Kiutu said:
I am fine with the existance of that rap game that is Guitar Hero-like, mostly so they stop saying stupid things like "WHy is there no rap in ROCKband!?"
I hate Rap and wish it gone, but I could tolerate it's existance better if Rappers would put a pin to their head and pop those over-inflated egos of theirs. Most notably Puff Daddy who I would put in my top 10 worst people ever list, Kanye West who is helping to flush race equality down the drain, and 50 Cent who should not be allowed 100 yards near any gaming company.
As opposed to the egos and adventures of rock stars, which if you even stopped to look at for half a second would find appalling. Anyone remember that Aerosmith 'shooter'?
It's all entertainment bullshit. It's just about which bullshit you're willing to put up with.
Judging from the number of comments on articles in this weeks issue, it would seem that a great deal of the Escapist's readers (and I include myself here) don't know much about hip-hop, and may regard the crossover with not just a little suspicion (especially since the quality of most things that rap has been involved with has been questionable).
But look at Brutal Legend: that game is almost universally regarded with a sense of awesome. However, if they'd tried to make something with metal as a theme in the 80s (and I mean heavy metal, not the glam stuff) then it would've been laughed at and regarded as 'stupid'. Or at least, that's how most metal was thought of back then. Now we look at things like Master of Puppets, Reign in Blood, Screaming for Vengeance or Number of the Beast-albums that were savaged back then except by the followers of the genre-and we say: that's where all the awesome started, and now it's influencing one of the most innovative game developers we've got.
So maybe in another 5-10 years, something similar will be present in rap + videogames.
Ice-T once said that 'Music is music'. I am not here to say anyone's personal tastes are superior to anyone else's, but I think that a truly great song speaks to a broad range of people and even those who aren't in tune with the 'culture' of that music can see something good about it.
Just like people who don't know much about videogames might see something really great in the best our culture has to offer.