162: Multiple Personality Disorders


New member
Dec 27, 2008
Pan1cz said:
I feel NONE of this "I gotta be the alpha male so I'm gonna put down everyone and call them faggots" mentality. I consider myself WAY above that and to be included in this stereotype SICKENS me.

I don't know how many of you actually are this stereotypical "white adolescent male" but I feel like none of the comments I read (more than half the page) really touch on how I, a white adolescent male, really am in the gaming community.

I myself use many racial and homosexual slurs all the time. I can be rude or swear up a storm at an annoying n00b. But I can also be extremely nice and helpful. I'm not racist whatsoever. I don't really mind gay people. When I or ANYONE i know calls someone a "jew" or "fag" it's no different than jerk or asshole. It carries no racial or homosexual meanings with it WHATSOEVER!

As slightly touched on here, I think the MAIN reason for the online community's disgusting, hateful appearance is pure and simply it's anonymity and separation from the real world. There's no pressure to say and act the way society wants. Online I can use whatever slang and term I want to describe anything I want. To me it represents a freedom to say what I want, whether i mean it hurtful or not. All Political correctness is void and i can say midget, fag, jew, or n00b without knowing or caring who it MIGHT hurt.
Oi: I'm a white adolescent male, and I don't do shit like that. All I do is give my own ideas as to what we should do.

Where do these assholes come from? I guess there's some training camp somewhere.


New member
Apr 25, 2009
Pan1cz said:
I feel NONE of this "I gotta be the alpha male so I'm gonna put down everyone and call them faggots" mentality. I consider myself WAY above that and to be included in this stereotype SICKENS me.

I don't know how many of you actually are this stereotypical "white adolescent male" but I feel like none of the comments I read (more than half the page) really touch on how I, a white adolescent male, really am in the gaming community.

I myself use many racial and homosexual slurs all the time. I can be rude or swear up a storm at an annoying n00b. But I can also be extremely nice and helpful. I'm not racist whatsoever. I don't really mind gay people. When I or ANYONE i know calls someone a "jew" or "fag" it's no different than jerk or asshole. It carries no racial or homosexual meanings with it WHATSOEVER!

As slightly touched on here, I think the MAIN reason for the online community's disgusting, hateful appearance is pure and simply it's anonymity and separation from the real world. There's no pressure to say and act the way society wants. Online I can use whatever slang and term I want to describe anything I want. To me it represents a freedom to say what I want, whether i mean it hurtful or not. All Political correctness is void and i can say midget, fag, jew, or n00b without knowing or caring who it MIGHT hurt.
Here's the thing. When you use racial or homophobic slurs, regardless of intent, people can only read or hear the words. Unless you say BY THE WAY THIS HATE SPEECH I AM SPEWING, IT'S TOTES IRONIC AND NON LOADED YOU GUYS!!!!!, people can only hear the ignorant bullshit.

I fucking hate the asshole mentality that pervades so much of the internet. It's not limited to gamers, it's all over. People who think being edgy somehow makes them funny, and everyone is expected to roll with the hate.

It's just crap behaviour.


New member
Oct 28, 2008
nohorsetown said:
I was a picked-on nerd as a kid, called "fag", etc. Probably has something to do with why I don't treat other people that way. Or maybe I'm just a reasonably nice person with at least half a brain. It bums me out that most of my fellow nerds failed to make the connection. Do unto others, yeah? But nah.. the persecuted geeks, when they finally find somewhere to feel safe, just wanna turn it around and persecute someone else, to be on the other side of it, to feel cool and powerful, to be a macho asshole. When I was a kid, at first I romanticized my nerdy D&D/video games niche. I thought "cool, I wanna hang out with people like me.. we're probably all a bunch of smart, sensitive, esoteric motherfuckers!" Man, was I wrong.

Of course, I guess it's not all dorks anymore.. the "frat boy" types all have Xboxes now.. but I think the uh, "cycle of nerd abuse" accounts for a lot of it. (nothing against frat boys, necessarily. I'm sure there's plenty of nice fraternal fellas out there.. I'm just referring to the stereotypical "kick-sand-in-the-nerd's-face-at-the-beach" kind of macho bully thing.. uh, yeah, I'll shut up now) -anyway, my point is that, mostly, we (nerdy/insecure/picked on white kids) do it to ourselves, and if we're as smart as we think we are, we should freakin' get civilized already.
This is exactly what I think that gaming was a better place when it was forsaken by the macho people and the bullys and "frat boy types" because at least then most gamers since they were outcasted were reputable folk as they thought "well these guys are idiots I sure don't want to be like them" now they've joined our ranks unfortunately, like sawyer from the very first episodes of lost he was a jerk and everyone pretty much hated him but he was one of them. And correction even to those people it somehow STILL IS forsaken actually because those "macho" people even though they play halo and call of duty etc. etc. all the time will still make fun of other gamer for playing other gamers, for instance I am still in school and I'm sure almost every male in my school has played Modern Warfare yet when me and my friends talk about say Dragon Age we get made fun of so maybe we should all just start a gaming cult and maybe come up with a gaming god or two along the way WHO IS WITH ME?!??!?!


New member
Jan 15, 2009
Undeadundertaker333 said:
nohorsetown said:
This is exactly what I think that gaming was a better place when it was forsaken by the macho people and the bullys and "frat boy types" because at least then most gamers since they were outcasted were reputable folk as they thought "well these guys are idiots I sure don't want to be like them" now they've joined our ranks unfortunately, like sawyer from the very first episodes of lost he was a jerk and everyone pretty much hated him but he was one of them. And correction even to those people it somehow STILL IS forsaken actually because those "macho" people even though they play halo and call of duty etc. etc. all the time will still make fun of other gamer for playing other gamers, for instance I am still in school and I'm sure almost every male in my school has played Modern Warfare yet when me and my friends talk about say Dragon Age we get made fun of so maybe we should all just start a gaming cult and maybe come up with a gaming god or two along the way WHO IS WITH ME?!??!?!
EVerquest MMO. A time when the "macho" didn't player with the "gamer"
Trolls and griefers existed well before them. Trains from Everquest highlight this.

"Another unique aspect of playing Everquest was trains. Not mechanical locomotives but long parades of monsters chasing a player or group of players. Trains arise from a combination of factors. The first thing required for a train is for a player or group to aggro more monsters than they can handle. Once the monsters start attacking a player they will not stop until either the player is dead or leaves the region by zoning out (crossing a line where the server removes them from the current area and loads them into the next)."
Trolls would then lead this train past lowlevel groups or people just trying to get somewhere to people resting or working on something. Near Instant death. I took the quote from http://mmoplayer.wikidot.com/everquest