Steam Adds In-Game DLC Support


New member
Jan 8, 2009
oliveira8 said:
megapenguinx said:
oliveira8 said:
megapenguinx said:
I am seriously not a fan of this. I think I am one of those voices who will grumble, say it used to be a patch and free.
I hope Valve doesn't start with pricing DLC.
They love to much their playerbase to do that. And the fact that most DLC they release you need to have in game.(TF2 class updates)

Anyway DLC alwasy existed they just came with a diferent name Patch!
True true, but the horse armor pic basically sums up my feelings.
I meant I hope they don't start that kind of DLC.
And yes....urg...people that buy those things *no offense really* deserve to burn in hell. Fork out money just to get Horse armour...When theres probably mods that do that for free.
Especially on PC.
Also the whole charging for alternate costumes bit I never really understood either.


New member
Feb 1, 2008
I just see it as another way Steam will attract more games to it, only to have the numbers from their sales come back to them and have the developers/publishers of those games realize they are losing sales to other games that don't charge for that content.

It is only slightly surprising now how many new players show up on TF2 content patch weekends. Valve probably has a great big grin on their faces thinking about how outdated and obsolete other business models are compared to theirs.

*Developer Achievement Unlocked: Lamb To The Slaughter*


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Well, there you have it. Steam officially added the last feature GFWL had over it. Now can we please put GFWL into the graveyard and make Steam the standard instead?


New member
Dec 12, 2007
This could be good or bad. If Steam continues to offer DLC for their own games for free, then it won't be that bad, but if we start getting charged for things we could get before for free, then that will be epic fail. The OP is right though, a lot of stuff that is now labelled "microtransactions" used to be called "patches".


Hail, Ilpalazzo!
Jan 26, 2009
I foresee alot of people charging for pointless things, like they do for xbox live now. However I do not think this will be very well received with pc gamers, and there will probably be mods shortly after that do much the same thing. So they won't do it for long I don't think, though game publishers have done stupider things before.