Xbox Live Hinders Final Fantasy XIV Release

Logan Westbrook

Transform, Roll Out, Etc
Feb 21, 2008
Xbox Live Hinders Final Fantasy XIV Release

Square-Enix are laying the blame for the delayed release of FFXIV on the Xbox 360 at the feet of the consoles online service.

Pop quiz time; what platforms is Final Fantasy XIV coming out on? If you said "Just the PlayStation 3", I'm afraid you get a big fat 'F', because despite what Jack Tretton might have said about the game at E3 this year, it's about as far from a Sony exclusive as you can get.

At Gamecom, Final Fantasy XIV Producer Hiromichi Tanaka stressed that an Xbox 360 version was in the works, and blamed Xbox Live for the delay that will occur between the PS3/PC release and the game's appearance on the 360.

"... for FFXIV, because 360 has its own policy with Xbox Live that is different from [the] internet, that's something we're in discussions with Microsoft [about], to come to an agreement. That's one of the reasons it's not going to be launched at that point."

The odds of the two companies coming to an arrangement are pretty good, as Microsoft are unlikely to want to let such a massive franchise pass them by.

Source: Massively []



New member
Apr 29, 2009
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?

But I'll be super pissed if this game comes out for the 360, but Champions Online gets the cold shoulder from MS. I was looking forward to CO for a long long time, and I would much rather play that instead of FF XIV.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I don't think there'll be any Square-Enix exclusive on the PS3, not even Kingdom Hearts 3.


New member
Jun 30, 2009
I'm still shaking my head going, 'WTF?!' over the fact that Squeenix is releasing yet ANOTHER MMOFF in the light of the utter failure, humiliation, and damnation that was FFXI. Talk about retarded. And honestly I could care less if such a game came to my beloved Jasper model 360 or the free PS3 I got along with ma-late prostitutes and humble bowing apologies Sony's been giving away to their consumers earlier this week.


New member
Mar 7, 2008
this isn't the firs time that LIVE has caused issues with games, the policy of m$ has hindered a few things over the years


New member
Jun 15, 2008
I was hoping this would come on the 360 =) I was going to buy it on the PC otherwise. FF11 was not half as bad as people have claimed.

Lvl 64 Klutz

Apr 8, 2008
stabnex said:
I'm still shaking my head going, 'WTF?!' over the fact that Squeenix is releasing yet ANOTHER MMOFF in the light of the utter failure, humiliation, and damnation that was FFXI. Talk about retarded. And honestly I could care less if such a game came to my beloved Jasper model 360 or the free PS3 I got along with ma-late prostitutes and humble bowing apologies Sony's been giving away to their consumers earlier this week.
I think you're confusing "I thought the game was terrible," with "The game was a failure."

What I want to know, is why there needs to be any blame at all when the game that was just announced three months ago, and technically comes after a game that hasn't even been released yet, is delayed. Sometimes I think SE just needs to fill a delay quota.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
For some reason...I see FFIV being a complete failure on all systems. After all, the last MMO was...yeah. Honestly, I can't recall any other time when a developer said there was something wrong with Live. This is news.

Avykins said:
Wow. Sony just can not hold onto any decent exclusives can they.
Please don't start the flames in fanboy hearts.
God dammit square, cut it out with the shitty generic MMOs and start fixing up the FF series again.
I'm mildly certain that they forgot how to fix it.

Phoenix Arrow

New member
Sep 3, 2008
They could just release it on the other two than on 360 later. Looking forward to leveling the good old Red Mage again.

stabnex said:
I'm still shaking my head going, 'WTF?!' over the fact that Squeenix is releasing yet ANOTHER MMOFF in the light of the utter failure, humiliation, and damnation that was FFXI. Talk about retarded. And honestly I could care less if such a game came to my beloved Jasper model 360 or the free PS3 I got along with ma-late prostitutes and humble bowing apologies Sony's been giving away to their consumers earlier this week.
Do you have any idea how huge the game was in Japan? SE don't really give a toss what want and good luck to them.


New member
Jul 15, 2008
aww, poor ps3 fanboys who made a big fuss about this...

i personally couldnt care....its an online game so ill leave it and just wait for FF13


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
FloodOne said:
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?

But I'll be super pissed if this game comes out for the 360, but Champions Online gets the cold shoulder from MS. I was looking forward to CO for a long long time, and I would much rather play that instead of FF XIV.
Champions Online is by Cryptic. And its out next month.


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Casual Shinji said:
I don't think there'll be any Square-Enix exclusive on the PS3, not even Kingdom Hearts 3.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a ps3 exclusive.

Simriel said:
FloodOne said:
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?

But I'll be super pissed if this game comes out for the 360, but Champions Online gets the cold shoulder from MS. I was looking forward to CO for a long long time, and I would much rather play that instead of FF XIV.
Champions Online is by Cryptic. And its out next month.
i know its by Cryptic, and its also not coming to 360 because of the same issue SE is talking about.


New member
May 28, 2008
My hope is that Square Enix forces Microsoft to make some major changes to their online policy; if anyone can convince them, Square can.


New member
Oct 18, 2008
Angron said:
aww, poor ps3 fanboys who made a big fuss about this...

i personally couldnt care....its an online game so ill leave it and just wait for FF13
Fanboys made a big fuss about this? Really?


The Count of Monte Cristo
Dec 22, 2008
FloodOne said:
Casual Shinji said:
I don't think there'll be any Square-Enix exclusive on the PS3, not even Kingdom Hearts 3.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a ps3 exclusive.

Simriel said:
FloodOne said:
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?

But I'll be super pissed if this game comes out for the 360, but Champions Online gets the cold shoulder from MS. I was looking forward to CO for a long long time, and I would much rather play that instead of FF XIV.
Champions Online is by Cryptic. And its out next month.
i know its by Cryptic, and its also not coming to 360 because of the same issue SE is talking about.
Having played it, I dont think it would work on 360.


New member
Oct 19, 2008
FloodOne said:
Casual Shinji said:
I don't think there'll be any Square-Enix exclusive on the PS3, not even Kingdom Hearts 3.
Final Fantasy Versus XIII is still a ps3 exclusive.

Simriel said:
FloodOne said:
Honestly, who didn't see this coming?

But I'll be super pissed if this game comes out for the 360, but Champions Online gets the cold shoulder from MS. I was looking forward to CO for a long long time, and I would much rather play that instead of FF XIV.
Champions Online is by Cryptic. And its out next month.
i know its by Cryptic, and its also not coming to 360 because of the same issue SE is talking about.
uhh i just saw a video today that said it is