Two Tin Cans, One Marketing Stunt

Earnest Cavalli

New member
Jun 19, 2008
Two Tin Cans, One Marketing Stunt

At this point I nearly set the jar down and walked away, but since my roommate and his girlfriend were staring at me intently -- no doubt wondering exactly how I scored a job that entailed drinking the liquid embodiment of combustive neon -- I gave into peer pressure. I took a drink.

Remember when my nose warned me of impending burning? Turns out that my nose doesn't lie. Not only does the Horde Red Game Fuel contain the same burning sensation present in all carbonated beverages, it also proudly bears the tart burning sensation present in sour candy. Thankfully that passed after a few seconds, after which I finally tasted the actual drink.

As if to taunt my senses Horde Red Game Fuel tastes nothing like its color would suggest. When you look at it you imagine an orange flavor or perhaps a cherry flavor if you squint and turn your head sideways. What you actually get though is a combination my notes describe as "SUGARRRRR!!!!!" followed by a simple equation of "80% lemon + 15% cherry + 5% pine needles = The antithesis of anything natural."

Despite my notes' seeming confusion and rage over the experience I wasn't entirely put off by the drink, and could definitely see caffeine fans enjoying the stuff while slogging through the wilds of Azeroth.

That was before the aftertaste.

It's one thing to have a drink so proud of its flavor that it seeks to remind you that you drank it for moments after you've actually swallowed the fluid, and it's something else entirely for a beverage to cling to every organic surface in your mouth like an unfit mother terrified that you're here to snatch her babies from her. 15 minutes and a half bottle of water later I finally got the taste out of my mouth, but I remain wary that at any moment I might burp and resurrect the angry ghost of a thousand fluorescent red orcs.

Somewhat cautiously I peered down at my second drink, the Mountain Dew Game Fuel Alliance Blue. Remembering my fondness for all things sugary and azure, I said a short prayer to St. Joe of Bazooka (the patron saint of flavors) and lifted the second jar to my nose.

"Hm," I said to absolutely no one, "this almost smells like ... like ... blue? Yes! This smells like blue!" Realizing I should probably offer a better comparison for those non-synaesthestetics in the audience, I quickly jotted down that the smell reminded me of all those blue candies and frozen treats I loved as a kid. Blue Otter Pops, blue Blow Pops, blue popsicles -- anything blue and sugary has a distinct smell and flavor that our American diet of junk food has ingrained in anyone whose parents weren't of the patchouli and granola set. Hoping this scent might bode well for the drink's flavor, I cautiously drained the jar into my mouth.

Though Alliance Blue shares the sharp initial bite of Horde Red, it fades much more quickly than the latter into something akin to slightly tart blue Kool-Aid. You can definitely taste the Mtn Dew influence in Alliance Blue much more distinctly than in Horde Red and in a surprising twist the former has much less of an aftertaste than its ruby counterpart. Despite my aversion to caffeinated novelty drinks I actually slightly enjoyed this version of the Game Fuel and would recommend it to anyone with a compulsion toward these sorts of marketing gimmicks.

Realistically, if you're the sort of person who drinks Mtn Dew on a regular basis, these beverages are going to appeal to you, if only to try something new and different. Though I was off put by the almost aggressively sugary drinks, regular caffeine junkies will have no problem enjoying the two Game Fuel flavors and those hardcore World of Warcraft fiends have already shelled out cash for much less practical, much more expensive promotional tie-ins -- again, I've got way too many baby polar bears and baby Murlocs clogging my WoW account.

Given how terribly wrong some soft drink experiments have gone in the past -- Crystal Pepsi, I'm looking at you -- Mountain Dew Game Fuel is, at best, an enjoyable diversion, and at worst, isn't entirely offensive.



New member
Nov 10, 2008
Interesting. Shame we never get stuff like this here. Also, this would be the weirdest review I read today, if I hadn't already read a review of a brick.


Stabat mater dolorosa
Dec 13, 2008
Big question, though, is will it be released outside the USA? I tried Mountain Dew in the USA last year and I hate that it isn't available here in the UK, so we Brits lose out if we aren't prepared to ship the drink in just for the novelty of the drink. :(


New member
Jan 31, 2009
LOL Nice usage of huge ass words, even I didn't know a few of them (unless you totally made them up). I had a feeling they would be garbage I never liked any of the "Flavored" Mountain Dew drinks, I hardly even like Mountain Dew... Well I hate pop in General


New member
Oct 11, 2008
You know, from the sound of things, you don't know what this stuff is made of... it's the caffeinated blood of gamers that died after not sleeping for a week. Obviously, with some mild flavor additions, but you get my point.

Aaaanyways, that article was hilarious! Seemed like something akin to what you'd find on Cracked! Excellent work, and... well... I'm never trying those things.


New member
Mar 21, 2009
Great article, makes me glad we don't have Mountain Dew over here in the UK.


New member
Oct 3, 2007
I'm pretty sure those are mason jars not shot glasses. Atleast the ones you have pictured are.
And my little brother is pretty addicted to these drinks and he doesn't even play WoW.


Not quite Cthulhu
May 25, 2009
I want to try this so badly. Its not fair its stuck in the US. I want it in the UK. Of course i dobt that will ever happen so i just hope this still exists when i go to america next year. I'm particularly looking forward to trying Horde Red flavour
You get paid to do this? That is so unfair


New member
Jun 24, 2009
I've tried some flavor of Mountain Mtn Dew that was dark blue (I think it had a Night Elf on it), and labeled "Gamer Fuel." It was horrific, I recommend steering clear of it. Okay, I hate the weird flavored versions of Mountain Mtn Dew with a passion. Except Code Red, which I never seem to see in anymore. Anyway, good article.

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Why is the blue one always the least offensive? Be it game or life, the blue potion is always the really friendly looking one.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
I liked the Mountain Dew commercial.

The one with the two hot chicks in the supermarket....

Got to love America.

But hey, at least they weren't as bad as those Korean Commercials awhile back.


Top Todger
Jun 25, 2008
What happens if you mix the two drinks together?

Logic dictates that it should turn purple, but I wouldn't be surprised if that didn't happen at all... it would probably turn a greenish brown colour then climb out of the glass and start evolving.


New member
Mar 6, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Alliance wins! Take that, Horde!
For the....Alliance. Damn you Horde! Getting all the good battle cries first.

/Heal funk
/Bear Form
/Mangle Wolf!


New member
Jan 31, 2009
Booze Zombie said:
Why is the blue one always the least offensive? Be it game or life, the blue potion is always the really friendly looking one.
Cause Blue has a calming affect on people. Well light blue to be specific, but blue all the same. And red has a more aggressive affect