune regarding post-launch content that makes it to consoles but not the PC. Now that, say, Ubisoft can charge for the console-exclusive [] Prince of Persia Epilogue DLC and do it by way of an extremely popular platform like Steam, PC gamers might be seeing more previously console-only content coming their way. Just not for free.



New member
Feb 23, 2009
I can't decide whether this is a win or a lose. It wins cause some of those console exclusive packs will come to PC it is a lose cause some companies will more then likely take advantage of it and charge for stuff we are used to getting completely free.(Map packs etc etc.) Guess will just have to wait and see how it pans out.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
I am seriously not a fan of this. I think I am one of those voices who will grumble, say it used to be a patch and free.
I hope Valve doesn't start with pricing DLC.


New member
Apr 23, 2008
Tenmar said:
Damn Microsoft and their creation of microtransactions!
Microtransactions existed far earlier than Microsoft's XBox live system. Indeed, I believe they stretch back in origin to the original MUDs (the forerunners in the 1970's to now of MMO's)


Impractically practical
Feb 6, 2009
From the sounds of it, the PC community at large won't be affected, unless you want to buy the new stuff. It sounds like things that were originally only for consoles at a price are being brought to the PC, for a price.

I like it.


New member
Jun 26, 2008
Oh no please don't start charging for COD Map packs! If not then go steam, another thing PC gamers can gloat upon (yay!).


New member
Feb 2, 2009
megapenguinx said:
I am seriously not a fan of this. I think I am one of those voices who will grumble, say it used to be a patch and free.
I hope Valve doesn't start with pricing DLC.
They love to much their playerbase to do that. And the fact that most DLC they release you need to have in game.(TF2 class updates)

Anyway DLC alwasy existed they just came with a diferent name Patch!


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Hang on, does this mean that I may be able to get the Fallout 3 DLC without having to use that god awful Microsoft-poiint system? Or will that still be in place?


Hold Me Closer Tony Danza
Jun 7, 2008
Nuts. That means Activision will start charging us PC players for our Call of Duty maps.

Keane Ng

New member
Sep 11, 2008
whyarecarrots said:
Hang on, does this mean that I may be able to get the Fallout 3 DLC without having to use that god awful Microsoft-poiint system? Or will that still be in place?
As far as I know, the Fallout 3 DLC are all Xbox Live / Games for Windows exclusive, for now. So no, but if the contract runs out (or if I'm just stupid and wrong), then yeah I'd imagine they'd be on Steam. I hope I'm stupid and wrong.


New member
Nov 19, 2008
Keane Ng said:
whyarecarrots said:
Hang on, does this mean that I may be able to get the Fallout 3 DLC without having to use that god awful Microsoft-poiint system? Or will that still be in place?
As far as I know, the Fallout 3 DLC are all Xbox Live / Games for Windows exclusive, for now. So no, but if the contract runs out (or if I'm just stupid and wrong), then yeah I'd imagine they'd be on Steam. I hope I'm stupid and wrong.
WOuld you be offended if I also hoped you were wrong: Windows Live for PC is a heap of junk, and if the DLC for fallout 3 were on steam I'd probably get it...


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
If correctly implemented, this could be a boon for PC gamers. Holding breath patiently to see how it turns out.


Wait when did I get a sub
Jan 10, 2009
Keane Ng said:
whyarecarrots said:
Hang on, does this mean that I may be able to get the Fallout 3 DLC without having to use that god awful Microsoft-poiint system? Or will that still be in place?
As far as I know, the Fallout 3 DLC are all Xbox Live / Games for Windows exclusive, for now. So no, but if the contract runs out (or if I'm just stupid and wrong), then yeah I'd imagine they'd be on Steam. I hope I'm stupid and wrong.
Huh. You make an excellent point: MS points are a pain to think about.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
I've started going of DLC nowadays.
It used to be that they tried hard to fit all of things they wanted in a game onto the disc/cartridge before release. Now they can release a half finished game for full price, then charge you extra to get stuff that they should have just put in from the start.

But Im a sucker for map packs so Ill still buy them :(


New member
Jan 8, 2009
oliveira8 said:
megapenguinx said:
I am seriously not a fan of this. I think I am one of those voices who will grumble, say it used to be a patch and free.
I hope Valve doesn't start with pricing DLC.
They love to much their playerbase to do that. And the fact that most DLC they release you need to have in game.(TF2 class updates)

Anyway DLC alwasy existed they just came with a diferent name Patch!
True true, but the horse armor pic basically sums up my feelings.
I meant I hope they don't start that kind of DLC.


New member
Feb 2, 2009
megapenguinx said:
oliveira8 said:
megapenguinx said:
I am seriously not a fan of this. I think I am one of those voices who will grumble, say it used to be a patch and free.
I hope Valve doesn't start with pricing DLC.
They love to much their playerbase to do that. And the fact that most DLC they release you need to have in game.(TF2 class updates)

Anyway DLC alwasy existed they just came with a diferent name Patch!
True true, but the horse armor pic basically sums up my feelings.
I meant I hope they don't start that kind of DLC.
And yes....urg...people that buy those things *no offense really* deserve to burn in hell. Fork out money just to get Horse armour...When theres probably mods that do that for free.